Random Saturday Morning Thoughts

This week began with my husband going out of town for 4 days. Do I tackle a big project or sit and watch chick flicks and relax? As his plane was departing I was already pulling things out of the “does a hoarder live here?” garage. Two out of the 3 bays are relatively organized, but this one was the dumping site for just about anything. It is embarrassing to show you this picture but here it is.

For 3 full days, I worked countless hours, sorting and organizing and I only put a dent in it. I’m not sure if it was standing on the concrete floor but I was so sore and fatigued after doing this. But I’ve made good progress and now there is some breathing room to work in. How one collects so much stuff, I do not know.

With any luck, I’m hoping the garage project will be finished before the brutal summer heat.

Do you remember I planted a bulb garden in September? In addition to dividing all my irises, I planted nearly 450 bulbs. See post here. I am excited to report that the hyacinths are already showing their purple flowers. The tulips and alliums are breaking ground too!

Since the frost is behind us, it’s time to start planting the Spring garden. The winter vegetables are past their prime. The broccoli and bok choy are starting to bloom.

I yanked all the cauliflower, broccoli, peppers and lettuces that have bolted, in preparation for tomatoes, artichokes, and spring herbs. The chickens love getting the discarded plants. The beds have been cleaned and fresh fertilized soil will be added.

It’s King Cake time! As you may recall, I was introduced to King Cake when I was part of a work crew that went down to Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina (see post here). I make this every year before Fat Tuesday (the day before Lent on Wednesday).

Getting ready to hide the baby in the dough

To learn more about King Cake, Mardi Gras and its tradition, click here.

We are having heavy rains this morning! With 299 sunny days per year, we love and appreciate the rain. This is the first time I’m adding a video link to a post, so hopefully you will be able to view it. We have a rain chain off the master bedroom terrace to slow down the rain run off from the roof. I think it’s mesmerizing to watch in the rain. Make sure to turn on the sound.


Have a wonderful Saturday! Just enjoying my coffee and a quiet morning so far! Do you have any special plans this weekend?

Valentine’s Day Table Inspiration

For many years, we would host our annual Valentine formal dinner party for 12 people. So why not this year? It took me all of January to recover from the holidays! And before I knew it, it’s February. Lack of good planning on my part. Instead, this Valentine’s Day table inspiration is a romantic setting for two.

Sweet pink bowls from my neighbor’s yard sale

What are your Valentine plans? Do you go out to dinner? Stay home and cook a special meal? Nothing?

This year, instead of it being “just another Friday”, I will be making a special dinner for just my husband and me. It is our first Valentine’s Day as empty nesters so it is important to make it unique, right?

Picking the Location

I always find it fun to dine in different areas of our home and property. So this year I selected our front hall to set the Valentine dinner table. We’ve never eaten here before. There is already an existing small drop leaf table and it was easy to just slide 2 chairs over from the adjacent dining room.

Setting the Table

Setting a beautiful table isn’t intuitive for me. I often try several different combinations of chargers, plates and glassware before it feels right. Being a visual person, I need to see it first before it gets the thumbs up.

Since the table is small and the chairs are upholstered, a runner seemed to be the best solution vs. a floor length table cloth. This pink double hemstitched linen one is from Williams Sonoma. It’s a bit long for this table and I experimented with fanning the ends out to tucking it in. I’m clumsy enough without additional tripping hazards!

Upholstered Chairs from Ballard Designs

I do like the look of a charger under the dinner plate. However, the first chargers I selected were way too big, so I settled on these brass ones. Next, what dishes to select?

My very first china set, Juliet from the Romance Collection by Royal Doulton is appropriate for this holiday. This discontinued pattern still brings me great joy. I love the tiny pink flowers in the pattern and consequently, pick pink crystal glasses to match..

If you collect pink glassware, you know the color of the glass can vary from shades of pink to almost orange. I selected the paler pink glass on the left to use as a water glass. The etched pink wine glass is from Pier 1.

Checking for water spots

Silver flatware tends to be my first choice, however, I am fond of this set because it picks up the gold tones on the plate (and doesn’t require polishing!). Napoleon Bee, by Wallace was purchased from Horchow. The gold accent flatware isn’t currently available at Horchow, however, it is on sale at Neiman Marcus.

I tried adding my Valentine garland as table decoration (see post here), but I really didn’t like it. Too kitschy plus it looks much better on the dining room mantel.

Candlelight is a must for a romantic dinner. These low profile brass candlesticks from West Elm are the right size for the table. If you are looking for great tapers, I also recommend West Elm’s.

Decorating the Room

Remember the pink and white balls I hung in the dining room for Christmas? (see blog post here). I thought they would be a fun addition to the front hall. Hung with fishing line, these few balls add a bit of whimsy to the table make the room feel special.

Flowers were a bit of a challenge as there isn’t a great deal of space between the plates. Using mercury glass votive holders from West Elm as small vases, the hydrangeas, wax flowers and greens provide the right height and filler. Fresh flowers from Safeway.

The Results!

Here are some other photos. As a result, I hope you are inspired to select a different location for your romantic dinner this week! Be creative!

If the weather is warm enough, we might even be able to leave the front door open during our candlelight dinner.

Happy Tuesday! Wishing you a glorious day!

This post shared with Between Naps on the Porch Tablescape Thursday #642

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Appreciating the Simple Things

As a result of freak accident, I have been unable to use my computer much so my apologies for not posting recently. Short version of a long story… an Easy Off Grill Cleaner can was accidentally punctured when I opened up an outdoor cupboard and the foam sprayed into both of my eyes. I am recovering quickly from chemical burns on my corneas. The good news is that this shouldn’t affect my vision. I am so lucky that my daughter was nearby and we acted quickly to minimize the damage. All is well and I am so grateful that I can see.

Strange incidents like this make me slow down and appreciate the simple things in life. So the purpose of this blog is to share some beautiful photos and remind you to be thankful for working eyes, ears and body parts.

The weather here in Phoenix has been nothing short of glorious. This time of year our yard is at its best.

The rose garden and its blooms have been very generous this year.

For those of you who received hollyhock seeds last year, I hope you are having success ~~ our hollyhocks are growing EVERYWHERE and have started blooming! I still have many seeds left for anyone interested. Please email me (marycrz@cox.net) with your address and I will happily send you some.

The citrus trees in the orchard have been nearly gleaned and the blossoms fill the air with their heady fragrance. The poppies are showing their pretty faces.

With the warmer weather we’ve had some windy days. Perfect for drying linens on the line.

We have two graduations in May. One daughter will graduate high school and the other college, so I am knee deep in preparations.

You have heard me lament about not having lilacs grow here in Phoenix. I recently ordered very fragrant lilacs from Torchio Nursery in San Francisco. Four gorgeous bundles arrived this week and the smell is amazing. Reminds me so much of spring in Connecticut.

Happy Friday to you! My eyes are getting tired so I will sign off. Wishing you a relaxing weekend!

Setting a Proper Table

There is something satisfying about a stunning dinner table.  It makes your guests feel special and honors the meal soon to be presented.  Unfortunately, in our household we don’t do it enough.  We can rarely get our senior in high school to be hungry at standard meal times. I love setting a proper table, and look for any opportunity to do so.

Click here to see this Prom dinner in the orchard

Lately, there are many Spring table ideas on Instagram and in blog posts.  However, I have noticed that often the table isn’t set properly. And because we are not pulling out the linen, china and crystal often enough, I tend to need a reminder on the proper way to set a table.

Here are some quick and easy reminders.

Where to put Cutlery

Cutlery should line up with the bottom of the charger. Not that you need to go all Downton Abby-ish and use a ruler, but put the bottom of the silverware in line with the bottom of the charger. If you are not using a charger, then line them up with the bottom of the dinner plate.

Size of Tablecloth

The tablecloth drop or overhang should be around 10 inches. I make an exception to this when we do dinners in the orchard as rental linens for rental tables go to the floor.

Seems obvious, but the salad and dinner forks go the left of the plate. Knife, teaspoon, and soup spoon go the the right.  Knife blade always faces the plate.

Image from Casa de Perrin

The photo below is one from the internet. See how the silverware is not lined up with the bottom of the charges. It is very pretty, though!

Source Unknown-maybe Casa de Perrin

Where to Put Glasses

Guests need only two glasses~~one for water and one for another drink (typically wine).  It is okay to use one glass for either red or white wine. The water glass goes above the knife and the other cascades to the right.

Size of Centerpiece

You can be very creative with centerpieces. Flowers are nice, but depending on the them of the dinner, you could use seashells, branches, or just lots of candles. If you do build a centerpiece, please remember that the centerpiece should be 9-10 inches tall, maximum.  Avoid anything that would prevent eye contact across the table.

To see this Valentine dinner party table, click here.
To see this Thanksgiving table, click here.

Table Linens

Putting fabric on a table warms up the space. However, placemats are a nice alternative to a tablecloth. I didn’t use a charger below because it would have dominated the placemat and hung off the edge.

Napkins-use cloth, quality disposables or inexpensive flour sacks or cotton dish towels.  For maximum lap coverage, the best size is 22 x 22 inches.

Seating Arrangements

How to assign seats? Seat each guest next to someone you think they’d have things in common with.  The most VIP person should be seated to the right of the host.  Couples should be seated separately to promote lively conversation.

What dishes to use

You don’t have to use fine or fancy china. Mix and match everyday ware for something a bit different.

White dinner plate is from Pottery Barn; blue plate from Anthropology.

You can make your table setting more formal with place cards, napkin holders, printed menus and chargers.


Here are some tips on chargers.

Chargers should then be taken away with the dinner plate still on top, as this clears the table and leaves it ready for dessert to be served. When serving desserts, chargers are never used. Once all guest are seated, chargers can be removed. Or they may remain on the table throughout the entire length of the meal.

I hope this inspires you to create a beautiful table!

This post shared with Tablescape Thursday #624~hosted by Between Naps on the Porch

Reflecting on 2018

The time between Christmas and the New Year is an interesting one.  I love having less cars on the road, a fluid schedule, and more time with my family. The house is a bit messy but I don’t really care. As this year closes and a new one is ready to begin, it is a good time to reflect on the last 12 months. I am guilty of sometimes thinking ahead, and not spending that necessary time to ponder on what has been.

Here are some of the highlights of 2018:


Most of what we do for entertaining is simple, spontaneous, come on over for drinks and nibbles.  But having scheduled, more formal events forces us to clean a bit deeper, tackle the projects we’ve postponed, and step things up a notch.

It is always such an honor to host a charitable event, where people have a wonderful time for a good cause.  In March, we had our second Afternoon Tea with New York Times Bestselling Author Rhys Bowen. We get to play dress up with our hats and nibble on civilized food, gather with friends all while helping others.

In the spring, our property is at its best.  Flowers are blooming, the trees have their spring buds and the weather is generally perfect.  Hosting Junior Prom for my daughter and her 20 friends, was as much fun for me as it was for them.

Perhaps one of my most favorite events is Valentine’s Day.  We are at an age where we don’t do much as a couple, but having a small group of good friends for a lovely sit-down dinner is just perfect. I tried something different with the table setting and the effect was magical.


I tried some new recipes this year ~~ Key Lime Pie, Lemon Pots de Creme, Madeleines and a gingerbread house.

Before and After

As some of you requested, I posted more Before and After pictures of Bella Terra, including the master bedroom, wine cellar, kitchen, library, mudroom, my girls’ bedrooms and the exterior renovation.

New Vintage Style Kitchen | Kitchen Inspo

Organization Projects

Each year I try and reorganize some cluttered area of the house (there are MANY), and was able to improve both the Butler’s Pantry, the kitchen pantry, and the mud/laundry room.

Personal Achievements

Yes, there were a few milestones this year~~our son’s graduation from college and the beginning of his professional career.

However, I do not miss assembling Ikea furniture at his apartment in Washington, D.C.!

My Willetta house restoration finally sold and the family kindly invited us to their holiday open house. It is such a gift to know this family loves all the hardwork and attention to detail we put into restoring this grand old dame.

All in all, 2018 was a good one for us.  Some years aren’t so gentle, but we are basking in the glow of this one.

Personally, I couldn’t have continued writing this blog without you, my subscribers.  Just when I am feeling discouraged, someone has a generous compliment or comments about a recent post.  I know in this busy world it is difficult to find time to sit down and read about life around here, but I so dearly appreciate it when you do.

As always, I look forward to your comments and criticisms.  With feedback I can only get better. As the year comes to a close, I send you my biggest hugs and lots of quiet, loving moments for your and your family. Thank you for your continuing support and friendship!



P.S. I didn’t provide links to the various blog posts mentioned above, but if you are interested in any topic you can enter it in the search bar.




Beginnings and Endings

I have been out of town for the last week and was unable to send my typical twice weekly blog posts.  But there is a good reason why.

Our oldest child, Benjamin graduated from the University of Virginia in Charlottesville last Saturday.  This is one of the country’s most beautiful educational institutions.  Rich in history with gorgeous architecture (designed by Thomas Jefferson), we have loved visiting him over the past four years.

Below is The Lawn~~a long stretch of grass from the Rotunda to the statue of Homer.  Here is where graduation exercises were held and fortunately the rain stopped just in time.

It’s hard to believe we brought this little rascal home from the hospital 22 years ago. Now, armed with 2 degrees (Economics and Foreign Affairs), he will be starting his first real job in August in Washington, DC.

After four years of rigorous undergraduate studies, he is beginning a new life’s chapter into the world of independence.  Not only is this an important time in life for him, but it is also creates a shift in our family.  Will he be able to come home for the holidays? What about family vacations?  Will he ever need us again?

As we re-imagine the fabric of our family unit, we are happy for his success.  Our whole family attended his graduation and for me, that was the best part~~all of us together in joyful reunion.

Another exciting ending is the sale of the Willetta historical restoration.  As of next Tuesday, this beautiful home will have a young family moving in.  I have remodeled and restored many houses, but this one took the longest to sell.  I truly love this house but in retrospect, never buy the biggest and best house on the street.  The Willetta house was the very first house built in 1922 as a showcase home for the subdivision.  Most of the other homes in the neighborhood were built later, on smaller lots with less square footage.  The architecture of Willetta is one of a kind.  There is no other house anywhere in our area that looks like this.  To read about the restoration, click here.

There are many beginnings and endings in the garden. Tomato production is up, but the artichokes have gone to flower.

The lettuce has bolted, but the melons and cucumbers are starting to produce.

School is officially over and Memorial Day is right around the corner. Spring is gone and Summer is upon us. Whatever beginnings or endings you are celebrating, I wish you and yours a safe holiday weekend.