Saturday Meanderings

Here are some random thoughts for this beautiful Saturday morning. Yesterday, I completed cleaning the other half of the first floor to the well tower. If you missed Tuesday’s post about the potting shed, click here.

Some fun discoveries in the well tower. I found a box full of old love letters and photos. A lovely trip down memory lane. I often wonder how we will capture the same slices of life with technology? Remember the days when you rushed to the mailbox to see if someone had written to you? Texts and emails don’t seem to hold the same allure.

Young and carefree

I also found a batch of mail from November 2015, unopened. Apparently someone picked up the mail from the mailbox, detoured into the well tower and left it there. Fortunately it was mostly junk mail.

An unexpected well tower project

It is true that starting one project inevitably leads to another. During my well tower cleaning yesterday, I found more wreaths. Tired of having wreaths in multiple places (basement, garage, well tower), I gathered a few of them up. Protecting them in big black garbage bags, I made labels for each and hung them on a blank wall in the well tower.

Garden Update

The poppies are EVERYWHERE! During the day, their purple blooms are wide open. I didn’t realize that poppies close their blossoms at night. Wish I knew how to do time-lapsed photography to capture this.

Poppies open
Poppies closed

It is a hollyhock jungle out there. These perennials have spread all over the yard and are in various stages of blooming.

Primroses are another perennial that provide such an elegant display of pink happiness.


Preserved Lemons

I’ve made a 2nd batch of these delectable, delicious morsels. We are using them in nearly everything~~from tuna fish salad to roasted vegetables, fish, and pasta dishes. I cannot believe I have gone through most of my life without these. If you haven’t made them yet, please do so. You will not be disappointed and they are super easy to make. Click here for the recipe.

Moving Forward?

I am excited that Arizona may be one of the states in Phase 1 of opening up our economy! My roll of elastic finally arrived so I am well equipped with masks. The best pattern can be found on the YouTube video from Hobby Lobby. This mask fits my face perfectly. I add pipe cleaners in the top seam so you can mold the mask to your face. It is two layers of 100% cotton fabric with a hole in the back to add a filter if necessary. Masks may become common in the future, so I’m happy I have a few to wear, just in case.

Still Washing Windows

Yes, I am still washing windows. My next big challenge is how to wash the windows at the top of the well tower. I will try Windex Outdoor where you attach the cleanser to a garden hose. The directions state you need to be within 5′ to apply it. Perhaps if I hang out of one of the windows and aim the hose at the adjacent ones?

Birthday Gift

Botswana Agate, Pearl & Swarovski Crystal Bracelet

My sweet 99-year old aunt (yes, 99!) sent me a check for my birthday. Typically I just deposit something like this, but I decided I wanted to buy something special to remind me of her. My Instagram friend, Tanya Lochridge makes beautiful jewelry. I ordered the bracelet above. I think this is a very nice gift to myself.

To Do List Completion

Fixing the wall

This week went by so quickly. I almost feel like I did too much. Keeping busy is my way of coping with the lockdown and we accomplished many projects. But I am pooped and hopefully tomorrow, will be my day of rest.

I was so excited to receive this photo from one of my followers. I have rose envy!! Thank you so much for sharing!


Happy Saturday! Enjoy the weekend. Any special plans?

Propagating Roses

I have always wanted to learn how to propagate roses, especially the antique ones we have at Bella Terra. With a clean potting shed (see yesterday’s post here) and sheltering in place time on my hands, I thought I would try this.

Meet Quatre Saisons (Rose of the Four Seasons), R. damascene bifera). We have three of the original antique rose bushes that survived the property renovation. This is the oldest European rose to reliably flower more than once during the year. It is one of the most important historic roses, probably going back to the Romans or earlier. 

Quatre Saisons

This rose is not cultivated for the appearance of its shrubs as they are rather gawky and VERY prickly. Foliage is plentiful and leaves have a serrated edge. The blossoms are a bit unconventional and messy-looking but the scent is a mighty treat for the nose.

The reason I am so intrigued by having roses at Bella Terra is a reference made in a previous owner’s diary on April 1, 1922, when she wrote “saw first rose bloom”. When we were researching the house, we found these diaries at the Arizona Historical Museum. Apparently the roses are referenced many times as an important part of the landscaping. To know I am enjoying roses here just the same way someone did 100 years ago gives me great joy.

In Preparation

In preparation for the propagating process, I scrubbed and cleaned the clay pots I wanted to use. Since the success rate of propagating roses is about 50 50 to 75 percent (according the Dr. William C. Welch), cleaning the pots will help minimize any contamination. I then covered the hole at the bottom with a small rock.

Next I loaded up my clean pots and headed out to the compost pile. There are several sites on Google that recommend the type of medium to use for rose propagation. Our compost soil has always done wonders in the past and so I’m counting on it now.

If you missed my composting post, click here. With the pots filled with soil, it is now time to select roses.

How to Take the Cutting

Take a 12-inch segment of the stem, cutting at a 45-degree angle. The best cuttings usually come from the sides of the bush vs. the center. I made sure I used my sharpest and cleanest clippers, in order to avoid contamination or crushing the stem. I immediately put the cuttings in water while I continued cutting the others.

Cuttings taken from new growth vs. old, hardened wood are more likely to be successful. Spring or early summer is the best time to take these softwood cuttings. Select them in the early morning when the plant is most hydrated. Wish I wore gloves as these roses have such sharp thorns!

Remove Most of the Leaves

Remove all but the top two leaflets on the stem. Then, cut of the stem just above this top set of leaves. Removing the excess leaves helps to divert energy to root production. However, the stem still needs to continue with photosysthesis and feed itself until new roots are formed. Also remove any flowers. The flowers will consume energy, and you want to encourage the stem to refocus its energy on survival by sending out new roots. 

Prepare the Stem for Rooting

Using sharp pruners make a fresh cut on the bottom of the stem just below a stem node. I made the cut at a 45 degree angle. The stem node is where new growth typically forms. Then slice into the bottom stem about a quarter of an inch up, splitting the stem into open quarters.

Using a Rooting Hormone

Though this step is optional, a rooting hormone can help spur the plant into developing new roots. I purchased this rooting powder from my favorite nursery, Whitfill Nursery for $5.99.

Slightly moisten the split end of the rose cutting and then dip it into the powdered rooting hormone. Shake off any excess powder.

Plant the Cutting

Plant the cutting in a container filled with at least 6 inch of planting medium. Some recommend a mixture of coarse sand and vermiculite or a potting mix designed for roses. Keeping my fingers crossed that my homemade compost is sufficient.

Poke a hole in the potting medium (I used a screwdriver) and then insert the stem. Be careful not to rub off the rooting powder. Gently firm the soil around the stem and water well.

How cute is this pot~~a school Mother’s Day project made in 2004 by my son Benjamin!

Selecting the Location

Roses prefer a sunny location, but for rooting purposes it is best that they are shielded from the hot afternoon sun. It is important to keep the soil moist so the cutting does not dry out. Some people put a plastic bag over to create a humid environment.

I have placed the 5 pots on the window sill directly across from my computer, so I can check on them every day. The northern exposure will provide bright light but no direct sun.

Of course, I discovered the following advice AFTER I cut the stems. However, I did remove the flowers and buds, so hopefully I will have success. Here is what I read: “Moreover, avoid taking cuttings when your plant is heavily blooming. The plant is putting most of its energy into flower production rather than root development, so a cutting won’t readily root. If you must propagate when the plant is blooming, make sure to remove the flowers and buds from the cutting.”

I am planning to let them grow over the summer in these pots and then plant them in the fall? Or transplant them into bigger pots with a January 2021 planting? Still trying to figure that part out. If there are any rosarians out there, I welcome your help!

Here are some other photos that I’ve taken over time of these delightful roses. I wish you could scratch and sniff.

Lastly, it was difficult to decapitate the flowers off of the stems for this propagation. But not to fret! I am utilizing all the blossoms in a potpourri I am making for the hen house.

Have you ever propagated roses? What is your favorite species? Wish me luck and hopefully I will have 5 more Quatre Saisons soon!

Wishing you a delightful Wednesday! Today I am still washing windows (ugh!) and making face masks as my roll of elastic finally arrived!

References: The Rose Bible by Rayford Clayton Reddell

My Easter Table

I know many of us are having smaller Easter dinner celebrations this year. However, albeit cozy, it is important to make it special for several reasons. Easter is a time of rebirth, joy and celebration. Even though we may be apart from our friends and family, we are healthy and safe.

Typically we have our sit-down dinners in the dining room, but since I have a “new” (from a yard sale) table in the family room with 4 “new” (from a yard sale) chairs, this location felt right for 4 people.

I chose the Royal Worcester Yellow Urn/Roses/Greek Key china because of the cheerful colors. An old business friend bought me 4 dishes many years ago. Slowly, over time, I have added to my collection but it is a rather difficult to find other pieces to this pattern.

Check out my adorable DIY bird nests! I am still tickled over how they turned out. If you missed my last blog post, click here. They fit perfectly inside my creamed soup bowl and add the Spring touch the table needed.

Yellow linen napkins are from Sferra. The sweet lamb napkin holders are gifts from my friend, Gwen. I am putting the napkins off to the side in a non-traditional location but this seems to work best with the round table configuration.

It’s hard to have Easter without bunnies! Daffodils were from our local Safeway store. I have no idea where the bunnies came from…maybe I just started with two? Ha!

My latest glassware purchase include these drop dead gorgeous Rogaska Gallia crystal glasses. They stand 9 3/8″ tall and the crystal cuts are stunning. Thanks to my friend, Louise, I was introduced to them at her dinner party last fall. I fell in love with the weight of the glass and was fortunate to find these on eBay.

Though I haven’t finalized the menu, I am hoping we have all the ingredients here so no one has to make a trip to the grocery store. We are wearing our masks out in public. I am encouraged by the latest projections as it appears that sheltering in is helping.

Wallace Silversmiths Bee Flatware from Horchow

Today I am making the annual family Lamb Cake. I am hoping all my siblings and my son are doing the same so we can have our Lamb Cake competition. My mother would bake one every year and it is one of many fond memories I have of her. Here’s a glimpse of last year’s cake. To learn more about the tradition of this cake, click here.

Happy Saturday and wishing you a blessed Easter with your family. May you continue to have good physical, mental and spiritual health!

The post shared with Between Naps on the Porch Tablescape Thursday #653

Composting 101

Since we are all staying at home for the next 30 days, it is the perfect time to start composting. Your family’s trash can be easily and inexpensively turned into organic plant food. About 30% of what we throw away can be used to make your own rich fertilizer.

We have been composting here at Bella Terra for a long time. The main reason is that we have a lot of yard waste and food scraps. And lately, having more people at home = more trash! It is one of the best ways you can personally reduce your carbon footprint. Plus with minimal effort, you will end up with the most beautiful black enriched soil imaginable.

The Browns

What you need to compost

You need “browns” and “greens” and water to compost properly. The browns are dead leaves and twigs and branches. The greens are your fruit scraps, grass clippings, vegetable waste, coffee grounds, and egg shells. Your compost pile should have an equal amount of browns to greens. You should also alternate layers of organic materials of different-sized particles. 

The brown materials provide carbon for your compost, the green materials provide nitrogen, and the water provides moisture to help break down the organic matter.

What NOT to compost

According to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), here is a list of items you should not compost:

  • Black walnut tree leaves or twigs
    – Releases substances that might be harmful to plants
  • Coal or charcoal ash
    – Might contain substances harmful to plants
  • Dairy products (e.g., butter, milk, sour cream, yogurt) and eggs*
    – Create odor problems and attract pests such as rodents and flies
  • Diseased or insect-ridden plants
    – Diseases or insects might survive and be transferred back to other plants
  • Fats, grease, lard, or oils*
    – Create odor problems and attract pests such as rodents and flies
  • Meat or fish bones and scraps*
    – Create odor problems and attract pests such as rodents and flies
  • Pet wastes (e.g., dog or cat feces, soiled cat litter)*
    – Might contain parasites, bacteria, germs, pathogens, and viruses harmful to humans
  • Yard trimmings treated with chemical pesticides
    – Might kill beneficial composting organisms

How We Compost

There are many different ways to compost at home, but I want to share with you how we do it. First, we gather the greens in a designated trash can located in the kitchen island. Here is where I dump our vegetable peels and fruit scraps, egg shells, and dead cut flowers. Since we recycle our Nespresso pods I do not have any coffee grounds to add. We fill this bin every few days and it gets taken to the compost area. When the kitchen shredder can is full, we add the paper scraps to the composter too.

In addition, once or twice a year, we shovel the top layer of the soil in the hen house and add it to the composter, to capture the goodness of chicken manure.

Composting Methods

We have two different composting methods. First we have two ComposTumblers . Granted these are a financial investment, but we’ve had them for years and they are still functioning just fine. These very large barrels make composting easy. You load the barrels, turn it a few times per day and in 14 days you have compost (weather and other factors may affect speed in decomposition). There are smaller barrels available from various companies like Walmart , Amazon and Wayfair, too.

We also have a hand made stationary bin that has 3 divided areas. The browns and greens are added to the bin and then moved as they progress to make space for newer compostable items. These bins are covered to contain any odor or keep pests away. A good compost pile shouldn’t smell. If it does it is not getting enough oxygen and the contents are just rotting. The compost needs to be aerated and turned frequently (with a pitch fork or shovel) to help with the decomposition.

Plus we cover the compost pile after aerating it. Since the decomposition process creates heat, the tarp keeps the heat in and any critters out. Naturally, during the summer the decomposition process is accelerated.

The benefits

We produce enough compost to fertilize the garden, supplement the soil at the base of the trees in the orchard and the planting beds. This soil is moist and smells so good and earthy.

What better way to help our planet and reduce our waste? It is a remarkable feeling to know we all can make soil from our trash. Think about that for a moment. I find it astounding!

Part of our gardening success is definitely attributed to having such incredible, nutrient-rich soil. Here is how my garden looks today.

Massive hollyhocks

Last April, I did a blog post on hollyhocks and offered free seeds. Click here for the post, but if anyone wants hollyhock seeds, please email me at marycrz@cox.net.

I strongly encourage you to consider composting. There are so many resources on the internet to help you establish a process that is suitable for your needs. You will be so delighted with the results.

If you are already composting, please let me know how you do it. Happy April Fool’s Day! Are you playing any pranks? This reminds me to put some blue food coloring in the milk carton! Have a lovely day.

Ways to Navigate Life Now

With every dark cloud, there is a silver lining. But in times of crisis you really need to look for it. Lately, I have found that when I pay attention to the small things I have missed in the past, I am in a state of rediscovery. Before I was always running to meetings or on conference calls and as a result, overlooked so much. Come to find out, these little gifts have been there all the time.

Gifts of Nature

When is the last time you really looked inside an iris? See the beards? Isn’t the color amazing?

Now with more time at home, and needing just the basics (good health, food and family), beauty seems to be emerging in nature everywhere. Not to be cliche, but I am experiencing “stop and smell the roses” moments ALL the time. Is anyone else finding this to be true? Naturally it helps to have roses blooming right now!

Yesterday I stopped to face the sun and listen to the birds. Such a simple act but with tremendous benefits. Breathing more is a necessity lately but filling my lungs with the sweet spring air is so restorative.

I’ve never noticed how beautiful the delicate flowers are on my scented geranium plant. And those curly filaments on the stigma! Take time to notice the changes Spring brings. The earth is coming back to life after winter and doesn’t it feel like we are on that same path? Bloom wherever you are!

Necessity is the mother of invention

This is also a time to get creative! With regular all-purpose and bread flour on shortages, I am using the almond and coconut flours that have been in my freezer. Dusting off old recipes and rediscovering them all over again is inspiring. In 2018, I posted this recipe for Paleo Lemon Blueberry bread and I hadn’t made it in a long time. Plus it’s healthy! Click here to read the post.

Even milk has been challenging to find in some places. But consider the alternatives and ones you can make, nut or grain milk. I don’t think there is a pressing need for almonds and it is SO easy to make your own. Click here for my previous post and the simple recipe.

Click here for the link for oat milk.

5 Minute Homemade Oat Milk Recipe - DelishKnowledge

Keep Moving

I really miss exercising at the gym. For some reason, while I’m there I push myself harder and work up a good sweat. Taking brisk afternoon walks isn’t quite the same, but there is joy in seeing so many people out walking and children biking. Right across the street from our home is the historic Murphy Bridle Path. It is the only linear public park in Arizona and such an important recreational resource for our City.

Another positive to walking is checking out all the houses in the area. Who doesn’t like house snooping?!

If I don’t exercise I’ll be auditioning for My 600-lb. life after all this is over. Tomorrow I am going to try online work outs to see if I can kick things up a notch. We have a stationery bike and a rowing machine ~ I only hope I can motivate myself to get on them and work hard. What are you doing to move?

Be proactive on managing your stress

There are times I can feel the fingers of fear creeping into my optimism. I suppose that is natural but it’s not my personality to allow it. My first line of defense is to BREATHE. There are so many meditation tools available to us, but my two favorite are Headspace and Calm. Headspace recently created a free support section called Weathering the Storm. It includes meditations, sleep, and movement exercises to help you out, however you’re feeling. This is Headspace’s small way of helping you find some space and kindness for yourself and those around you.

The Cornish Riviera Express thumbnail
Calm Sleep Story: Narrator Andrew Martin

Every night I listen to Sleep Stories on the Calm app. I’ve yet to hear the end of a story because I am lulled to sleep by the wonderful soothing voice of the narrator. I do pay an annual fee, but I truly use it every night. There are other meditation exercises and resources on the app as well.

There is something soothing about an afternoon cup of tea. The chamomile is just starting to bloom in the garden. This herb also helps to calm things down. I’ve also read that valerian tea, green tea and if you aren’t a tea drinker, cherry juice works too. To see the chamomile growing in the garden, click here.

Start a new project!

Cooper helping me wash windows

It feels SO good to cross things off the To Do list. There’s a sense of forward movement when you accomplish goals and finish projects. I am in the middle of washing all the windows in the house. My husband is doing a deep clean on the outside barbecue area. Touch-up painting comes next. Not only is it good to move, but at the end of all of this, your home may look its best ever. If you missed my last post, here is a project update.

Try something new

Who remembers Paint by Numbers? We did this as children (many moons ago) but have you seen some of the paintings they now offer? Not only is this a fun family project, but a chance to focus your energies in an artistic way.

Rose in a Bottle - DIY Painting By Numbers Kit
Rose in a Bottle – $14.99
Artsy Green Plant - DIY Painting By Numbers Kit

You can even create your own painting from a photo or start on a holiday painting now. Check out their website to see all the possibilities.

Create Your Own Paint By Number

There are other creative outlets~~all available online. Want to tour the White House or The Louvre from the comfort of your own home? Or hear a concert? All of these are now at your fingertips online by just searching the internet.

Being Strong for Others

So many people have had to make significant adjustments in their lives. Many are on the front line while we are safe at home. Some are physically compromised.

As parents, we need to be good role models and create teachable moments so our children understand how to deal with inconvenience or hardship. Be the voice that lifts, not scares. Be informative but optimistic.

When Certainty is Lost only Faith Remains

Whatever faith means to you, it is important to have it now. I find solace in watching our church’s online services on Sunday. I am surrounded by the dogs and cats and I can have my coffee too. But sometimes just turning life’s challenges over to a higher being gives us strength to move forward. Whether your “church” is nature, a friend, a pet or a religion, be connected. Reach out to someone you have not spoken to in a while. Write a letter. Watch a sunset and know you’ve made it through another day.

Please let me know how you are doing. Now more than ever, we need each other. Whatever you have planned for today, I am sending virtual hugs and wishing you happiness.

Orange “Gingersnap” roses recently purchased from Whitfill Nursery

Spring and Easter Inspiration

Generally right after St. Patrick’s Day, I am full steam ahead on Easter. But I feel like the last week has been a blur and it’s hard to stay focused with so much going on around us. The purpose of this post is to tune out all the noise, and enjoy Spring and remember that Easter is 2 1/2 weeks away. Really.

* Daffodils in my tulipieres

A small treat for you today, is a link to this adorable Spring printable. Lucy, from Craftberry Bush is SO talented and generous in sharing her happy artwork. Makes me want to take watercolor classes. The printable comes with or without different messages. Click here for the download. So easy to print!

The evolution of the bulb garden is a source of constant joy and amazement. The sweat equity of planting of over 400 bulbs is now paying off. The hyacinths are past their prime, but the tulips! That red! Nothing beats the colors of nature.

Here is a before picture of the non-existent bulb garden last September…..

And now today! You can see the bearded irises just starting to show their blooms.

It dawned on me that Spring is happening all around us. I am very behind in my decorating for Easter. I pulled out boxes today and found some items that I cherish and bought many years ago. It was enough of a lift to get me at least thinking about the Easter holiday.

In order to help get you into the spirit of Spring and Easter, here are some photos from some of my favorite bloggers.

Yvonne, from Stone Gable, never disappoints. Her photos are fabulous and her blog is so informative.

Stone Gable

Plus if you want to make these Chinoiserie eggs, click here. Aren’t they beautiful? I am definitely going to try this.

I just discovered Ann at Dabbling and Decorating. She has a home in Vermont and Maine and a fresh, light look to her decor.

My friend, Kristin, from White Arrows Home is part of an Easter Tablescape and Bunny Hop tour. Kristin lives in the Northwoods of Wisconsin in a big log cabin and I had the good fortune to meet her last October. Isn’t this a whimsical and fun table?

White Arrows Home

Another new discovery is Rachel from The Pond’s Farmhouse, who sold everything, built a home and moved to the country! I like her “nest” chargers.

Barbara from Mantel and Table has a Tuesday teacup series and everytime I see her post, I am inspired to make a cup of tea in a pretty cup. I think we all deserve some pampering now and again.

Royal Albert Moonlight Rose Teacup
Mantel and Table

Courtney from French Country Cottage is a professional photographer and has the most beautiful pictures. Her photos have encouraged me to focus on improving my own photos. To read a previous post about attending her book signing at Patina Farm, click here.

French Country Cottage

Isn’t this tablescape so serene and peaceful? Karen from Sanctuary Home Decor has stunning taste and wonderful ideas on how she changes her home from season to season.

Sanctuary Home

Even though I’ve never met many of my Instagram or blogging friends, I feel like we would be kindred spirits if we lived next door. The internet has provided an opportunity for us to get to know others while respecting the physical distancing requests that have been made of our country.

On a separate note, I wanted to share this last photo to show you our new norm. My daughter, Elisabeth, had to move out of her dorm and back home. She is completing her freshman year by taking online courses here at home. She has found the perfect spot to listen to her Criminal Justice class.

Inspiration can come from many sources. Do you have any Easter or Spring inspiration you want to share? Let’s keep each other’s spirits up!

Have a fabulous Wednesday and stay healthy!

*The tulipieres in the first picture are from The Enchanted Home. Daffodils are a great price at Safeway right now at 3 bunches for $5.00 (while tulips were $1 each). They are closed up but within 24 hours are showing their pretty yellow blossoms. To see a post about these tulipieres, click here.