Creating an Antler Centerpiece

Having 4 talented bloggers come to Phoenix and stay at my home last week was such a treat. There is SO much to tell you, but one of the highlights is the Friday night dinner. They all brought favorite recipes and made dinner for 8. Since we are being COVID respectful, dinner in the orchard seems to be the perfect location for us to gather. I can honestly say it is very fun to have these extraordinary, creative women scouring the house for items to set the table. The set of antlers we recently got from a friend (see post here), was the perfect stimulus for the rest of the table design.

Andrea, Chas, me, Barbara and Chloe

But first let me tell you a little bit about each of my guests. In October 2019, I attended an Inspiration Workshop in Texas at KariAnne’s home (Thistlewood Farms). After the workshop, one of the attendees started a weekly conference call where 5 of us would remain connected and share our blogging knowledge (or inexperience in my case).

Inspiration Workshop October 2019

Over time, a few new bloggers joined the weekly call. When COVID hit, we had our network already up and running. Each week I found myself enjoying our virtual connection in a world promoting lockdowns and isolation.

Long story short, we decided to meet in person here at Bella Terra. I am excited and delighted to host this group. Unfortunately, two members could not attend due to family obligations. Kristin from White Arrows Home wrote a lovely post about why she needed to miss our gathering. You can read it here.

Setting the Table: The Linens

Since Barbara from Mantel and Table and Chloe from Celebrate and Decorate are Tablescape masters, they quickly select the tablecloth (a vintage find embroidered neutral) and a pink linen runner (from Williams Sonoma).

The Dishes

The charger is a ruffled, gold glass one from Leslie Roy, with an additional brass one on top. The plate is my favorite one for fall, Johnson Brothers Windsor Ware. Personally, I have never considered using double chargers, but the layering creates a fabulous and elegant look.

The Antlers

Andrea and Chloe

Take charge Chloe grabs the antlers off the front porch and off she goes to the orchard. Barbara states we need flowers and fruit and off we go to Whitfill Nursery and Safeway. Andrea from Design Morsels and Chas from Chas Crazy Creations help with all the rest~getting the glasses, silverware, chairs, etc. Activity is buzzing in the orchard!

The Stemware

Barbara and Chloe

After selecting the right colors, sizes and shapes of flowers and fruits, Barbara goes to work on adding the final elements to the table.

Flowers and Fruit

Cut flowers from Safeway; snapdragons from Whitfill

Pink stemware picks up the rose color on the plate. The pink glasses are vintage and part of my collection. Larger pink wine glasses are from Pier One Imports. Chrysanthemums, golden flowers and fruit bring the colors of the plate design to the table.

Pomegranates, pears, crab apples and grapes are tucked in among the flowers and antlers.

Using my Wallace Napoleon Bee pattern flatware, the gold accent goes well with the chargers. You can find this stemware on Amazon here.

As a side note, the antlers are sheds, meaning an animal was not killed for them. Elk grow antlers every year and shed their old ones. We will be using these antlers at our mountain cabin, once they are properly mounted.

Even the pink plastic containers holding the snapdragons blend in with the centerpiece. Squares of plastic are placed beneath the pots to prevent the tablecloth from getting soiled.

The Evening

As evening approaches, the lanterns which were a bargain purchase from Home Depot, are used to line the walkway to the table. You can see that blog post here.

What a magical evening! The dinner everyone prepares is so delicious and worthy of another blog post.

Here’s what I learned: When you live with all your belongings, it is difficult to step outside the box and create something new and different. I would never have thought to use the antlers, nor would I have paired it with pink. But look how lovely this table is~a mixture of rustic and elegance! Wish these friends lived closer as I would invite them over all the time to help me do things like this.

Happy Wednesday! For other centerpiece ideas using plants, flower and fruits, check out a previous post here.

If you enjoy this post, please do share it on Pinterest.

This post shared with Charming Homes & Gardens Week 34

Between Naps on the Porch Tablescapes Thursday #634

Property Maintenance

There is nothing better than having house guests to motivate you to spiff up your property. This has been a year of projects, mostly because of being confined to home more than usual. But this year it is necessary to get some of the bigger property maintenance projects done. Last week, I was blessed to have 4 friends come and stay. Since they haven’t been here before, I naturally wanted to make sure our property was in the best condition possible. A great time to finally schedule some overdue maintenance work.

The Well Tower

The well tower siding is redwood clapboard. Every five years it needs to be sanded and re-stained due to the exposure to our brutal summer sun. Peeling, blistering and fading make the structure look tired.

Being a size and shape that is difficult to navigate, I hire my favorite painter, John Cruz to help. John and I have been working together for years. He is my go-to painter for all my home remodels. The quality of his work is excellent and I believe his pricing to be fair. Plus he is fun to be around!

Well tower-After

With the well tower power washed and the sides sanded, it is now ready for stain. The dark green trim is also re-coated, making the final project crisp and ready for another 5 years. To see more information on the history of the well tower and its restoration, click here.

The Barn

Peeling and cracking paint on the barn-before

I haven’t shared much about the barn. Originally home to two horses (long before we owned Bella Terra), the barn is now where furniture is stored. Once the headquarters of 2 Connecticut Yankees, the barn was a fun vintage shop started by me and my friend, Susan. Filled with antiques and old treasures, Susan and I would have a barn sale 2-3 times per year. To see more about 2 Connecticut Yankees, click here.

Fresh paint-After

But life and family responsibilities became bigger priorities and the barn sales stopped. A few of our pieces and treasures are still inside. Some of those pieces can be found in my Store (there’s a tab on the top of my website).


Using Ralph Lauren Barn Red, this structure definitely needed a new paint job. Though Ralph Lauren got out of the paint business in 2017, Sherwin Williams replicates this color. John scraped off the blistering paint, protected the hinges, primed where necessary and coated the entire barn with a fresh red layer.

The posts were primed in gray paint and then new white paint is applied.

Back side of the barn

All the hinges are re-painted with a fresh coat of black. Everything is now looking so much better.

The Hen House

Hen house doors Before

Though the paint, for the most part, still looks good on the body of the hen house, the entry doors need significant help.


Using the same red paint as the barn, John, makes them pop again with his magical brushes.

Miscellaneous Touch Ups

In the interior, all the walls are plaster. Chipped corners happen every year with normal wear and tear. Typically, every October, I will go around the house and touch up the obvious dings in paint. It makes me feel like I am getting the house ready for the holidays. By putting both wall and trim color paint in mason jars, I am always ready to do a quick touch up here and there.

Sprucing up the Planters

Beautiful flowers are now available for planting so we are taking advantage of the abundant assortment to bring color to the yard. Some of our planters have been deteriorating and crumbling and are in need of replacement.

New geraniums and snapdragons are added to the front planter. Fresh containers of chrysanthemums enhance the fall entry. Whitfill Nursery has a great assortment of flowers and planters, if you are in the market.

Though it takes a bit of effort to get all this done, there is something very rewarding when your property looks clean and sharp. Plus after your houseguests leave, the work is done and you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor!

Happy Tuesday! I cannot wait to share the visit with my four blogging friends tomorrow!

If you enjoyed this post, please feel free to share on Pinterest.

This post shared with Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday #616

Traveling Teacup Adventure

US map with teacup routes

How exciting to be part of the Traveling Teacup series. My dear friend, Barbara from Mantel and Table is behind this wonderful way for people to have a shared experience through her beautiful pink rose teacup. What started out as a photo challenge back in March, is now a lovely, civilized way for people to connect during this pandemic. This teacup has traveled far and wide and will continue to do so after it leaves Bella Terra. Stories are told and collected and I hope you enjoy this teacup’s visit to our historic home.

The Teacup Arrives

The teacup arrived at our gates lovingly packaged. I can honestly say I am feeling very responsible for the care and keeping of this cup! Look where it has traveled! Carefully I unpack it and feel a need to introduce this beauty to our home and life. Made in South Korea by Hankook China, this teacup and saucer feels a bit heavier than my other teacups. It has a fun circle handle too, so it is easy to hold. Somewhere along the way, someone names the cup, Tessa Rose.

The Morning Chores

Tea service available in my Store

To start the day, Tessa Rose tags along with me as I do my daily chores. But like for most guests, we pull out the red carpet. Such a beautiful teacup deserves a silver tea service (in my Store). And of course, fresh homemade apple cider donuts. The cider is made from apples from our tree in the orchard (my first time making cider). To get the donut recipe, click here.

After steeping two Twinings Lady Grey teabags, we head out to the hen house and garden. It is a beautiful morning with temperatures in the low 70s. While taking advantage of having tea while I work, I set up a small table just for me and Tessa Rose. I love how the early morning dappled light adds a slight blue cast to the photo.

Using my treasured linens, the table feels extra special for Tessa Rose. To sit and have a cup of tea listening to the clucking chickens and chirping birds is the ideal way to start a day…..in spite of the chores! To see the recent post on how I store an organize my fine linens, click here.

Into the Garden

Next we look in on the garden. Since I recently planted the fall garden, I am checking to see how the new plants are faring. Unfortunately, the birds got to my lettuces and greens, so a cover is applied in hopes to allow the chewed down stubs to grow again. My trusted companion and shadow, Sox wants to be part of the tea party.

Next stop is the hen house to feed and water the chickens. It’s a bit early but a few eggs are available for gathering.

On our way back to the house, I return garden tools to the potting shed. Here is my chance to show Tessa Rose our unique well tower. This historic structure, built in the early 1900s, is home to the original water well. The building is completely restored with a newer well water system. To learn more about this restoration, click here.

During the morning walkabout, I show Tessa Rose a quick peek at our guest cottage and pool house before we head back inside.

Gifts for my daughter

Just Hanging Out

Yesterday was a big baking day! Tessa Rose helps me gather items for my youngest child, Elisabeth. She is a sophomore in college and we hope to connect today so I can give her some goodies~homemade quiche, donuts, sourdough bread, a fall candle and some comfy jammies.

Next we head up to my art studio. A recent request from a friend to donate one of my paintings for a charitable event is a bit of a surprise. I need to pick one, frame it and hope someone will want to buy it!

Tessa Rose keeps me company throughout the day. She is by my side as I write more blog posts, pay bills, sort and organize mail and pack for a trip out of town.

Tessa Rose in the master closet

Day is Done

After a busy day, and in the true Mantel and Table tradition, I thought I would try my hand at an evening cocktail with tea as an ingredient. Using my brother and sister-in-laws’ honey, chamomile tea, gin and fresh lemon juice, we make the Birds and Bees. This refreshing cocktail recipe is from Juan Coronado from The Bazaar, South Beach.

With a long day behind us, Tessa Rose is washed and packed away for her next adventure to Portland, Oregon. Many thanks for Mantel and Table for allowing me the chance to participate in this wonderful teacup adventure! Bon Voyage, Tessa Rose!

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Birds and Bees

This refreshing cocktail is made with chamolie tea, honey, gin and fresh lemon juice

  • 2 teabags chamomile
  • 1/2 cup honey

For the Cocktail

  • 2 oz gin
  • 1 oz honey-chamomile syrup
  • 1 oz. fresh lemon juice
  1. Make the chamomile-honey syrup: Place tea bags in ½ cup boiling water for 5 minutes; remove tea bags, squeezing water from them; discard bags. Add honey and stir to dissolve. Let syrup cool to room temperature. Makes about ½ cup; extra syrup will keep, refrigerated, for up to two weeks.

  2. Make the cocktail: Combine gin, syrup, and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker filled with ice; shake vigorously and strain into a coupe or martini glass.

Happy First Day of Fall 2020

Today fall begins in the United States and everywhere else in the northern hemisphere. The autumn equinox — also known as the autumnal equinox, the fall equinox or the September equinox — occurs when the sun moves directly over the Earth’s Equator, bringing virtually the same amount of daylight and darkness on that particular day. Happy first day of Fall 2020!

Pumpkins, apple cider donuts and sweaters are the things I think of during this season. However, it is still triple digits here in Phoenix and will be for the next week. It’s ghastly. But this seems to happen every year so no one is really surprised. We just like to complain about it.

Since our temps are so high, several of the nurseries haven’t gotten their fall flowers or pumpkins yet. We probably will not see those until October. But in celebration of the end of one season and the beginning of another, I dusted off the autumn wreath and it is officially on the front door.

Spring and Summer Front Door

As you recall, this Spring I stepped out of my comfort zone and painted a new front door color. I am a bit concerned about how other wreaths from different seasons will look up against the blue.

But, boy, do I have to tell you I am L.O.V.I.N.G these fall tones against the new color. I bought this 28″ wreath on Etsy as my challenge is finding a wreath large enough for the 4 foot wide front door. Most wreaths are 18-24″ wide, which is too small for the scale of the door.

Since this is what I would consider an expensive wreath, I take care and store them properly in between seasons. There are two different ways I store my wreaths, click here and here.

Lucky me, orange is the complementary color to blue! So the door color works with the Fall seasonal ones. Yay!

Love this doormat

Now that the highlights of the front porch are the door and wreath, I really didn’t want to add any thing that would compete with this focal point. During my trip to Whitfill Nursery (you know, my happy place), I am able to score some wonderful plants that have a fall vibe.

Henna Coleus is rich with gold and burgundy tones and pick up on the shades in the wreath. Coupled with sweet potato vine the planters now whisper Fall.

At the beginning of the summer, you may recall that I purchased two artificial evergreens to survive on the front porch over the summer. I love that these require NO maintenance and they provide a lovely backdrop for smaller planters. The cedar faux plants have held up beautifully over the summer and I look forward to decorating them at the holidays.

I am a big fan of ornamental grasses, especially the way they look blowing in the wind. Though the 2 containers I purchased from Whitfill did not have a name tag, I am guessing this is Fountain Grass, with delicate mauve feathers.

The natural fall look on the front porch is the opposite of what I typically do, however, I like the calmness of it all.

One of the biggest lessons in 2020 is getting out of our comfort zone. It’s easy to replicate the same look over and over again, but when forced to do something different, the results can be surprising.

The bench by the front door is the perfect place for an orange pillow and throw.

More orange pillows are put on the rocking chairs. Also, Amazon has the greatest selection of orange and fall pillows here.

To see the re-painting of these rockers and the entire porch re-do from May, click here.

What is a front porch with some boots or Sloggers? I really love these gardening shoes/boots, especially with the chicken design. Not only are they comfortable but waterproof too. Trust me on this, you will enjoy these as much as I do. Plus what a great gift for any gardener (thank you, Janie!) Here is the link.

Printable from Anderson + Grant, click here

Front Porch 2020 is a bit less understated than in previous years. That doesn’t mean I may not keep adding fall flowers and pumpkins. But I am enjoying its natural elements and its peaceful serenity.

What are you doing on this first day of Fall 2020? Is it cooling off where you live? Have you started your fall decorating? Tomorrow I hope to make apple cider donuts. Maybe if I do fall things, fall will come.

Happy Tuesday!

If you enjoy this post, please feel free to share on Pinterest.

A Resourceful Fall Table Setting

Since the lifestyle at our mountain cabin is mostly part-time and casual, I do not have an extensive supply of table setting items. It is a bit of a challenge to come up with an elaborate table, with limited supplies. So it’s time to become resourceful!

I am excited to participate in a Welcome Fall Tablescape Blog Hop, hosted by Chloe from Celebrate and Decorate. You will find table inspiration from 20 bloggers at the bottom of this post.

Feeling a bit conflicted because I am here at our cabin without a lot of “things”, I am determined to create a lovely table for this blog hop. And since we aren’t here very often, I really don’t even recall what I have or don’t have. And the scavenger hunt begins!

Start with Linens

Love a bargain!

So I begin the search for linens, dishes, glasses and natural items for the centerpiece. Fortunately, in the kitchen armoire, I discover this unopened Hemstitched linen tablecloth from Willams Sonoma. An obvious bargain purchase, the gold colored tablecloth is the inspiration for this post. You can find similar tablecloths here on Amazon.

Select Your Dishes

Using our every day dishes from Pier 1 imports, the gold tablecloth picks up the yellow in the plate. This when things start to come together!

Centerpiece Ideas?

Fall to me means all the colors of nature~the earth tones of red, yellow, browns and greens. Luckily, I located some artificial autumn leaves in the garage. But after being stored they are wrinkled and curled. With an iron on VERY low heat, I press the leaves that are in the worst condition.

At this point, the gold table cloth seems a little boring to me. What to do? I find a bolt of fabric leftover from a previous project stored in a closet.

The warm tones of the cotton are perfect and I have enough to cut a runner. And the cotton is nice and soft to be made into napkins.

Being here in the mountains, I have access to natural elements like pinecones. I collect a big bowl of them, intent on using them somehow on the table.

Utilizing What You Have

And here is how the table looks! I am pleased that I am able to use what I found around the cabin and didn’t go to any additional expense to put it together. The centerpiece is two sheaths of wheat, the faux fall leaves, pinecones, brass pumpkins, brass candlesticks and numerous votives. If you are looking for brass candlesticks, Amazon has a great selection.

Adding brass elements give it a bit of brightness yet complements the theme. The pinecones become easy place card holders.

I don’t have chargers here, but the burgundy dinner plate anchors the place setting. The fabric runner provides a nice base for all the fall decor.

Night Time Table

At night, the candles create an autumn warmth which gives it a magical feel.

The only stemmed wine glasses we have are numbered, and it’s a good way for people to keep track of their own glass.

For me, the key lesson here is that you can create a pretty table setting with items you already have around the house or in the yard. That bolt of fabric? I hadn’t used it in over 10 years. Now it will become part of my linen collection!

I hope you enjoy this post and thank you so much for visiting today. If you are new to my blog, welcome! For those who have followed me for a long time, I am so grateful for your support. Please let others know if you enjoyed this and share on Pinterest.

Welcome to the Fall Tablescape Blog Hop!

Now onto other Fall Tablescapes! Please check out these other talented bloggers and as always, we love your comments!

Celebrate & Decorate |  Design Morsels | Mantel and Table |Corner of Plaid and Paisley | Home is Where the Boat Is | Belle Blue Interiors|Calypso in the Country | Our Crafty Mom | My Thrift Store Addiction | The Painted Apron|The Little Yellow Corner Store | Sweet Sensations | Living With Thanksgiving | Panoply|Life and Linda | Everyday Living | Bluesky at Home  |Life at Bella Terra | Red Cottage Chronicles | Cozinest 

This post shared with Tuesday Turn About #65

Charming Homes & Gardens #23

Centerpiece Wednesday Karin’s Kottage

To Gramma’s House We Go Link Party #208

Between Naps on the Porch Tablescape Thursday #625

Thursday Favorite Things #456~An Artful Mom

Fun Things at Home Depot

From Home Depot’s Summer Catalog

During a recent trip to Home Depot, I found a few fun things and bargains that I want to share with you. Typically, when I think of Home Depot, lumber, plumbing and hardware comes to mind. But in the last few years, Home Depot has become so much more. Here is a list of some of the fun finds and bargains I discovered. Also, this is not a sponsored post by Home Depot, only my personal recommendations.

If you do not get their seasonal catalog, I would highly recommend signing up for it. Here is an online version of their Summer one, which is chock-a-block full of ideas on summer home decor and entertaining. Granted, many of these products are not in the actual stores, but ordering online is very easy.

If you are doing your summer canning, click this link to see all the supplies Home Depot offers.

Unique tile

Recently, I ordered this beautiful green tile for our barbecue backsplash from Home Depot. They have an extensive tile collection on their website. Their stores tend to inventory what is popular or a best-selling item, but if you are looking for something unique and different, try their website. If you missed the blog post on the BBQ project, please click here.


During my latest trip I picked up these fabulous outdoor lanterns. They are 22″ tall. This must be the clearance price, but the cost is $12.98 each. I purchased two and went back and bought the remaining 3. When I first checked, they were available online at the price. But I believe they are now out of stock online. However, you may only get this price at the store level. Check out the inventory in your local store too.

Think of all the different ways they can be used for fall and Christmas decorating!

Even the smaller 14″ lantern sitting next to this one on the shelf, was more expensive (regular price $24.98 reduced to $16.00). Go figure.

Right now, they are sitting outside on the covered porch of the cabin. The battery operated candle is not included, but I have several of those anyway. Isn’t this just a steal? It feels so good to get a bargain!

Halloween Items


In the fall, Home Depot also has the BEST selection of Halloween items. A few years back, I ordered several fun decorations, all done from the comfort of my home. They were ready for me to pick up at my local store~~which now with their curbside pickup makes shopping a breeze. It appears that Halloween items will be available after August 1.


Check out the variety of entertaining items in their catalog! Their photos are beautifully staged and they also include a recipe for Grapefruit Rosemary Cocktail.

With the holidays coming, Home Depot’s prices are so affordable for glasses, dishes and serving pieces. Check out some of the fun items here.

And look how cute these blue and white melamine plates are? Perfect for outdoor use or pretty enough for indoor entertaining too!

I’m not sure how much holiday entertaining any of us will be doing, but check out these sweet oversized red and white dish towels for $2.49 each. Aren’t they ideal for wrapping baked goods or lining a gift basket. The online price is less than the catalog at$18.00 for 8 ($2.25 each).

Another fun find is a set of ceramic dinnerware that I purchased for our cabin. This is the first time I have ordered dishes from Home Depot, and am delighted with this set. Online price is $116.12 for the 16-piece set.

Certified International-A Woodland Walk 16-Piece Country/Cottage Grey and Sepia Ceramic Dinnerware Set (Service for 4)

Outdoor Furniture Covers

Finding a good quality outdoor furniture cover is a challenge for me. They are not inexpensive and often, made of plastic, which doesn’t last more than one season. This new purchase from Home Depot is an attractive brown and beige fabric. It’s large size can accommodate a big table and 6-8 chairs.

This cover has handles and a venting system on either end. So far I am impressed with the quality and the roomy construction. Let’s see if it will survive the elements. So if you are looking for outdoor furniture covers, the collection online is rather extensive. Online price for this one is $41.98.

If you click on the links I provided, it will take you to the Home Depot website. If you decide to buy something, I may get a small stipend at no cost to you!

Home Depot’s fall catalog will be mailed sometime in August so keep your eyes open for it. Now with more online ordering and curbside pickup or home delivery, you can truly enjoy the vast number of fun Home Depot items.

This post shared with Thursday Favorite Things #450 with An Artful Mom