Ringing in the New Year!

Dost thou love life? Then do not squander time, for that’s the stuff life is made of.  ~~Benjamin Franklin

Holiday decorations started coming down yesterday. It is tradition to leave them up until the Epiphany (January 6th). Technically, my “new” year starts this week. It feels good to get back into a schedule!

Here are my top priorities for 2020!

Being more organized and efficient.

Perhaps my most productive time in life was when I was working in corporate America and the senior management team had to go through the Covey Leadership 3-day seminar. Who remembers the 7 Habits of Highly Effective People? For years I used this system and it was brilliant.

I decided to implement this again. The action of writing it down seems to keep me on task. Doing it on a computer or phone doesn’t give me the same sense of commitment. If I can stick to this for 2020, it will be a highly productive year.

Upping my exercise routine.

My family genetics tends to favor plump vs. lean and as a result, I have exercised most of my life. Currently, I do Pilates twice per week and go to the gym 2-3 days a week. I am reading the book, Younger Next Year (which I highly recommend for anyone over 50) which provides compelling information on how to live brilliantly for the next 3 decades or more. If you are interested in turning back the biological clock, this is for you!

Just remember….The human body is the ONLY machine that breaks down if you don’t use it. Sitting is the new smoking. Move. Get up and get active. Become engaged. Let’s encourage each other!

Tackling a few BIG house projects is a must in 2020.

The barn, guest cottage and well tower need exterior maintenance~~painting, staining, etc. The garage is going to be my January/February project~~what a mess that is. The back staircase that I wrote about months ago, still hasn’t been completed. The front fountain needs significant repair. The priority to-do list is currently being created. However, I don’t want to feel overwhelmed or financially drained so I am spreading out the projects over the course of the year.

Act like a tourist locally.

Waiting to be seated at a very cool, small Thai restaurant in Phoenix

When my son is in town, we do more local, fun things that we didn’t know existed. Benjamin has an ongoing list of places he wants to visit. But when he is not here, we tend to get stuck in our comfort zone~~same restaurants, same destinations, same, same, same. I would like to, at least monthly or quarterly, try something/someplace/some destination that is NEW to us.

Appreciation, Gratitude and Kindness.

The world has become such an ugly place, hasn’t it? I feel we need to do our part to seek the beauty and loveliness of life. There seems to be so much hatred out there. I don’t know of anyone who has made a good decision based on hateful emotions.

So please join me in being the force that makes a difference. When someone is rude to you, don’t be rude back. If someone is frowning, smile at them. If someone is spewing political abhorrence, don’t give them an audience. Kind and loving gestures are FREE and have rewarding results for all!

Updating My Blog and Website

I have so enjoyed writing this blog and for the last few years. It’s been personally rewarding and worthwhile. I can’t even begin to tell you how much your comments and feedback mean to me. I read each and every email or remark from you. However, like with most things in life, I want to get better. Be better. I will be seeking new ways to improve my site and hopefully you will be happy with the results.

I don’t advertise on the blog, nor am I getting money from sponsors. What I write is meant to be shared with you, in hopes that it will brighten your day, inspire or encourage you to try something new.

Spreading a positive, genuine, and informative message is my goal. Now, more than ever, we need to support each other….to find the true meaning in what makes us happy and fulfilled. That’s the goal, right? Let’s share with others who are seeking the same sense of satisfaction and quality of life.

Since I have started the blog, I have improved my photography skills, learned about technology in ways I wouldn’t have, but there is still so much more to learn. In 2020, I am committed to improving upon the foundation that has already been laid. Up to this point, I’ve been a hobby blogger. I am hoping, with more focus and hard work, that I can expand my reach to many more.

My success comes from you. I appreciate all your support and hopefully you have told your friends to check out Life at Bella Terra. I am on Instagram @lifeatbellaterra and do some (rather little) on Facebook, mostly because it’s just me. No staff. No paid managers. No assistants. If you like what I am doing, please spread the word.

Of course, I have other smaller resolutions in 2020~~drink more water, learn to cure olives, and improve my hands/nails (notice how you rarely see my hands in any photos?).

What are your goals and aspirations for 2020. It’s a new decade and time marches on, doesn’t it? All the more reason to set forth in a positive and uplifting manner. Let’s do this!

Happy New Year!

It is hard for me to believe that we are beginning a new decade. It feels like yesterday that we were celebrating the beginning of a new century. The concept of time is so fleeting, isn’t it? In a blink, 20 years has passed.

College campus visit to William & Mary

Most “new” years, I am excited for the fresh beginning, the anticipation of new challenges and looking forward and ahead. 2019 was a year full of life changes and I am still trying some on for size. Empty nesting, especially. Having our youngest leave for college in the fall has been unsettling for me. But I know different opportunities and a clearer path will come into focus for me in 2020. Ambiguity is not my strong suit.

This is the first time in my life I have thought about this ~~ I have more decades in my rear view mirror than I have ahead. I recently spoke with an older friend of mine who stated the hardest thing about getting older is feeling irrelevant. The reality of empty nesting has me also pondering the concept of aging and where I fit in the world. This discussion could be an entire blog post!

But enough of that! As much as I love the holidays, I am ready to get back on track. The indulgences over these last few weeks have been marvelous, but my body craves the routine of healthy eating, accomplishing goals and outlining next steps.

In reviewing the past year, the most popular blog post was my son’s bedroom remodel. Since 2020 will require additional maintenance to Bella Terra, I hope to feature more “re-done” spaces. This year the well tower will need to be repaired, re-stained and deep cleaned. The garage needs a complete overhaul. It has been one of those spaces where you shove everything in and then close the door. I am determined to clear it all out, donate as much as possible and re-configure the space so we can actually use it to park our cars!

We are pretty boring New Year’s Eve types. I am happy to watch the ball drop in New York City at 10:00 p.m. our time and then head to bed. I prefer to greet the new year with a good night’s sleep and then an early morning hike or vigorous walk. The days of dancing and partying until actual midnight are fond, yet distant memories.

Whatever you do to celebrate the New Year, or perhaps you just want it to quietly slip into your life, I wish you and your family joy, love and good health.

Merry Christmas Eve

My front door wreath in 2009

Even though I don’t feel like I’ve completed everything for this holiday, I have an odd sense of calm about it. The magic of Christmas happens regardless. Today, I am just enjoying the rainy day and the blessings the season brings.

I can’t believe another decade is ending soon. What will the next 10 years bring? Ten years ago, motherhood was my primary role as the children were 14, 12 and 8. And just like that ~~ two have graduated college and are financially independent and the third just finished her first college semester.

Last year’s Christmas dinner table

The holidays can be very challenging and lonely for some. I recognize that life isn’t as glorious as portrayed on social media or Pinterest. It’s not easy to forget those holidays when I mourned the loss of loved ones or struggled with other personal pain. But when you have a good year, it should be celebrated.

My goal for the rest of 2019 is to live purposefully and with intention. When the children were small, I often told them to replace the words “have to” with the words “get to”. And better yet, add ” I am lucky I get to…..”. Whether it means washing the dishes, doing laundry, or wrapping gifts, if we just change our perspective and take joy in the simplest of chores, then it doesn’t feel like such a burden.

When we lighten our loads, we create space to be joyful with others. So, this morning, I “get to write a blog post”. I feel so lucky that you have chosen to follow Life at Bella Terra. Your comments and feedback are inspiring. You are my gifts this Christmas. My appreciation and gratitude is deep.

Wherever you are in the journey of life, I wish you and yours, from the bottom of my heart, a blessed, stress-free, and loving holiday.

My Gingerbread House

Last year I made my first gingerbread house. It was such a rewarding, creative experience that I was looking forward to it again this year.

There are many gingerbread house dough recipes online. Unfortunately, since I didn’t take notes, I do not recall which recipe I had used for the dough last year.

I googled a Martha Stewart recipe and proceeded forward. The dough is very spicy and flavorful; but it was like rolling concrete, not the soft, fragrant dough from a year ago.

In thinking I had screwed up the recipe somehow, I made a second batch. It was equally difficult. At this point, I was ready to quit. But I wasn’t going to let impossible dough deter me. After some serious effort and sweat (picture me using all my weight on the rolling pin), the dough was flat enough to be used. This was NOT the experience I had last year.

You can make your own templates or get various ones online. The templates I used were purchased in the 1990s and had no instructions. Thankfully they were labeled.

The smaller pieces I cut on the counter as the larger ones were done in place on the cookie sheet, so I didn’t have to move them and risk breakage.

Baking resulted in some of the edges not being square so this was easily fixed with a paring knife.

A large cardboard base covered in aluminum foil was the foundation of the project.

The window panes were made from butterscotch candies. Last year I used yellow cellophane. First time I have done this and it was super easy.

Candies were smashed into bits and then poured onto parchment paper in the rough form of the windows.

In a few minutes, the candies melted in the oven. After cooling, they readily peeled off.

After all the pieces were baked and windows made, construction begins! There are several recipes for Royal icing for gingerbread construction. Three simple ingredients ~~confectioners sugar, egg whites and cream of tartar makes a sturdy glue. Applying with a pastry bag was helpful.

Windows were glued to the inside of the walls.

Time and patience are essential next. It is important to wait for the royal icing to dry after each section is glued together or collapse is inevitable.

Before the roof went on, battery operated fairy lights were placed inside.

This was the fun part for me~~decorating the outside with various candies and confections, pretzels and coconut.

The chimney is coated in chocolate bark. Hershey chocolate pieces and pretzels adorned the windows and corners.

With the extra gingerbread dough, I made trees, the owners and a wreath.

Here is the finished product.

My piping skills need improving. What was I thinking when I did the shorts on the gingerbread man? LOL!

Happy Saturday! Trying to minimize the stress of knowing Christmas is only 4 days away. Wishing you a wonderful weekend!

Countdown to Christmas

This week we had our annual neighborhood board holiday party. Nothing like having guests to motivate you to get things done! Unfortunately, I failed to take any great pictures, as I was too busy setting everything up. Photos taken in natural light are the best and of course, these were done in the evening.

In addition to a sampling of hors d’hoeurves and desserts, I served a light supper of turkey chili (see recipe here) and homemade cranberry/cherry walnut sourdough bread. Even though it was a crisp evening, the back terrace and the full moon provided the perfect backdrop for the festivities.

The house is almost completely decorated. I keep adding things as I go, but I am happy with what we did this year.

View from master bedroom terrace overlooking the pool house at midnight with a full moon

Each year we send out Christmas cards and my deadline is to get them in the mail no later than December 15th. The cards arrived yesterday from Minted late in the day so guess what I am doing this weekend. This is the first year we had Minted put the addresses on the envelopes. I kept an updated address spreadsheet this year and I am happy we went to the additional expense to have them do the addressing.

Making a gingerbread house last year for the first time was such fun! The goal is to make another this week. Hoping for successful results!

Here are some photos of the holiday decorations around the house. Every year I always hope to do a video tour but that never seems to happen!

Instead of wrapping light strands in the fresh garland on the bannister, I used remote controlled candles on each step.

The living room mantle, like the dining room, has a bit of a tree theme. The challenge with this mantle is the depth~~garland alone tends to look a bit wimpy. I added faux red berries and greens to beef it up.

The homemade stockings are typically stretched out along the mantle. This year I gathered them to one side, which I like better.

Pillows from Pottery Barn and Ikea dress up the living room sofa.

The front entrance is my husband’s project as he puts up the numerous trees that line the entry.

Battery operated candles are in each window, something my mother would do every year at our home in Connecticut.

This next week will be last minute shopping, baking cookies, making my gingerbread house, and creating a Christmas dinner menu. It’s a bit difficult not to get swept up into the anxiety of the holidays. The magic of Christmas happens every year and I keep assuring myself that it will all come together and just B-R-E-A-T-H-E.

Happy Saturday!

My Holiday Dining Room

I am so excited to share the holiday changes to our dining room this year. Every year, literally, every year, I have done the same thing when it comes to holiday decorating.

When your holiday decorating is repetitive, it’s difficult to imagine the space differently. I was a bit stumped on what to do but somehow it just magically came together!

Here are photos of the dining room in previous years ( I think my photography skills have improved a bit!). The dining room has always been where we displayed the countless snow globes we have. Since I have been buying one for each child X 3 children up to age 21, you can do the math. We have ALOT of snow globes.

Cleaning a Crystal Chandelier

The glittery village has continually occupied to top of the buffet lending to the general snow/winter theme in this room.

But this year, being our first as empty nesters, I decided not to unpack the snow globes or glitter houses.

Ordering a 100 foot roll of garland*, I decided to use the fresh cedar greens on the mantle. Over the summer we had the room painted a clean white and added 2 white upholstered chairs in attempts to lightened the impact of the dark dining room table (which I would love to change).

The expensive Oriental rug has been in our family for a very long time so I don’t see it being replaced anytime soon. With deep tones of cranberry and some pinks, it made sense to keep the decorations in that color category.

The blush bottle brush trees are from Pier 1 Imports. The selection of bottle brush trees at Michaels was pathetic so I was delighted to find these at Pier 1. The glittery gold trees are from Pottery Barn purchased last year.

The pink and white snow ornaments are from Michaels and are hung from the chandelier with fishing line.

I love our white chairs from Ballard Designs and added the boxwood wreaths (also from Ballard Designs) with a sheer green ribbon pinned to the top of the chair.

The buffet will be filled with food for the holidays so it was left undecorated this year. I will be adding some fresh cut flowers and greens for our holiday event tomorrow evening. My sweet husband polished all the silver which makes the room sparkle.

Overall, the decorations feel cleaner and lighter this year.

I hope you enjoyed the decorating changes made to the dining room. Enjoy this beautiful Tuesday and keep jolly!

*Greens purchased from Torchio Nursery at the San Francisco Flower Market.