Saturday Meanderings

Since I returned from my week in Connecticut, it is taking me longer to get back into the swing of things. And I’m feeling a bit tired too which doesn’t help when you have a great deal to accomplish. But it is Saturday and welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we just chat about all sorts of things. High hopes for a relaxing weekend.

Style and Class

thank you note from The Caroline Chateau

I love it when I find a resource that takes the time to make things extra special and beautiful. Recently I did order these beautiful velvet pumpkins from The Caroline Chateau. When I opened the package, a lovely handwritten thank you note with a sprig of lavender in the gold wax seal became my first impression of this vintage decor site. Isn’t it pretty?

And the pumpkins are truly beautiful~in colors of copper, bronze, slate blue, navy and indigo. This color combination will be perfect in my living room and as you can see, the pumpkins pick up the colors in the rug.

The faux stem is gorgeous too! You can find these pumpkins (and in other colors) at The Caroline Chateau website here.

Ava Grace Gifts

Ava Grace Gifts in Simsbury, CT

When I find someone or someplace that goes out of their way to provide excellent service with unique items, I must share it with you. While in Connecticut last week, I viewed an Instagram reel by Tracy from Ava Grace Gifts reminding everyone to send a care package to their college student.

My third (and last) child is a junior in college and I suddenly realized that I have never sent her a care package (bad mother feelings). So I quickly called Ava Grace and within an hour, they pulled together fun items for her and shipped it out that same day.

Simsbury, CT in the fall of 2019

I first discovered this truly wonderful store when we were back in Simsbury, Connecticut in the fall of 2019. Just by happenstance, we walked in and I immediately fell in love with many of the high quality and one of a kind items. Since then, I follow Tracy on Instagram @avagracegifts and if you are looking for something different (from jewelry, clothing, baby items to home decor), check them out here. Tell Tracy I sent you!

New Front Gate Wreaths

Wreath from Costco

For the last several years, I have been putting in the same autumn wreaths on our front gate. They are looking tired and faded. During a recent trip to Costco, I found these great 30″ fall wreaths at a decent price of $39.99 each. And I think they are an appropriate scale and a huge improvement over the old wreaths!

Our front gates

Here’s a link to Costco but please note they are $49.99 online vs. the $39.99 we paid in store. It also appears to come in a neutral/white version too.

Surprise from Mother Nature

Hornet’s nest

At my aunt’s house in Connecticut, a bald-faced (or white faced) hornets nest appeared in one of her large rhododendron bushes against the house. This nest is HUGE and very active with hundreds of bees. Since it was at waist-level and not too far from the road, I did call an exterminator to remove it.

I always hate to interfere with something like this, but these hornets are aggressive and sting multiple times. Since many children walk to school along the street, I feared someone would be curious and disturb it.

Removing the nest

The exterminator said it was the largest nest he’s ever seen~about the size of a big truck hubcap. Isn’t it amazing that little small hornets could make something so large? As a side note, no good bees were harmed with this removal.

My Soil Test Results

Soil test results

I will be writing a separate blog post about this, but within days of sending in my garden soil sample, I got the results. This test is very easy to do yourself and I highly recommend it if you are concerned about your soil’s integrity. Here is the link to the My Soil testing kit. More to come about this.

Some Questions

A few people are asking how I make my the edges of my pie dough ruffly (is that even a word?). I use this fluted pastry wheel when I cut my dough into strips for the basketweave design.

My mother had one and I fondly remember her using one. Here is a resource.

Two New Books

With all the traveling I am doing lately, I am burning through novels quickly. I would recommend both these books.

The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave is on the New York Times Bestseller List #1. According to Entertainment Weekly this is “a gripping mystery about a woman who thinks she’s found the love of her life-until he disappears. This novel has over 4.5 stars with over 40,000 reviews. You can find it here.

Mrs. Rochester’s Ghost by Lindsay Marcott is a modern and twisty retelling of Jane Eyre, a young woman must question everything she thinks she knows about love, loyalty, and murder. Personally, I love the setting which is a cottage on an estate near Big Sur. Again, it has 4.5 stars with over 8,000 reviews on Amazon. Find it here.

Other Haircut Photos

A few of you are asking for additional photos of my haircut. Here is a front shot. Also, the way Roscoe at Pucci Salon cuts it I can either flip up the sides or take a large brush and roll them under. Hope it helps.

Here’s the back again.

Well that wraps it up for another Saturday Meanderings! Hope we all have a super relaxing weekend. I could certainly use one.

If you missed my posts this week, here they are:

Five Fabulous Fall Recipes here

A Powerful Stain Remover here.


Is anyone else noticing an increase in rude behavior in the world? This past weekend we were at our cabin in the mountains for Labor Day. It is a wonderful community and has been for as long as we’ve owned a cabin there.

Outdoor concert at White Mountain Country Club

On Saturday night, there was an outdoor concert at the clubhouse. It was a beautiful evening with music and dinner. Two women mistakenly thought I “cut” in front of them on our way to pick up our meal. They instantly attacked me in such an aggressive way. Quite frankly, I was speechless at the intensity of their anger. Fortunately, another kind soul witnessed it and was equally appalled.

So I think it is time again to share my post on Kindness. Is it a post-COVID behavior or are people just so unhappy? It feels so uncivilized to me to lash out at someone you don’t even know, without giving someone the benefit of the doubt. What have we become if we cannot be kind to each other?

Kindness is one of those things that spans all barriers~~socio-economic, education, language, age and religion.  It costs NOTHING yet its benefits are priceless.  It may be easy when someone is mean or cruel to react in the same way.  But kindness is the opposite.  Its effects can lower the temperature of a situation or put wind under someone’s wings.

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Kindness has been top of mind lately because I seem to see less and less of it in today’s world.

When recalling kind gestures that have left an indelible mark on me, two come to mind. They both came at a time when I had experienced great loss.

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A few years back, my Dad came to live with us in Phoenix after my Mom passed away.  Our more moderate winter weather and sunshine seemed the perfect remedy for Dad vs. grieving alone in the cold Connecticut winter.  

Unfortunately, after 5 months, in May 2015, he passed away here in our home.  When the funeral home came to pick up his body, we watched these two strangers enter into this extremely personal and difficult time. They carefully and gracefully wrapped my father’s body in a beautiful tapestry cloth.  When they were getting ready to move him onto the gurney, one of the men slowly tapped my Dad’s leg, as if to say, “Hey, buddy. It’s time to go and we will take good care of you”. It was such a simple act, but letting my Dad go emotionally was hard enough.

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But that simple, loving gesture, allowed me to entrust a total stranger with my Dad, the man who has known me the longest. A man I had loved all my life. It was so respectful and done with great love.  

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The other kind gesture that I will remember forever was right after my first husband died. I was in my mid 30’s and we were having a second memorial service for him back in my home town.  I went to get my nails done at a local salon/spa mostly because I needed an hour with a change of scenery. The nail person began working on my rather sad looking nails and we were making small talk about the weather, etc.

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She then looked up from what she was doing and asked, “So how are you”? And the tears began. I was sobbing, you know, that uncontrollable kind.  The kind of crying where you can’t even talk. She stopped what she was doing and just held my hands. It took me quite sometime to stop blubbering but until I did, she quietly and warmly held my hands in hers. Finally I was able to say, “I’m so sorry but my husband just passed away”.  She squeezed my hands and offered her condolences and then handed me a tissue. Nothing more than that. It was the kindest thing anyone could have done for me at that time.

The Importance of Good Friends

These are such small but enormous acts of random kindness from people I had never known and will never see again.  But they taught me that being kind doesn’t have to be grandiose or public.  Sometimes a simple touch, hug, soothing word or tone can have a monumental impact. I’m sure neither of them know how much their self-less gestures meant to me.  See how something so small can be so BIG.

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Newport Beach

We never know why someone is acting rude or upset or why they have chosen to take it out on us.  But we don’t have to send that behavior back.  Maybe asking a simple question, “I’m sorry but it looks like you are having a bad day” or paying a compliment with a smile, would be a better response. I don’t want to perpetuate negative energy.  Instead, I want to change it and be part of the solution.  Those who are mean and angry need our prayers.

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A rose in our garden

Imagine a world where for one day, everyone was kind.  Wouldn’t that be amazing? But kindness comes from within~~each and every one of us can choose to be kind.  Please think about that the next time a negative thought or word is getting ready to leave your body.  We can make a difference, one kind act at a time.

Peaceful journey

Sending kind and loving thoughts your way.

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Saturday Meanderings

Pretty photo of the week. Bracelet from Holland and Birch

We are already at the second week in June. Not sure I remember where March, April and May went, but they certainly flew by. Welcome to another Saturday Meanderings, where we discuss all the fun and good things happening around us this week.

Flag Day on June 14

Betsy Ross showing the United States flag to George Washington

Growing up, I remember celebrating Flag Day. Does anyone do that anymore? If not, I vote that we should. We have such a beautiful flag which is so symbolic of our country’s freedom.

So what is Flag Day? It is the celebration of the adoption of the American Flag on June 14, 1777. In the midst of the Revolutionary War, the first American flag was designed to represent the 13 colonies with 13 white stars on a blue field and 13 alternating red and white stripes.

in 1782, the Congress of the Articles of Confederation chose the colors for the Great Seal of the United States with these meanings:

  • white for purity and innocence
  • red for valor and hardiness
  • blue for vigilance, perseverance, and justice

Personally, regardless of political differences, our flag always deserve respect and honor. If you need flags for Flag Day or July 4th, there is a good selection here. Happy Flag Day!

Vacation Dreams

Beach Hut, Corwall, England

Even though I love living here in Phoenix, I long for a vacation (or vacation home) by the water. There is just something calming about staring out over an ocean, an inlet or a large lake. Literally for years I have been dreaming about the perfect beach home. And then I saw this….

Beach Hut and 40 acres

For sale in Cornwall, England is this tiny historical cottage on 40 acres and 1. 4 linear miles of coastline. If I only had a mere 1.75 million pounds laying around.

Beach Hut in the Spring

Called the Beach Hut, it is a vacation rental currently. In the 1920s it was a tea room as this is one of Britain’s top 10 geological sites. Once it is sold, who knows what will happen to it. Below is a picture of the interior. The cottage is one room with an open kitchen and wet bath.

View to kitchen

How charming is this! I do love how the current owners decorate the space.

Stone fireplace

In looking up the rental schedule and it is not available for several months. It also comes with a boat house.

the boat house

The Beach Hut is used for photoshoots, TV commercials and for film locations.   It’s also a popular stop for surfing champions. If you saw the Demi Moore 2006 movie, Half Light, this location is the star of the show. To read more about this cottage, Cote de Texas does an extensive review of its history and rental information. Click here.

A girl can dream, right?


I do not know if there is a correlation between the COVID lockdown and the increased population of bugs. In addition to the pests in the garden, I now seem to have an increased moth problem in the master closet. In a previous post I featured the Cashmere Protection Pouch I found on Amazon to protect my sweaters. You can see that here.

But I did want to take a more active role in reducing any future infestation of these pesky critters. BugMD Clothes Moth Boss traps use pheromone-infused glue to capture closet and cabinet dwelling moths that chew holes through your clothing and linens.

Using a nontoxic and pesticide-free method, insects are trapped in this cardboard tent for reliable, mess free control. Folded design keeps the pheromones from sticking to surface garments, shoes, or people.

The Moth Boss comes with a hanger so you can easily place them inside your closet near clothing. Add to linen cabinets, laundry rooms, and other areas where you suspect a moth infestation or if you want to prevent one.

These traps last 12 weeks and I’ve had them up for about 4 weeks. So far they seem to be working. I hope to order more for our cabin where I know we have lots of moths. You can order them here.


Peter Thomas Roth Water Drench

I seem to struggle with finding the RIGHT skin care products. Personally, I wish there was a resource who knew all the products available, could assess my skin type, and then prescribe the right lotions, cleansers, masks, etc. When I go to a department store, I know the employees are incentivized to sell certain products and often, find they are just not right for me.

A recent American Express offer put a $50.00 credit toward a Peter Thomas Roth product. Needing a moisturizer for our hot summers, and being practically free, I did order the Water Drench Hydrating Moisturizer. This concentrated 30% Hyaluronic Acid Complex cream provides up to 72 hours of hydration—even after cleansing. 

I have been using it for a week now and I must say, I am so pleased. It is as if I can hear my skin gulping it up. The product is so hydrating and its description of being a “cloud cream” is spot on. Will keep you posted on this, but I can honestly see and feel a difference. If you are interested in this product, you can find it here.

Does anyone use Peter Thomas Roth products? If so, please let me know if I need to purchase others.


Apricot tart with almond crust and Amaretto custard

Typically this is the time of year I would be harvesting LOTS of apricots. But after a significant whacking off of the branches in the late winter, we had minimal fruit this year. The trees look healthy but I’m sure reducing them by 50% is a shock to their system. However, the few I harvested are delicious.

Apricots are in season and this recipe is one of my favorites. It is a Martha Stewart one and the combination of the almond crust, Amaretto flavored custard and sweet, juicy apricots is a winner. Made two of these tarts this week. See the recipe here.

Another very simple use for apricots is a rustic tart using pie crust. If you don’t want to make your pie crust from scratch, I love Trader’s Joes frozen pie crust as it is the next best thing. Just toss the fresh apricots with some sugar and a pinch of salt. Place in the center of the crust.

Pinch the pie crust up and over the edge of the apricots and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 45 minutes or until it looks like this.

Serve warm or cold with whipped cream or ice cream or a drizzle of Amaretto! So easy, simple and delicious.


Patrolling over the 6′ perimeter wall

Our sweet and very large dog, Cooper is recovering from an injured paw. His right pad is raw and tender. Of course, excessive licking hasn’t helped either. We tried cleaning it out, but all 120 pounds of Cooper did not enjoy that. Currently, we have ointment and a gauze pad wrapping the area. Trying to keep him from removing it with a white athletic sock. He is not happy about any of this. Cooper is the all white version of the Anatolian Shepherd, called an Akbash.

Cooper and his boo-boo

This week Cooper ran to our south wall to see his dog friend next door. When he was out of sight, I heard this loud body slamming noise. I ran to see what happened and Cooper looked disoriented, dazed and kept shaking his head. I don’t know what happened, but we are keeping an eye on him. Wonder if he flipped over and hit his head? He does seem much better but dogs are like children, you constantly worry about them.

This Week’s Posts

If you missed any posts this week, here they are:

How to Make a Garden Obelisk here

Father’s Day Gift Guide here

Have a wonderful weekend. We are enjoying lovely morning and evening weather here. However the prediction is that our true summer heat will be making an appearance next week. Summer is upon us!

If you enjoy this post, please feel free to share on Pinterest.

Father’s Day Gift Guide

Dad and my husband, 2015

Though my own Father is happily with my Mom in heaven, I am married to a wonderful man who has filled the big shoes of being Dad to our 3 children. Although my husband ALWAYS tells us No Gifts, it’s hard not to want to show him some appreciation on this one special day a year. Here is a Father’s Day Gift Guide to help you select the perfect gift for that special father in your life. Hard to believe that June 20th is just around the corner.

Scott and Benjamin approx. 20 years ago

Matching Shirts

This is one of my favorite pictures of Scott and Benjamin wearing matching Reyn Spooner Hawaiian shirts. Benjamin, now 25 is wearing his Dad’s shirt…sniffle…and his little shirt is in a time capsule in his closet. Not sure if Reyes Spooner still makes matching Father/Son shirts, but here the link to a good selection on Amazon. Wouldn’t this also make a great Grandfather/Grandchild gift?

For the Cook/Chef

Flatiron Pepper Co - 4 Pack Gift Set
4 pack available on Amazon for $36.95

If your Dad loves cooking or grilling, these red pepper flakes are highly recommended by my son. This Colorado company chooses the absolute best and most flavorful chile peppers from around the world. They focus on flavor first and heat second and each shake bursts with character. For a nice selection of product or sets ranging in price from $11.95 and up, click here.

Yoder Smokers YS640 Pellet Smoker
Yoder Smoker US640S

My son would LOVE one of these pellet smokers and highly recommends this particular product. Surprisingly, these smokers come with Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connectivity. So if your Dad is a techie and loves to smoke meat, then this is the gift for him. With 1070 square inches of cook space, there’s plenty of room to cook anything from briskets and pork butt to beer can chickens and turkeys. Starting at $1,999+. See their website here.

For more affordable options for pellet smokers, you can find the resource here.

Like to Read?

New Paperwhite Kindle is waterproof

Though I do love the feel of a real book, the convenience of having multiple novels in one transportable cover, is rather miraculous. I own a Kindle Paperwhite and I love the fact that I can read it in bright sunshine at the beach. But the newest version is WATERPROOF! So reading in the pool or bathtub is now an option! Click here to see this incredible gift. From: $129.99.

A Unique Gift for the Camper/Hiker

Hults Bruk Akke

At only 2.2 lbs, this Akka axe is ideal for overnight wilderness trips and fantastic for clearing forest trails. The axe head is hand forged and made from Swedish axe steel. Featuring a long, curved 24″ American hickory handle, this axe has exceptional leverage and power in a lightweight package. For a selection of Hults Bruk axes and hatchets, click here.

For the Best Dressed Man

1.5" | Black Leather Belt
Thirteen50Leather belt

There is nothing better than a good belt that is designed for everyday use. This full grain belt is cut directly from 12-14 oz. hides. The edges are then hand burnished and waxed, giving the belt a clean finished edge. All leather is sourced 100% from USA tanners and proudly made in the USA. Love the Lifetime Guarantee and 100% Satisfaction Guarantee. Here is their website.

IWIW371615 - Portugieser Chronograph
IWC Portugieser Chronograph

When I was working full time, men were always comparing their watches….perhaps like women with shoes? Nonetheless, watches are the only jewelry most men wear. This IWC Portugieser Chronograph has a stainless steel case, automatic self-winding with a gorgeous green watch face (my husband’s favorite color). Clearly an investment and someday a family heirloom, it is priced at $7,950.00. Click here for their website. For more IWC watch options, check out the display on Amazon here.

Coffee and Whiskey?

I know we LOVE coffee here at our household and our absolute favorite coffee machine is the Breville Nespresso Creatista machine. The Nespresso Creatista Plus offers freshly brewed coffee as well as delicious authentic espresso. The Creatista can turn into your personal latte maker with the attached milk frother, allowing you to create top quality latte art in your kitchen. I highly recommend this machine! You can find it here.

Jameson Cold Brew Irish Whiskey
Price $22.99

For the man who loves coffee and whiskey, Jameson has infused their Irish whiskey with natural cold brew coffee. According to Jameson, each serving is equivalent to about half a shot of espresso. It’s flavored with 100 percent Arabica beans from Brazil and Colombia, with tasting notes touted to be “toasted oak and dark chocolate.” You can either drink it chilled over ice or in a cocktail. I am unable to find it on Amazon, but it appears you can purchase it at Target, Total Wine and check your local grocery store.

The Original BenShot Shot Glass with Real 0.308 Bullet MADE in the USA
BenShot Shot Glass $14.99

Entirely Handmade in the USA. This bulletproof 2 oz. shot glass is from the father and son team at BenShot. They are a family run team of artisan glass-makers, employing a full team of veterans, hunters, and gun enthusiasts. We use a real 0.308 bullet when we make our glass. It is solid copper, (completely lead-free). A unique gift and conversation piece for the Dad in your family. You will find it here

For the Golfer

400G Fore Golf Glove

Who needs a sweaty old golf glove when you can get a new one for just $29.99? This comes in an array of colors to match your Dad’s golf outfit and can be found here.

Time to Pamper

Legiral Le3 Massage Gun

The minute we step up our exercise program, the aches and pains also increase. We own one of these massagers and it is really impressive. There are various heads with different intensities for a variety of ailments. This model can be found here for $129.99.

Father’s Day is just a week and a half away and many of these items you can purchase online and have delivered straight to your door. Just a reminder that if you do purchase some of these items, I may get a small stipend for sourcing this for you. It will not change or increase your cost. Thank you.

Happy Wednesday my sweet friends!

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Making Your Own Bread

Dried cherry and pistachio sourdough

Currently, if you don’t make your own bread, you are probably thinking that making your own bread requires too much time and hard work. Not true! There are ways of making your own bread that suit every schedule and lifestyle.

During the pandemic and being sequestered at home, more people are learning about making bread. You can too.

No-Knead Version

It doesn’t get any easier than this. Revolutionized in 2008 by the book Artisan Bread in Five Minutes a Day (here), you can make artisan bread with minimal effort.

It is as simple as tossing flour, yeast, salt and water into a bowl. Mix to create a shaggy mess and leave alone for 12-16 hours. Form into a ball and bake. See my detailed blog on Making and Baking a Simple Bread post here.

With this toss it and leave it recipe, you can add other ingredients too if you’d like. Another book recommendation is from my friend, Rick. He loves the best-selling book, Flour Water Salt Yeast by Ken Forkish (link here).

Sourdough Starter

Using sourdough starter is how I make my bread. The process is much longer but I enjoy scheduling this into my week. The evening before I make the leaven (sourdough starter, flour and water) and let it sit overnight or at least 12 hours.

The next morning I create the dough, which consists of leaven, flour, water and salt. During the rise, I add other ingredients. The rising process begins and generally by late afternoon I am baking bread.

The ONLY recipe book I currently use is Tartine Bread by Chad Robertson (link here), mostly because I love the very detailed tutorial photos. I’m not confident enough yet to branch out to other styles of bread baking.

The benefits of sourdough bread far outweigh the work. I typically make Lemon, Rosemary and Gruyere or with a dried fruit (cherries, cranberries) and a nut (pistachio or walnuts). Plus I love one with black/green olives, lemon zest and walnuts! Sometimes I make one loaf and use the rest for fresh pizza dough.

Since we don’t eat a LOT of bread, the loaves get sliced and put into the freezer. Perfect for morning toast.

Sourdough bread is a great alternative to conventional bread. Its lower phytate levels make it more nutritious and easier to digest. Sourdough bread also seems less likely to spike your blood sugar levels, which makes it an option for those monitoring their blood sugar. As a result, I rarely use commercial yeast anymore.

For another post on Sourdough Starter Basics, click here.

Other Methods

How To Make Bread in the Slow Cooker - Recipe | Kitchn
Bread in Crockpot The Kitchn

Even though I do own a bread machine, it is collecting dust in my basement. I love personally interacting with the dough and watching it transform over time. However, I did use the bread machine when the children were younger as they loved coming home from school to the smells of freshly baked bread.

Apparently you can also make bread in your crock pot. Again, this is something I have never done. But if you try it please let me know. Here is a link to Kitchn’s recipe.

Mental Health Benefits of Baking Bread

Getty images

According to the Huffington Post, in 2017, five people who were mental health residents at Bethlem Royal Hospital in London spent six two-hour sessions baking bread by hand and answered weekly questions about how they felt. They reported feeling happier, creative, and having a sense of achievement. They also revealed that baking bread made them feel more relaxed and less anxious, and that they had a sense of purpose.

I know when I feel out of sorts or stressed, I put on my apron and start baking or cooking. It truly is better than snapping at someone.

Tips for Successful

Since I have been making bread from scratch for a few years now, I have experienced both success and failure.

One loaf was rather flat after baking. I reviewed all my steps and knew I made it correctly. And then I looked at the bag of flour which was in the freezer. It was dated 2013! How gross is that, especially since it was 2019.

Make sure all ingredients are fresh

Make sure ALL your ingredients are fresh, especially if you are using either fresh or dried commercial yeast. Check the expiration date. Since yeast is a living organism, it loses its potency and ability to rise over time.

One way to find out if your yeast is stale is to sprinkle a small spoonful over very warm water (not boiling or hot), then sprinkle sugar over the yeast. Do not stir. Cover, and wait ten minutes for the yeast to rise and become frothy/bubbly over the water and sugar. If it does, the yeast is active.

Flour has a long shelf life but generally goes bad after 3–8 months. I always freeze my flour. Freezing flour doesn’t affect its qualities if you let it ‘come back to life’ before using. If you use cold flour to bake, your baked good won’t rise. They may also turn out heavy and rubbery.

Why Temperature is Important

Check the temperature of your water before you add it to the yeast. Too cold and the yeast will not activate. Too hot and you will kill the yeast.

Room temperature is equally important. Too cold and your dough will not rise. Double check your recipe for room temperature suggestions. During the winter our kitchen is always cool; but we have the opposite problem in the summer. Drafts and changes in temperature will affect your rise.

Salt and Yeast

After watching too many episodes of The Great British Bake Off, I noticed Paul Hollywood always recommends putting your salt on the opposite side of the bowl from the yeast. Salt can retard yeast growth.

Makes Great Gifts

My neighbor recently had a large flood in her home, resulting in significant damage. Feeling rather helpless, I baked a loaf of my sourdough bread. Coupled with a jar of homemade apricot marmalade, I dropped it off to share my sympathies for their crisis. What better gift than comfort food?

I love getting homemade gifts. Not only do you receive something lovely, but knowing someone spent the time, energy and effort to make it, is priceless.

It’s Never Too Late to Start

Ursula and her bread

Last year I shared my sourdough starter with Ursula. Ursula is the same age as my sweet Elisabeth, and they attended grammar school together. From what I hear, Ursula is an avid bread baker. Such a wonderful lifelong skill. Just think about it: with four simple ingredients you can feed others. Amazing!

I hope this post is encouraging you at least try making bread at home. Here is why: it is satisfying and rewarding. In this crazy world where few things feel good right now, I feel pure joy when I pull a loaf out of the oven.

Please share any bread making experience you have! I would love to hear your stories.

Valentine Dinner Party Ideas, Part 2

So happy you are here with me today to see the Valentine Dinner Party Ideas, Part 2 blog post. If you missed Part 1 yesterday, you can view it here. There is so much that goes into this party, it would be overwhelming to do it in one post, so I hope you enjoy the rest of it today.

The Table

Setting a beautiful table is something I love to do. It sends a message to our guests that they are important to us and that this evening is special. Whether you like Valentine’s Day or not, we think this is the perfect holiday to gather with those we cherish. So why not make a spectacular table?

For the last Valentine dinner party, I did not use a tablecloth. This year, though, I am drawn to the colorful Indian block prints. One of my Instagram friends, Darviny @dayswithdarviny, sources this beautiful fabric. I sent her pictures of my china and she gave me pink options to choose.

My husband made the raised 12″ x 6′ long center shelf (see post here). This focal point is the perfect place to stage all the flowers. Using individual vessels of different heights and sizes, I made the centerpiece out of an abundant display of roses, tulips, hyacinths (which smell heavenly), hydrangeas, snapdragons, and eucalyptus.

Flowers from Torchio Nursery

This year I ordered the flowers from Torchio Nursery in San Francisco. Instead of going to 3 or 4 locations to find a nice array, this nursery sends out a weekly list of what is available and then ships them to me.

Candle holders by West Elm

Adding tapers and votive candles, the centerpiece is complete.

This year, I also hung heart-shaped garlands – some purchased, some homemade (see post here) – from the ceiling using clear Command hooks. The white heart garland came from the shop at Whitfill Nursery, and the 3-dimensional heart garland came from LaMia Casa on Etsy here.

Since this is a Valentine celebration, I decide my Royal Doulton Romance Collection china is most appropriate. Napkins are pink linen, found on sale at Pottery Barn. I also opt for Wallace Napoleon Bee Gold accent flatware, which can be found here. Very affordable brushed gold chargers (link here.) The printed menu cards are at each place setting.

Typically we have rattan chairs around the table. However, in attempts to make it more elegant and comfortable, we bring out upholstered white wing and Parson chairs.

The Day of the Event

The table is set; gifts are in place at the table and the caterers arrive. Now it is time to get ready. Unfortunately I tend to leave outfit selection to the last minute. The black taffeta skirt (from Ann Taylor) I decide to wear is many years old. It seems that the zipper doesn’t quite make it to the top without a great deal of not breathing. The dreaded thickening of the waist after menopause…ugh!

Nonetheless I wear it. Fortunately, it fits beautifully beneath my dusty rose cashmere sweater (J. Crew), which covers any malfunctions. I slip on heels just before guests arrive.

Cocktail Hour

A few days before the event, I collect all the answers to the guests’ questions and create a “Who Am I” sheet printed on yes, pink card stock. During the cocktail hour on the front porch, each guest is given a drink and the Who Am I sheet.

Who Am I sheet

The goal is to mingle, ask questions and write in the name of the person who provides the answer. Naturally, it is a fun way to spark conversation and get to know other guests on a different level.

Edible Glitter in Champagne; glasses by Waterford

We serve champagne and Ruby Red Grapefruit Greyhounds with Rosemary Simple Syrup, both a pretty pink. Recipe is here. One of our guests always brings some fun cocktail additive. This time it is Rose Gold Brew Glitter, an edible glitter that we add to the champagne flutes. Very pretty and festive! Resource it here.

The hors d’oeuvres are individually plated for couples. Our bartender and servers wear masks. After fun games, delicious hors d’oeuvres and drinks, we make our way to the back terrace for dinner.

At the Table

Once we are seated at the table, the guests open their gifts. We get to share what we discover during the cocktail hour as the salad is served. This helps keep conversation flowing and stimulates lots of laughter!

The Wine

My husband carefully selects the wine pairings to go with each course. When the wine is being served, we share a thorough description of the wine region, year of harvest, maker and tasting notes.

The wine glasses are mostly vintage pink glass and add to the dinner theme.

Toasts about friendship, love, wisdom and peace are printed on paper ahead of time. Female guests read them to welcome the wine, salad, entree and dessert.



By this time, conversation is very lively and the food is delicious. As I look down the table, I see happy faces and beautiful flowers.


After Dinner

After the last course and wine, we continue to play the game of getting to know everyone a bit better. Soon a Waterford crystal biscuit jar filled with questions makes its way around the table. It is a delight to hear stories and shared memories from each couple.

Though a great deal of planning and work go into this evening, it is one of our most favorite events.

Expect the Unexpected

And then the winds kick up

We were watching the weather all week. The temperature predictions kept dropping, saying it might be really chilly. Then, the day of the dinner, the wind picks up. In my mind they seemed to be gale force winds, blowing everything over on the table. The candles will not stay lighted and my beautiful heart shaped garlands become a tangled mess.

But what can you do? The addition of propane heaters are a big help. Blankets and shawls are available for guests. Try and focus on what is important: engaging with your guests and living in the moment.

I hope you enjoy all the details and ideas regarding our Valentine Dinner Party. Even though our party is much smaller this year, we cherish our friendships and time together.

This post shared with Charming Homes & Gardens Link Party 47.