Property Maintenance

There is nothing better than having house guests to motivate you to spiff up your property. This has been a year of projects, mostly because of being confined to home more than usual. But this year it is necessary to get some of the bigger property maintenance projects done. Last week, I was blessed to have 4 friends come and stay. Since they haven’t been here before, I naturally wanted to make sure our property was in the best condition possible. A great time to finally schedule some overdue maintenance work.

The Well Tower

The well tower siding is redwood clapboard. Every five years it needs to be sanded and re-stained due to the exposure to our brutal summer sun. Peeling, blistering and fading make the structure look tired.

Being a size and shape that is difficult to navigate, I hire my favorite painter, John Cruz to help. John and I have been working together for years. He is my go-to painter for all my home remodels. The quality of his work is excellent and I believe his pricing to be fair. Plus he is fun to be around!

Well tower-After

With the well tower power washed and the sides sanded, it is now ready for stain. The dark green trim is also re-coated, making the final project crisp and ready for another 5 years. To see more information on the history of the well tower and its restoration, click here.

The Barn

Peeling and cracking paint on the barn-before

I haven’t shared much about the barn. Originally home to two horses (long before we owned Bella Terra), the barn is now where furniture is stored. Once the headquarters of 2 Connecticut Yankees, the barn was a fun vintage shop started by me and my friend, Susan. Filled with antiques and old treasures, Susan and I would have a barn sale 2-3 times per year. To see more about 2 Connecticut Yankees, click here.

Fresh paint-After

But life and family responsibilities became bigger priorities and the barn sales stopped. A few of our pieces and treasures are still inside. Some of those pieces can be found in my Store (there’s a tab on the top of my website).


Using Ralph Lauren Barn Red, this structure definitely needed a new paint job. Though Ralph Lauren got out of the paint business in 2017, Sherwin Williams replicates this color. John scraped off the blistering paint, protected the hinges, primed where necessary and coated the entire barn with a fresh red layer.

The posts were primed in gray paint and then new white paint is applied.

Back side of the barn

All the hinges are re-painted with a fresh coat of black. Everything is now looking so much better.

The Hen House

Hen house doors Before

Though the paint, for the most part, still looks good on the body of the hen house, the entry doors need significant help.


Using the same red paint as the barn, John, makes them pop again with his magical brushes.

Miscellaneous Touch Ups

In the interior, all the walls are plaster. Chipped corners happen every year with normal wear and tear. Typically, every October, I will go around the house and touch up the obvious dings in paint. It makes me feel like I am getting the house ready for the holidays. By putting both wall and trim color paint in mason jars, I am always ready to do a quick touch up here and there.

Sprucing up the Planters

Beautiful flowers are now available for planting so we are taking advantage of the abundant assortment to bring color to the yard. Some of our planters have been deteriorating and crumbling and are in need of replacement.

New geraniums and snapdragons are added to the front planter. Fresh containers of chrysanthemums enhance the fall entry. Whitfill Nursery has a great assortment of flowers and planters, if you are in the market.

Though it takes a bit of effort to get all this done, there is something very rewarding when your property looks clean and sharp. Plus after your houseguests leave, the work is done and you can sit back and enjoy the fruits of your labor!

Happy Tuesday! I cannot wait to share the visit with my four blogging friends tomorrow!

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This post shared with Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday #616

A DIY Chicken Feeder Picnic Table

Since Mary is busy getting ready for houseguests, I am filling in today! So here is a DIY project I made this week. Inspired by photos seen on Pinterest and Etsy, this chicken feeder picnic table is aptly named a chicknic table!

Not everyone likes projects.  However, a friend sent me a picture of one of these several months ago and I decide I want to make my own. I buy some scrap wood from Home Depot and use a pallet from the delivery of a new dishwasher.  It all crystallizes today.  Here’s the finished project.  I will walk through the construction as cryptically as I possibly can.

The first step is to cut the base of the table.  I cut a piece of 24” X 24” plywood into 3 — 8” X 24” pieces.  

Next I cut the pieces for the edges of the table.  I pre-drill, glue and screw them in place.  The plywood is 3/4” so the drilling and screwing are done carefully.

The legs of the table come next.  Four pieces, the same length, cut at 45° on both ends.  They attach to the underside of the table with screws coming in through the underside edge of the table. Again, you should pre-drill the holes to minimize splitting.

Finally, I put on the braces and seats.  The side braces are long enough to glue and screw the seats in place. I install the center brace after attaching the side braces. I have no plans so this is done on the fly.  Measure twice and cut once.

My tools include two drills (one, an old school Craftsman which plug in (my battery powered DeWalt died on me 😐) and my Makita (very reliable for driving screws).  See link here. I also use a Milwaukee circular saw (link here), some screws, liquid nails glue, the wood and a square and measuring tape.  A miter saw will work well for the project too. Here is my favorite mitre saw (here).

Cooper approves

Here’s the finished project with my quality control executive doing an inspection.  This project took a couple of hours of work.  I seal it with some spar varnish and may put drain holes in the table top (although it will be under cover).

 The chickens (and our duck) got their first look at it today.  It takes them awhile to find it but seem to appreciate the spinach and scratch.  Maybe I’ll build a couple more.  🐔🐔🐔🐔🦆

To see another project of mine, click here. Thanks for joining me today! Mary will be back again soon.

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Traveling Teacup Adventure

US map with teacup routes

How exciting to be part of the Traveling Teacup series. My dear friend, Barbara from Mantel and Table is behind this wonderful way for people to have a shared experience through her beautiful pink rose teacup. What started out as a photo challenge back in March, is now a lovely, civilized way for people to connect during this pandemic. This teacup has traveled far and wide and will continue to do so after it leaves Bella Terra. Stories are told and collected and I hope you enjoy this teacup’s visit to our historic home.

The Teacup Arrives

The teacup arrived at our gates lovingly packaged. I can honestly say I am feeling very responsible for the care and keeping of this cup! Look where it has traveled! Carefully I unpack it and feel a need to introduce this beauty to our home and life. Made in South Korea by Hankook China, this teacup and saucer feels a bit heavier than my other teacups. It has a fun circle handle too, so it is easy to hold. Somewhere along the way, someone names the cup, Tessa Rose.

The Morning Chores

Tea service available in my Store

To start the day, Tessa Rose tags along with me as I do my daily chores. But like for most guests, we pull out the red carpet. Such a beautiful teacup deserves a silver tea service (in my Store). And of course, fresh homemade apple cider donuts. The cider is made from apples from our tree in the orchard (my first time making cider). To get the donut recipe, click here.

After steeping two Twinings Lady Grey teabags, we head out to the hen house and garden. It is a beautiful morning with temperatures in the low 70s. While taking advantage of having tea while I work, I set up a small table just for me and Tessa Rose. I love how the early morning dappled light adds a slight blue cast to the photo.

Using my treasured linens, the table feels extra special for Tessa Rose. To sit and have a cup of tea listening to the clucking chickens and chirping birds is the ideal way to start a day…..in spite of the chores! To see the recent post on how I store an organize my fine linens, click here.

Into the Garden

Next we look in on the garden. Since I recently planted the fall garden, I am checking to see how the new plants are faring. Unfortunately, the birds got to my lettuces and greens, so a cover is applied in hopes to allow the chewed down stubs to grow again. My trusted companion and shadow, Sox wants to be part of the tea party.

Next stop is the hen house to feed and water the chickens. It’s a bit early but a few eggs are available for gathering.

On our way back to the house, I return garden tools to the potting shed. Here is my chance to show Tessa Rose our unique well tower. This historic structure, built in the early 1900s, is home to the original water well. The building is completely restored with a newer well water system. To learn more about this restoration, click here.

During the morning walkabout, I show Tessa Rose a quick peek at our guest cottage and pool house before we head back inside.

Gifts for my daughter

Just Hanging Out

Yesterday was a big baking day! Tessa Rose helps me gather items for my youngest child, Elisabeth. She is a sophomore in college and we hope to connect today so I can give her some goodies~homemade quiche, donuts, sourdough bread, a fall candle and some comfy jammies.

Next we head up to my art studio. A recent request from a friend to donate one of my paintings for a charitable event is a bit of a surprise. I need to pick one, frame it and hope someone will want to buy it!

Tessa Rose keeps me company throughout the day. She is by my side as I write more blog posts, pay bills, sort and organize mail and pack for a trip out of town.

Tessa Rose in the master closet

Day is Done

After a busy day, and in the true Mantel and Table tradition, I thought I would try my hand at an evening cocktail with tea as an ingredient. Using my brother and sister-in-laws’ honey, chamomile tea, gin and fresh lemon juice, we make the Birds and Bees. This refreshing cocktail recipe is from Juan Coronado from The Bazaar, South Beach.

With a long day behind us, Tessa Rose is washed and packed away for her next adventure to Portland, Oregon. Many thanks for Mantel and Table for allowing me the chance to participate in this wonderful teacup adventure! Bon Voyage, Tessa Rose!

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Birds and Bees

This refreshing cocktail is made with chamolie tea, honey, gin and fresh lemon juice

  • 2 teabags chamomile
  • 1/2 cup honey

For the Cocktail

  • 2 oz gin
  • 1 oz honey-chamomile syrup
  • 1 oz. fresh lemon juice
  1. Make the chamomile-honey syrup: Place tea bags in ½ cup boiling water for 5 minutes; remove tea bags, squeezing water from them; discard bags. Add honey and stir to dissolve. Let syrup cool to room temperature. Makes about ½ cup; extra syrup will keep, refrigerated, for up to two weeks.

  2. Make the cocktail: Combine gin, syrup, and lemon juice in a cocktail shaker filled with ice; shake vigorously and strain into a coupe or martini glass.

Saturday Meanderings

Happy Saturday! Often after a very busy week, I just want to catch up with you on Saturday morning. In the past I have entitled these posts, Saturday Meanderings. I hope you enjoy these as much as I do, but I need your feedback. Please let me know if: 1) you enjoy Saturday Meanderings; 2) If so, should we name it something else; 3) or these posts are okay some of the time but not every Saturday. Thank you.

So many eggs

Our chickens are laying up a storm. We are getting about a dozen eggs a day! When I came back from the cabin there were 10 dozen eggs in the fridge. What better way to use up a lot of eggs than making quiche. So I made 6 spinach goat cheese quiches this week. Fortunately we have neighbors who like my cooking and we are so happy to share. Now I need to find a dessert recipe that requires lots of eggs!



I am not a shopper. I tolerate online shopping but going to a store, shopping for hours? Not my thing. This week, however, I feel like I did find some unexpected treasures in my necessary travel stops. For a future DIY project, I went to Michaels and happened upon these fun versions of pumpkins. I scooped up the last 3 because I love their textures.

Pumpkin pillow from Target

For another organization project I stopped by Target for plastic storage containers and found this cute pumpkin pillow. With the blue stitching. it goes well with my front porch fall decor. A happy purchase for $20.00.

During different times of the year, I typically buy the girls something to mark the season. I found these great smelling candles, Sugared Birch from Magnolia’s Hearth & Hand line at Target.

In order to make them extra special, I photocopied oak leaves, and then made a template for a gift tag. Using decorative paper, I cut out the leaf shape.

Using a sealing wax and a letter stamp, I affix the Happy Fall leaf to the tops of the candles.

Yard Sale

A realtor recently contacted me about an old historic home that may be going on the market soon. The pictures she sent are SO intriguing. In the interim, the owner is having a yard sale that may last for weeks.

Curious about this home, I did stop by and found some treasures. Check out these glasses I bought~8 for $10. They are perfect for a glass of wine!

I also scored these very cool candle holders which can be affixed to a wall or tree. A large French gathering basket is another bargain, as well as a long handled pizza peel and ornate iron brackets.

Traveling Tea Cup

This week the traveling tea cup arrived! I cannot wait to tell you all about this and will be sharing my story with you on Tuesday. My friend, Barbara from Mantel and Table started this wonderful idea in March. More to come.

Healthy Find at Costco

With the flu season soon upon us, I try to take extra precautions in building my immune system. To see my 10 Tips to Staying Healthy, click here. Costco now has these Suja Organic Immunity Defense Shots with turmeric and probiotics. They are filled with ginger and pack quite the punch, so be aware that they are not for wimps. However, I am game to try whatever helps to keep you strong and healthy. You can also buy them online through Amazon here.

That’s a wrap for this Saturday! As you are reading this, I am on a nature adventure near the Grand Canyon. Have a fabulous weekend and cannot wait to share my trip with you soon.

Saturday Meanderings

Thank you for joining me today as I share my Saturday meanderings. Happy Labor Day weekend! If you ask most people, they probably don’t realize why this is a federal holiday. In 1894 Congress passed an act making the first Monday in September of each year a legal holiday. Labor Day celebrates the social and economic achievements of American workers. Let’s remember the contributions workers have made to the strength, prosperity, and well-being of our country. There is nothing like the American work ethic and ingenuity, especially during the pandemic.

Wherever you are, please enjoy your time with family and friends. I’m praying for a peaceful weekend, so be safe and smart.

Let Them Eat Cake

I spent the first few days of September tackling my lengthy To Do list. You know, those nagging items that you put off until the last minute. But I did take some time and make a new recipe from The Kitchen McCabe. This Vanilla Bean Olive Oil Cake is so dense, moist and flavorful.

Somewhere in our home is my fluted Bundt pan but for the life of me I couldn’t find it. Instead, I used a plain tube pan, which in retrospect, allow more space for the icing and strawberries. My neighbor said it was one of my best cakes, so click here for the link to the recipe.

I am a fan of The Kitchen McCabe, as you might remember this gorgeous Candied Orange Olive Oil Cake with Cornmeal and Rum from a small luncheon with friends. If not, click here for that post.

Baking Bread

My least favorite time to cook in the kitchen is during the summer in Phoenix. Even though we have air conditioning, the minute you turn on the oven, it’s just too darn hot. Being teased this week by cooler temperatures in the morning, we made sourdough bread. The process is time consuming (takes all day) but the results are worth it. The yield produced two loaves of dried cranberry/walnut; one loaf of sourdough and enough dough for two pizzas.

Remember if you live nearby and want some sourdough starter, please reach out. I have happily shared it with two others so far and each are making bread with siblings of Bubbles and Hope (it’s normal to name your starter…..). Want to learn more about sourdough? Check out my Sourdough 101 blog post here.

Pumpkin Disaster

My huge fall disappointment involves my large collection of velvet and fabric pumpkins. I have literally owned these for years. Each year I store them in plastic boxes to keep them dust free. This year, I opened the box and every pumpkin is infested with bugs. Eeewwww. The critters ate into the fabric. The filling appears to be dried beans but these bugs are similar to the ones you get in your pantry?

These pumpkins are a staple in my fall decorating. Does anyone know how to prevent this? I have seen tutorials on making fabric pumpkins and rice, beans are the filling of choice. I certainly don’t want to go to the effort to make more and then have this happen again.

Happy Hens

The 14 baby chicks we acquired in the Spring are now laying…..alot! Each day we have 8-10 fresh eggs. So if anyone is in the area and would like fresh eggs, please let me know. We sell them for $5 a dozen (less than the Farmer’s Market).

Fortunately, I have a beautiful egg apron, made by my sister, Susie. Not only did she embroider chickens on the front, but the apron has my blog name on the back. Wish I took a picture of the entire apron as it is really cute. The apron has ten individual pockets for me to use when I collect eggs every afternoon. It feels like such a luxury to have something so pretty and practical.

Where Were you a Year Ago?

A year ago today, I was touring this beautiful Scandinavian home in Vail. This property has since become my inspiration for our mountain cabin. I don’t believe I have ever been in a home that is so unique, warm and welcoming.

Garden Update

My garden is always a bit stressed during the summer and especially this year, with little to no rain and record breaking temperatures. The no rain part is particularly worrisome.

This week I ripped out all the toasted plants and am adding compost to the soil in preparation of fall planting. The fountain in the middle is being repaired too! The only two plants that are still thriving are basil and my shishito pepper plant.

We’ve added new PVC structural posts over multiple beds to hold shade or frost cloth. I will be writing a new post about that soon, as it has been very helpful to protect plants through extreme weather.

Have you been making your own compost during this pandemic? It is super easy and a great way to turn your food scraps into organic fertilizer. If not, check out this great post on Composting 101. See it here.

Cute Affordable Kimono

Kimono in C Mustard Floral

You will never see my name and fashion in the same sentence. I’m just not very good at it. But I must share this great find and it is only $23.99. It is a nice long kimono and comes in numerous colors and designs. Here I have it paired with a white tank and pants with pale blue accessories. You can view it on Amazon here. Every time I wear it, I get compliments. Not bad for under $25.

We are spending the weekend (and hopefully longer) up in the mountains. It is SO quiet right now. Sox is asleep at my feet and I’m just enjoying all the non-noise. My geraniums finally look amazing! Looking forward to a weekend of R & R.

Have a fabulous 3 day holiday!

If you enjoy this post, please feel free to share it on Pinterest.

Life at Bella Terra’s Greatest Hits

Garden entrance

Thank you for visiting my blog on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday! I am so grateful to my faithful readers and all the new people who are joining us every week. Your comments and questions make my day. Since many of you are new, I thought it might be fun to share some oldies but goodies. Let’s call it Life at Bella Terra’s greatest hits!

Here at our home, we have the good fortunate of space where we enjoy everything from gardening to outdoor entertaining. Here are a few areas of interest.

Gardening and Chickens

My blog post Gardening 101 stemmed from the question, “does gardening take a great deal of time”? After the initial garden plan, the actual work to plant, harvest and maintain a garden is minimal and seasonal. And the benefits are enormous! To see this detailed post, click here.

Composting 101

Another popular post is about Composting 101, which is an ideal project to start during COVID. Being home and creating more waste, composting is the answer to having great soil for your garden. If you could recycle 30% of your trash to make rich fertilizer, why not? See that post, here.

Before and Afters

Our home BEFORE

Don’t you love to look at other people’s homes? I certainly do! And it is a bonus if there are good Before and After pictures. I actually have a file where I keep renovation photos of other projects as inspiration.


Our historic home is always going through a constant renovation. However, the initial restoration was the most significant. In an attempt to capture that journey, I am writing The Restoration Chronicles. So far there are 5 chapters and if you haven’t read our story, click here for Chapter 1.



COVID has definitely put a monkey wrench into our socializing and entertaining. We feel blessed to be the stewards of this unique historical property and share it often to host everything from charitable events to proms. The orchard is one of the areas of the property we use for large sit-down meals. For more details about one of our dinners in the orchard, click here.

I long for the day when we can open up our home and our arms and welcome guests again. If you are dreaming of when we can all reconnect, here is an autumn entertaining post.

Cooking, Baking and Making

The summers do put a cramp in my cooking, as it is almost painful to turn on the oven in the triple-digit heat. However, the minute there is a touch of autumn in the air, I am back to baking. This past year, I learned how to bake sourdough bread from scratch, using starter that I carried home on a plane from Washington, D.C.

My sourdough starters~Hope and Bubbles

If you need a new project while we are all stuck at home, baking bread using a natural yeast, is so rewarding. I just recently shared more sourdough starter with someone who reached out to me and now I have a new friend. Bake bread. Make friends. Check out my post, Sourdough Starter Basics here.

Of course, there are all sorts of recipes in the files of Bella Terra. But here are a few favorites. Key Lime Pie post

Farfalle pasta with Lemon Chicken and Herb Salad

Together we made Preserved Lemons (see recipe here) and then we used them in some fabulous recipes, like the one above. This delicious chicken pasta salad is ideal for the summer~as it can be eaten warm or cold. Check out the recipe here.

DIY and Home Improvement

I am not much of a crafter, but I do like to tackle projects myself, sometimes moaning along the way.

The most recent is a hand stenciled tile bathroom floor in our pool house. If you missed that post you can see it here.

To see the post on the Mailbox/Exterior Light on Guest Cottage, click here

We have accomplished quite a few projects this year, and several with your helpful comments. From the great advice on the vintage mailbox above, to helping select a front door color, your feedback is gold! See that post, here.


Staying organized is such a challenge, but I am inspired to be better at it when I see others accomplishing these tasks. This year, getting the master closet organized was a big win. To see the embarrassing before pictures and the fabulous after shots, click here.

Keeping heavily used spaces like the pantry is always a challenge. But it looks so nice when it is neat and tidy. See the improvements here.


Cooper~loves to sit

For those of you who have pets, you know how important they are to family life. Our two dogs, two cats and numerous chickens are all part of our daily existence here. The Best Kind of Friend is a blog post about the bond we have with our pets, how they shadow us daily and love us unconditionally. Read it here.

Tippy and Donovan

Thank you for all your kind words during Sox’s recent back injury and Tippy’s current failing health. We share in the joy of their presence and the grief of their loss.

Just Getting Through Life

The Importance of Good Friends

You have provided loving ears to some of my life’s challenges as we enter new phases of maturity. It was only a year ago, when I was struggling with empty nesting (see post here). But with the pandemic, nearly everyone is home again! Now, next week I will do a repeat performance as we move our daughter out of the house to start her sophomore year in college. Ah, the ups and downs!

Image result for images of babies smiling

We have talked about Kindness (see post here) and how important it is to Smile (see post here) and how to age well (see post here). Even though we cannot get together physically, we have such a supportive community right here on this blog. The goal with each and every blog post is to provide you with something interesting and important. And I’ve learned so much from all of you along the way.

Sharing my painting journey

Again, I cannot express how delighted I am that you have been with me from the beginning and I extend a warm welcome to new readers. In a world that seems to be filled with division and anger, it is my hope that Life at Bella Terra will be a bright spot in your day.

Happy Tuesday, my friends! If you ever want to see more content on any topic~gardening, recipes, home improvement, decorating, seasonal, whatever it is, please let me know! Thank you.

This post shared with Tuesday Turn About #61