Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday, friends! I hope your Thanksgiving was as wonderful as mine. From the food to the family to the weather, it couldn’t have been more perfect! I am so happy you are joining me this morning for Saturday meanderings~a glimpse into the previous week’s activities.

The Turkey

We always buy a big turkey for this holiday. Whole Foods provided the 22 pound organic bird. When I picked it up, I asked if the butcher could break it down for us, however, the turkey (though fresh) was too frozen to cut it apart. This is the first Thanksgiving my son is able to convince me to try cooking it this way. So Benjamin (a big, strong guy) googled how to break down this bird and I can say, it isn’t for weaklings. So happy he is home to do this!

Again, we used the dry brining method on the turkey 2 days prior to cooking. This year we added a different dry brine recipe that has many more spices.

I can honestly say this is the BEST TURKEY EVER! Cooking a 22 lb. turkey took 2.5 hours. And it is delicious! Moist breast, crispy skin, perfectly cooked thighs….just yummy.

Here is the link to the Bon Appetit recipe in case you want to try this. Also, I highly recommend you have your butcher break down the bird or find a handsome, strapping young fellow to do so.

The Table

The weather has been very chilly (for us) in the mornings, but the day time temperatures are perfect. On Thanksgiving Day it was 71 degrees and we decided to set up the table outside on the back terrace. We’ve never eaten our holiday meal there, so it was very pleasant and gave us the space we needed.

Calligraphy place cards

My son’s girlfriend, Delaney did the lettering for the place cards. Aren’t they pretty? Calligraphy will be on list of new things to tackle in 2021. Anyone else want to do that?

The Cocktail

Jungle Bird Cocktail

I love this picture so much that I thought I would share this cocktail. Created in the 1970s at the Kuala Lumpur Hilton, the Jungle Bird is a tropical rum cocktail featuring a bitter hint of Campari. Recipe below.

The Desserts

Our dessert selection includes pumpkin and cherry pie. My husband is responsible for the pumpkin as he has his “secret” recipe. The cherry recipe is straight from Oregon Fruit’s website. No fancy cakes this year.

Cashmere Problems

With the change in temperature, I find myself reaching for sweaters to wear in the morning. One of my favorite gray cardigan is cashmere and when I put it on I discovered dreaded moth eaten holes. I’ve never had moth damage in the closet before. Sadly, we also have a cedar closet and some of the items in there have moth damage too.

So after reading a blog post from Between Naps on the Porch, she suggested buying a cashmere bag to store your sweaters. I will try this and see if it works for the very few remaining cashmere sweaters that I have.

Christmas Jammies

Striped pajamas from Soma

As you well know, Christmas holiday decor and celebrations do not start here at Bella Terra until after Thanksgiving. In order to welcome in the new season, I just bought these fun red/white striped pajamas from Soma. The pants have pockets and a drawstring waist~so very comfortable. Even though these pajamas are featured in their catalog, I could not find them online. However, the store at the Biltmore Shopping Center does have them in stock. Plus Soma has an extensive collection of other pajamas online.

Family Photo Holiday Card

Does anyone else have difficulties getting the family together for a photo? At least this year we didn’t have to google how to set the timer and have someone run back to the group before the camera clicks! Anyway, it is time to write the family holiday letter and get the card created. The annual goal is to get cards in the mail by December 15th.

Well that wraps up the week. If you are a reader, please check out my post this week on Reading and Relaxing here. Please enjoy the last few days of November. The holiday decorating begins and next week I want to show you the gorgeous mantels my blogging friends created! Stay safe and warm!

The Jungle Bird cocktail

The Jungle Bird cocktail dates back to the 1970s, when it was served as a welcome drink to visitors of the former Kuala Lumpur Hilton, which opened in 1973. The cocktail was crafted by Jeffrey Ong inside the hotel’s Aviary Bar, hence the drink’s name, and is said to have been served inside a porcelain bird-shaped vessel.

  • 1 1/2 ounces dark rum
  • 3/4 ounce Campari
  • 1 1/2 ounces pineapple juice
  • 1/2 ounce lime juice freshly squeezed
  • 1/2 ounce demerara syrup
  1. Add all the ingredients to a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.

  2. Strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice.

  3. Garnish with a pineapple wedge.

Reading and Relaxing

With the onset of cooler weather, what better way to relax than to curl up with a great book and a blanket? Add a cup of tea and I’m in! Even though I read every night before bed, I long for lazy days where I can do so for hours on end. It has been too long since I have posted about reading and relaxing, so here is my latest list.

Isn't this a lovely sight? To see a child curled up with a book. | Livre de  lecture, Idée lecture, Lecture

My son’s girlfriend is here for the Thanksgiving holiday and we are talking books. There are so many I love and so many that have fun stories attached. Today I want to share some of the new books I am read and ones that I would definitely read again.

Because the world is already filled with complicated nonsense, you won’t find me reading about anything political or socially divisive. My reads are ways to get lost in the chapters of a book that is pure entertainment with some knowledgeable tidbits built in.

Latest Reads

Once I find an author I like, I tend to read each and every book they have written. Elin Hilderbrand is an American writer who novels typically are set in or around Nantucket. She recently branched out with her trilogy set on the Caribbean island of St. John. If you are looking for an escape from reality, you will love these!

  • Winter in Paradise~link here
  • What Happens in Paradise-link here
  • Troubles in Paradise-link here

Another series ( 4 books) is Elin’s Winter Street Inn series. Set in Nantucket around the holidays, this is the perfect series to read this time of year. Since we will be visiting Nantucket in June 2021, I am enjoying this immensely.

Winter Street
  • Winter Street~link here
  • Winter Stroll~link here
  • Winter Storms~link here
  • I’ve yet to read Winter Solstice~link here

I love a good psychological crime thriller. Caroline Mitchell is a #1 International Best selling author. Her book, Silent Victim (which I haven’t read) has been #1 seller on Amazon. This set of 3 books is based on Detective Inspector Amy Winter and her sorted past.

A DI Amy Winter Thriller
  • Truth and Lies~ link here
  • The Secret Child~link here
  • Left for Dead~link here
  • Not published yet Flesh and Blood

Oldies but Goodies

If you love art and history, this is a must read. I read this book before we took a Baltic Sea cruise. When we toured St. Petersburg, Russia and went to the Hermitage, this book proved to be invaluable. Truly, one of my favorites. The Madonnas of Leningrad written by Debra Dean. Click here for the link.

The Madonnas of Leningrad: A Novel by [Debra Dean]

A recent magazine of this next book is as follows: Perhaps the ultimate quarantine read . . . A Gentleman in Moscow is about the importance of community; the distance of a kind act; and resilience. It’s a manual for getting through the days to come. Old hotel, history, what’s not to love? A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles. Link here.

A Gentleman in Moscow: A Novel by [Amor Towles]

I recently recommended this book to a friend and she is loving it. Probably the best page turner I’ve come across……ever. What makes this even more exciting is that this is the first novel this author, Karen Cleveland has written. The author is a former CIA analyst in counterterrorism and uses her knowledge in her books. Need to Know by Karen Cleveland. Link here.

Need to Know: A Novel by [Karen Cleveland]

Local Favorites

My sweet neighbor and friend, Barbara Hinske recently left the practice of law to pursue her career as a full-time novelist. Barbara lives in one of those gorgeous houses that inspired her Rosemont series. Not only is she a wonderful person, but she loves gardening, cooking, decorating and of course, writing.

Restoring What Was Lost: The Seventh Novel in the Rosemont Series by [Barbara Hinske]

I am currently reading the 7th book in the Rosemont series. Click here for the link. This series needs to be one on the Hallmark channel. Stunning old house, crime and mystery, friendships, love and loss, her novels have it all.

Guiding Emily: A Tale of Love, Loss, and Courage by [Barbara Hinske]

Guiding Emily is inspired when Barbara toured The Foundation for Blind Children, which is a state of the art facility here in Phoenix. Such a great story and the link is here.

Naturally this could be a much longer blog post as I love to read. My dear friend, Kristin from White Arrows Home posts her favorite books more frequently than me. To see more book recommendations from Kristin, click here.

What are you reading? Please do share! I wish all of you a very Happy Thanksgiving. With some hopefully planned down time, you will find me curled up and reading.

Giving Thanks

During this time of year, I feel the struggle between the slower pace of autumn and the frenzy of the upcoming holidays. The rhythm of the seasons, the changing of the temperature, and the harvest are all reasons to stop, reflect, enjoy and to give thanks.

I long for the days where the start of Christmas was the day after Thanksgiving. The retail push gets earlier and earlier every year. Even though I do understand those wanting to be the first to share their Christmas design, decor and all things to buy, I miss the slower pace of just enjoying November. To see a previous post on my love for November, click here.

Photo from my sister, Susie

I love Thanksgiving because there are no gifts, just family, friends, food (and football if you like). Planning for the meal, creating a beautiful table setting and breaking bread together, makes it an extra special holiday. A time to reflect on the previous months of the year, a time to reflect on the blessings of life, a time to gather.

Thankful for my Community

Just a few days ago, our local police commander put out an appeal for turkey donations, as our food bank is short for Thanksgiving this year. A few members of our neighborhood board donated money and yesterday, my son and I went to Costco to buy frozen turkeys.

Unfortunately, when we arrived in the meat area, there is a sign indicating a maximum of 5 turkeys per customer. After speaking with a manager and the head of the meat department, we packed 16 turkeys into the shopping cart and headed to check out.

When we arrived at the police station, the reaction from Officer J.B. Klima is pure joy when he saw the trunk of my car filled with turkeys. It is heartwarming to see a big refrigerated truck in the parking lot of the police station filling with turkeys.

I am grateful to live in a neighborhood where people take an active role in caring for others and step up when there is a need. And what a fun experience for me to share with my son!

Thankful for My Health

Hiking in Colorado

During a year when health is top of mind for everyone, I am so grateful for my health and vibrance. Much of it has to do with genetics, but also I do try to take care of myself (for the most part). Naturally, there is always room for improvement, but having a positive attitude, remaining connected, eating correctly and exercising helps the situation.

There are many things you can do to feel better, look better and not get sick. If you haven’t read my blog post on 10 Tips on Aging Well, please do. Also, with flu season around the corner, please check out my 10 Tips to Stay Healthy. I wrote this before the pandemic, but it still applies. Together, let’s commit to a healthier 2021.

My Family and Friends

My family is my life. Raising 3 rather amazing children (if I don’t mind saying so) and having a life partner who supports me and all my interests, is the fiber of my being. On Thursday, everyone will be home for Thanksgiving and I am so excited to share time together.

Unfortunately, both my parents are gone, and my siblings don’t live nearby. But when we connect through phone calls and emails, I look back on my childhood fondly and am happy to have many years of fun memories with them.

What would we do without our girl friends? Last Saturday I spent a spontaneous day with my friend, Barb and it was balm for the soul. It’s been hard to really laugh this year, but we did and boy, it was exactly what we needed!

Thankful for You

I can honestly say that I love writing this blog. But often, after I press the SEND button, I have a moment of anxiety thinking that no one will read it, and no one will like it. However, you are the best subscribers anyone could have. Your kind comments and feedback are the food I need to just keep writing. Hearing that you’ve made one of my recipes or tackled a DIY project is music to my ears.

Plus, I am always so thrilled when you refer this blog to someone else. We all need to pull together, share beauty, and keep each other’s spirits up. An unexpected gift is that I have made many new friendships through blogging.

So as we approach Thanksgiving (with or without Christmas decorations), let’s take a moment and be still. Know I am thankful for you and grateful for all that God has given me. Sending warm hugs to you!

Saturday Meanderings

Burgundy Hollyhocks

I so look forward to this Saturday Meanderings post because I have SO much to share with you! Houseguests have left and I was anticipating more for Thanksgiving. However, an unexpected physical injury occurred and unfortunately they are not coming. Thankfully my family loves turkey because I have ordered a BIG one. Here is what else has been happening this week.

Gardening Update

What used to be kale

Typically we do not have critters that infest the garden. However, this year my kale and some of the other greens have been eaten down to the ground. On four separate occasions, I have planted new kale starters only to find them munched on ~ over and over again. Using those heart traps, we caught 2 rats (ewww). Who knew they like kale?

Swiss chard~bug damage

And now something is eating holes in my Swiss chard. So I put out two bowls of beer at ground level. Both bowls have successfully lured caterpillars, crickets and slugs. It seems like a humane way to get rid of them~drowning in a good IPA.

Curled tomato leaves

The weather went from summer to winter with temperatures in the high 30s to low 60s. But we are back up to the mid-to-high 80s. The plants are so confused. Tomato leaves are curled from the chilly temperatures with ripening fruit on them. So strange.

And the hollyhocks, which typically bloom well after the holidays, are starting to show their ruffled blossoms.

With this warmer weather, the chickens are laying up a storm. Yesterday I gathered 14 eggs from the hen house. So if you are nearby and want fresh eggs, please let me know. Once the weather cools down and the days are shorter, the egg laying will slow down. And don’t you just love all the natural colors of the shells?

Fun New Recipes

Spinach and goat cheese quiche

There is something very therapeutic about baking. With so many eggs, I made two quiches with spinach, shallots, ham and goat cheese. Not really following any recipe, I just use eggs, heavy cream (sometimes with low fat milk too), sautéed spinach/shallots (and squeeze out excess water) and goat cheese.

I did try a new pie crust recipe that was super easy from Confetti and Bliss. The author wrote perfect instructions and this pie crust takes 30 minutes from start to finish, including refrigeration. Here is the link to the recipe.

Pear tart before baking

With the leftover pie crust dough, I decided to try making a tart with pears. I love pears and this tart is another simple, delicious recipe. Even though I have possessed this square tart pan for years, I have never used it. Just perfect for this particular recipe, but I am sure you can adjust it to accommodate apples, too. The recipe is from Food Network~click here.

After baking

In my Holiday Gift Guide (see post here), Mad Dash Mixes is offering my readers a 10% off on their Host Bundle. They sent me some samples to try and this week, I made their Cheesy Chicken Enchilada Soup. Typically I make all our food from scratch, but these mixes are PERFECT on those nights or weekends when you just don’t feel like cooking. Here is their home page (click here) and if you use BELLATERRA10, you will get an additional 10% off your order.

Mad Dash Mixes soup

All that is required is a can of tomato sauce, milk, water, chicken (can use canned or rotisserie) and shredded cheese. I did add a can of black beans for extra protein. Topped with avocado and cilantro, this is just yummy. Great gift for the holidays!

New Bakery in Town

Europa Pastry

This particular bakery was a favorite and they closed their doors years ago. I am so excited that they have finally re-opened and are located right next door to where I take Pilates. Exercise an hour at Pilates and then go to the bakery. Perfect, right?

Thanksgiving cookies

This European bakery, called Europa Pastry has a fine assortment of typical treats from across the pond. Plus they have the pastries my grandmother (from Poland) used to make! Check them out: Europa Pastry at 6522 N. 16th Street, Phoenix. And they serve coffee drinks too. Always want to help our local businesses.

Hand Carved Mounting

My goal for our mountain cabin decor is to add more of a European/Black Forest look. We just received the mounting mechanism for the huge elk antler sheds (see post here).

This beautiful, totally hand carved, chestnut panel, with carved oak leaves and acorns, is ideal for mounting all types of antlers. Apparently the owner of this company has relatives that makes these in Europe and he imports them to the US. Here is the resource.

Right now the elk antlers are being used as holiday decorations, so it will be a while before we can take them up to the cabin and properly mount them. To see the centerpiece using the antlers that I posted this week, click here. Will share the holiday mantels with you next week.

A Great Costco Find

These amaryllis come in a 3 pack. The base is a wax ball that apparently contains everything the amaryllis needs. There is no water or soil at all. This one has been sitting on the kitchen window sill and is now almost in full bloom.

You cannot buy them online, however, I believe they are available in Costco stores. Here’s the link to the description online. My husband seems to think he paid about $20 for the three.

Well, that’s a wrap! I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend. Stay healthy and safe out there. Next week is Thanksgiving and I am hanging onto the last days of autumn. Sending big virtual hugs to all.

Creating an Antler Centerpiece

Having 4 talented bloggers come to Phoenix and stay at my home last week was such a treat. There is SO much to tell you, but one of the highlights is the Friday night dinner. They all brought favorite recipes and made dinner for 8. Since we are being COVID respectful, dinner in the orchard seems to be the perfect location for us to gather. I can honestly say it is very fun to have these extraordinary, creative women scouring the house for items to set the table. The set of antlers we recently got from a friend (see post here), was the perfect stimulus for the rest of the table design.

Andrea, Chas, me, Barbara and Chloe

But first let me tell you a little bit about each of my guests. In October 2019, I attended an Inspiration Workshop in Texas at KariAnne’s home (Thistlewood Farms). After the workshop, one of the attendees started a weekly conference call where 5 of us would remain connected and share our blogging knowledge (or inexperience in my case).

Inspiration Workshop October 2019

Over time, a few new bloggers joined the weekly call. When COVID hit, we had our network already up and running. Each week I found myself enjoying our virtual connection in a world promoting lockdowns and isolation.

Long story short, we decided to meet in person here at Bella Terra. I am excited and delighted to host this group. Unfortunately, two members could not attend due to family obligations. Kristin from White Arrows Home wrote a lovely post about why she needed to miss our gathering. You can read it here.

Setting the Table: The Linens

Since Barbara from Mantel and Table and Chloe from Celebrate and Decorate are Tablescape masters, they quickly select the tablecloth (a vintage find embroidered neutral) and a pink linen runner (from Williams Sonoma).

The Dishes

The charger is a ruffled, gold glass one from Leslie Roy, with an additional brass one on top. The plate is my favorite one for fall, Johnson Brothers Windsor Ware. Personally, I have never considered using double chargers, but the layering creates a fabulous and elegant look.

The Antlers

Andrea and Chloe

Take charge Chloe grabs the antlers off the front porch and off she goes to the orchard. Barbara states we need flowers and fruit and off we go to Whitfill Nursery and Safeway. Andrea from Design Morsels and Chas from Chas Crazy Creations help with all the rest~getting the glasses, silverware, chairs, etc. Activity is buzzing in the orchard!

The Stemware

Barbara and Chloe

After selecting the right colors, sizes and shapes of flowers and fruits, Barbara goes to work on adding the final elements to the table.

Flowers and Fruit

Cut flowers from Safeway; snapdragons from Whitfill

Pink stemware picks up the rose color on the plate. The pink glasses are vintage and part of my collection. Larger pink wine glasses are from Pier One Imports. Chrysanthemums, golden flowers and fruit bring the colors of the plate design to the table.

Pomegranates, pears, crab apples and grapes are tucked in among the flowers and antlers.

Using my Wallace Napoleon Bee pattern flatware, the gold accent goes well with the chargers. You can find this stemware on Amazon here.

As a side note, the antlers are sheds, meaning an animal was not killed for them. Elk grow antlers every year and shed their old ones. We will be using these antlers at our mountain cabin, once they are properly mounted.

Even the pink plastic containers holding the snapdragons blend in with the centerpiece. Squares of plastic are placed beneath the pots to prevent the tablecloth from getting soiled.

The Evening

As evening approaches, the lanterns which were a bargain purchase from Home Depot, are used to line the walkway to the table. You can see that blog post here.

What a magical evening! The dinner everyone prepares is so delicious and worthy of another blog post.

Here’s what I learned: When you live with all your belongings, it is difficult to step outside the box and create something new and different. I would never have thought to use the antlers, nor would I have paired it with pink. But look how lovely this table is~a mixture of rustic and elegance! Wish these friends lived closer as I would invite them over all the time to help me do things like this.

Happy Wednesday! For other centerpiece ideas using plants, flower and fruits, check out a previous post here.

If you enjoy this post, please do share it on Pinterest.

This post shared with Charming Homes & Gardens Week 34

Between Naps on the Porch Tablescapes Thursday #634

A DIY Chicken Feeder Picnic Table

Since Mary is busy getting ready for houseguests, I am filling in today! So here is a DIY project I made this week. Inspired by photos seen on Pinterest and Etsy, this chicken feeder picnic table is aptly named a chicknic table!

Not everyone likes projects.  However, a friend sent me a picture of one of these several months ago and I decide I want to make my own. I buy some scrap wood from Home Depot and use a pallet from the delivery of a new dishwasher.  It all crystallizes today.  Here’s the finished project.  I will walk through the construction as cryptically as I possibly can.

The first step is to cut the base of the table.  I cut a piece of 24” X 24” plywood into 3 — 8” X 24” pieces.  

Next I cut the pieces for the edges of the table.  I pre-drill, glue and screw them in place.  The plywood is 3/4” so the drilling and screwing are done carefully.

The legs of the table come next.  Four pieces, the same length, cut at 45° on both ends.  They attach to the underside of the table with screws coming in through the underside edge of the table. Again, you should pre-drill the holes to minimize splitting.

Finally, I put on the braces and seats.  The side braces are long enough to glue and screw the seats in place. I install the center brace after attaching the side braces. I have no plans so this is done on the fly.  Measure twice and cut once.

My tools include two drills (one, an old school Craftsman which plug in (my battery powered DeWalt died on me 😐) and my Makita (very reliable for driving screws).  See link here. I also use a Milwaukee circular saw (link here), some screws, liquid nails glue, the wood and a square and measuring tape.  A miter saw will work well for the project too. Here is my favorite mitre saw (here).

Cooper approves

Here’s the finished project with my quality control executive doing an inspection.  This project took a couple of hours of work.  I seal it with some spar varnish and may put drain holes in the table top (although it will be under cover).

 The chickens (and our duck) got their first look at it today.  It takes them awhile to find it but seem to appreciate the spinach and scratch.  Maybe I’ll build a couple more.  🐔🐔🐔🐔🦆

To see another project of mine, click here. Thanks for joining me today! Mary will be back again soon.

If you enjoyed this post, please share on Pinterest.