I love incorporating natural materials into any DIY project for two reasons. 1) You cannot replicate nature and its beauty; 2) Natural products are free and do not cost anything. Good quality faux branches and flowers are expensive. And even though they are pretty, they are not genuine or unique as Nature provides. Have you ever made a wreath using natural materials?

Materials You will Need
Currently, I am still at our cabin in the mountains and resources and supplies are very limited. There is a Walmart about a 25 minute drive from here and often, they are low on inventory. The only wreath frames available are 2 18″ grapevine wreaths for $4.74 each. In addition, I needed a wire cutter for $4.88 and floral wire for $1.47. Any kind of wreath frame will work.

Walmart’s faux floral section is so depleted and what is left, well, let’s just say it isn’t my taste. However, I was recently very inspired by a blog post written by Christine from Designs and Events. She made a wreath using roadside plants and greens. Since I’ve never made a wreath using natural materials, I thought I’d give it a try. Don’t you just love it when someone or something inspires you?

Foraging for Plant Material
The mornings here are crisp and cool now which is a great time to scavenge and hunt for just the right foliage. I do not know the names of these plants and they could be weeds for all I know. But I am looking for different textures, colors and sizes to make sure the wreath is interesting.

Wreath #1

Prep Your Work Space
Armed with my straw basket I set out looking for a variety of cuttings. The oak and aspen trees provide good material for the backdrop of the wreath. When I return home, I spread out a plastic tablecloth to assemble the wreath. Be prepared for a few bugs too.

Fill in the Background
I cut the oak leaves into manageable sizes and wire them to the grapevine wreath. Then I add the aspen greens, tucking them among the oak.

Here is what the wreath looks like at this stage.

Add Different Elements
Next I add this very fall looking flower (not sure the name), tucking the stems in with the greenery.

Using an odd number of sprig groupings, I sprinkle them around the wreath.

Next I add this soft, tubular shaped grass (?) with its sage green tones.

Since I don’t have a glue gun up here, I am tucking the stems in the wire used to secure the oak and aspen leaves. With the grapevine structure, it is easy to slip the stems into that as well.

These dark, rusty red branches already have dried leaves on them. Placing them on the bottom of the wreath, will lead your eye to the center. Another option would be to break them into smaller pieces and scatter them through the whole wreath.

Finding fresh thistle with its purple spikes was a painful delight. They are SO thorny and prickly. Wearing gloves is important while working with them.

So here is Wreath #1. Ribbon would be a great addition however, I failed to buy one.

Wreath #2
With the second wreath I decide to do something a bit loose and less complicated. Using the leftover grasses, I wrap them with the floral wire around the second grapevine form.

Isn’t this just pretty as is?

Using a few pumpkin and amaranthus picks from Walmart for $0.97 each, I only decorate one side. Here are some autumn picks from Amazon.

Here is how Wreath #2 looks!

The fun part of this project is that you can create whatever you want. This is a very cost effective way to make your very own wreath with natural materials for under $10.
Neccesity is the Mother of invention here at the cabin. Not having lots of material available is forcing me to think out of the box. I put the second wreath up by our front door and it looks just perfect there!
Wishing you a fabulous weekend!

If you love wreaths and follow Pinterest, I have a Wreath Board you can find here. As always, if you enjoyed this post, please share with others.

This post shared with Tuesday Turnabout #66
Charming Homes and Gardens #24
To Grammas House We Go Link Party #209
Creative Crafts Linky Party #7
Great project, thanks for joining the Linky Party! Please be sure and join us again this Wednesday (9/23) for our next Linky Party https://bellacraftspublishing.com/creative-crafts-linky-party-8/
So glad you shared this at Charming Homes & Gardens! It’s so inspiring! I love both wreaths and shared them over on Facebook!
Kristin, thank you for sharing the wreaths on Facebook. Such a fun (and very easy) DIY!
Really enjoyed seeing your wreathes. I yard sale and thrift shop for wreathes, but this year, I tried Pillar Box Blue’s hint of winding weeds inside a laundry basket. I made 2 using a nice smelling dusty green “weed” some of which grew5′ tall in my yard. I tied the wreathes with fish line in about 8 places, added yellow tansy to one (the yellow buttons still turned brown, darn!), dried them for 2 weeks. Made one into a spring wreathe, the other into fall. Very pleased with myself. The weeds have gone to seed now and aren’t as pretty; next year, I’m raiding them from the roadside to make a bunch!
Kathy, I like the idea of fishing line to secure them. I would love to see a picture of ones that you have made. If you like, please email them to me at marycrz@cox.net. Sounds lovely.
Lovely wreath ideas for Fall!! I’d love for you to share over at our weekly Wednesday Creative Crafts Linky Party https://creativelybeth.com/creative-crafts-linky-party-7-join-in-the-fun/
Have a great week!
Creatively, Beth
Beth, I try to connect with your link party every week. It seems to be going well so far and happy to be part of it.
Ok, so wreath No..2 is mine!!!! LOL I love both of them I just particularly like 2 because it has that purple faux amaranthus. It’s so pretty with the white pumpkins!
And yes, I L-O-V-E when someone inspires me to do something creative! :-)!!!
I know that purple is your favorite color!!! Thank you so much for weighing in, Gabie!
I knew this wreath would be pretty, Mary, but wow this is stunning! I love all the elements you chose and how you put it all together too. It’s completely amazing! Enjoy your time at the cabin, CoCo
CoCo, thank you so much for your comments! I was surprised on how nice they turned out too!
Gorgeous! Wreath making always reminds me of fall in CT!
I wish we were taking our fall trip there like last year!
Beautiful creations Mary! Thanks for the inspiration! There is so much natural beauty around us….we pass by every day. Foraging for these items also gives us an opportunity to appreciate that beauty while bringing it into our homes. Thinking I will give it a try.
I walk or bike all the time while I’m up at the cabin. However, this foraging experience really forced me to LOOK at all the different plants and grasses. It was really a fun, eye-opening experience. Now I just need to learn the names of everything. Was a fun DIY!
Lovely wreaths Mary! Are you leaving them at the cabin or bringing them south to “dry” out in the heat! Karleen
I will leave them here at the cabin. They are both outside and I think the cooler temperatures is keeping them fresh. However, the thistle went to seed and is spewing fairy-like seeds everywhere. Who knew?
Wow your photos are so gorgeous. I like the bag too. The wreaths are lovely although I feel like I would do a lot of sneezing . You are such an artist.
Andrea, I’ve noticed since I’ve been to the cabin that I seem to breathe better. I don’t know if it’s the bad air quality in Phoenix or my cat, but something down in the Valley gives me a bit of congestion. It would be nice to know the names of what I gathered~who is the person who decided what was a weed and what is a flower? Really happy how they came out. I have hung them both outside and the cooler weather is keeping them nice and fresh.
Wow Mary, these turned out amazing friend! I LOVE them! Heck even the arrangement in the bag is beautiful and I would put that on display. Love your creations!!!!
Chas, I had to laugh at your comment about the bag. I don’t have a basket up here to collect things, so the tote was the nearest thing I could find! I am having to be more creative up here without having the same resources as home.