Saturday Meanderings
Since I returned from my week in Connecticut, it is taking me longer to get back into the swing of things. And I’m feeling a bit tired too which doesn’t help when you have a great deal to accomplish. But it is Saturday and welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we just chat about all sorts of things. High hopes for a relaxing weekend.
Style and Class

I love it when I find a resource that takes the time to make things extra special and beautiful. Recently I did order these beautiful velvet pumpkins from The Caroline Chateau. When I opened the package, a lovely handwritten thank you note with a sprig of lavender in the gold wax seal became my first impression of this vintage decor site. Isn’t it pretty?

And the pumpkins are truly beautiful~in colors of copper, bronze, slate blue, navy and indigo. This color combination will be perfect in my living room and as you can see, the pumpkins pick up the colors in the rug.

The faux stem is gorgeous too! You can find these pumpkins (and in other colors) at The Caroline Chateau website here.
Ava Grace Gifts

When I find someone or someplace that goes out of their way to provide excellent service with unique items, I must share it with you. While in Connecticut last week, I viewed an Instagram reel by Tracy from Ava Grace Gifts reminding everyone to send a care package to their college student.
My third (and last) child is a junior in college and I suddenly realized that I have never sent her a care package (bad mother feelings). So I quickly called Ava Grace and within an hour, they pulled together fun items for her and shipped it out that same day.

I first discovered this truly wonderful store when we were back in Simsbury, Connecticut in the fall of 2019. Just by happenstance, we walked in and I immediately fell in love with many of the high quality and one of a kind items. Since then, I follow Tracy on Instagram @avagracegifts and if you are looking for something different (from jewelry, clothing, baby items to home decor), check them out here. Tell Tracy I sent you!
New Front Gate Wreaths

For the last several years, I have been putting in the same autumn wreaths on our front gate. They are looking tired and faded. During a recent trip to Costco, I found these great 30″ fall wreaths at a decent price of $39.99 each. And I think they are an appropriate scale and a huge improvement over the old wreaths!

Here’s a link to Costco but please note they are $49.99 online vs. the $39.99 we paid in store. It also appears to come in a neutral/white version too.
Surprise from Mother Nature

At my aunt’s house in Connecticut, a bald-faced (or white faced) hornets nest appeared in one of her large rhododendron bushes against the house. This nest is HUGE and very active with hundreds of bees. Since it was at waist-level and not too far from the road, I did call an exterminator to remove it.
I always hate to interfere with something like this, but these hornets are aggressive and sting multiple times. Since many children walk to school along the street, I feared someone would be curious and disturb it.

The exterminator said it was the largest nest he’s ever seen~about the size of a big truck hubcap. Isn’t it amazing that little small hornets could make something so large? As a side note, no good bees were harmed with this removal.
My Soil Test Results

I will be writing a separate blog post about this, but within days of sending in my garden soil sample, I got the results. This test is very easy to do yourself and I highly recommend it if you are concerned about your soil’s integrity. Here is the link to the My Soil testing kit. More to come about this.
Some Questions

A few people are asking how I make my the edges of my pie dough ruffly (is that even a word?). I use this fluted pastry wheel when I cut my dough into strips for the basketweave design.

My mother had one and I fondly remember her using one. Here is a resource.
Two New Books

With all the traveling I am doing lately, I am burning through novels quickly. I would recommend both these books.
The Last Thing He Told Me by Laura Dave is on the New York Times Bestseller List #1. According to Entertainment Weekly this is “a gripping mystery about a woman who thinks she’s found the love of her life-until he disappears. This novel has over 4.5 stars with over 40,000 reviews. You can find it here.

Mrs. Rochester’s Ghost by Lindsay Marcott is a modern and twisty retelling of Jane Eyre, a young woman must question everything she thinks she knows about love, loyalty, and murder. Personally, I love the setting which is a cottage on an estate near Big Sur. Again, it has 4.5 stars with over 8,000 reviews on Amazon. Find it here.
Other Haircut Photos

A few of you are asking for additional photos of my haircut. Here is a front shot. Also, the way Roscoe at Pucci Salon cuts it I can either flip up the sides or take a large brush and roll them under. Hope it helps.
Here’s the back again.

Well that wraps it up for another Saturday Meanderings! Hope we all have a super relaxing weekend. I could certainly use one.
If you missed my posts this week, here they are:
Five Fabulous Fall Recipes here
A Powerful Stain Remover here.