Morning Rituals

When I start my morning off right, it seems like the day follows suit. I wake up to the Birds Chirping alarm on my iPhone. Sometimes I just let it sing to me as it is such a pleasant sound.

I wash my face with Skin Medica face wash. Next I put on their Lumvive Day Damage Defense Serum and then add their HA5 Rejuvenating Hydrator. Last step is their Total Defense + Repair Broad Spectrum SPF 34 moisturizer. Gosh, these adjectives make my face sound like an old broken down car! However, I can honestly say I really like the results. I have found that the travel kit is the best deal as these products are not inexpensive. I order them from the Dermstore (here) or Amazon here.

SkinMedica Glow on the Go Travel Essentials Image 1

A quick brush through the hair and into my workout clothes for either Pilates or a trip to the gym.

This is my Pilates teacher, Heather. She’s amazing.

Before I leave, I faithfully have my morning cup of Joe. I really adore my Nespresso Breville machine (one of the best birthday presents ever). In my coffee, I add 2 scoops of Vital Proteins collagen peptides and mix thoroughly before adding my steamed almond milk. I cannot eat first thing in the morning so this is my “breakfast” as the powder has 18 grams of protein. It’s enough to get me through my workout, while providing nutrients to my joints, hair and skin.

An hour or so later, when I get back from exercising, I have a bite to eat. Typically it is something involving eggs, because there is nothing better than the fresh gifts our chickens give us each day. Probiotic and vitamins come next.

Then it is off to the shower to tackle the day. Even on those days where I am home working on the blog, paying bills or doing chores, I try to dress a little nicer than sweats or yoga pants. I recently read Forever Chic by Tish Jett.

Image result for Forever Chic by Tish Jett

The book was loaded with beauty and style secrets French woman possess wherever they are. It is a reminder that it is okay to wear pajama pants at home but not in public. Sometimes it is easy to let ourselves go, especially when we are so comfortable around our homes. It might be adding a spritz of perfume or a fun lip color, but doing a small gesture to make yourself feel put together, sets the course for the day.

This routine works for me. What are your morning rituals? Have a happy Wednesday!

Ways to Decompress

We all have times in our lives where we feel like we have one stress after another. The weight of the world weighs heavily on our shoulders. Sometimes it is fleeting; other times you want to shout out to the universe enough already!

Though it would be nice to have stress-free days, life just doesn’t work that way. And if you don’t decompress every now and again, then Everything is Overwhelming.

I find myself good at handling the big challenges, but sometimes the little things just get under my skin.

So what do you do to relieve the stress? Here are some of the ways I try to redirect the annoyance, anger, problem or just plain crankiness.

Take a break and carve out some quiet time. Making a nice cup of tea, finding a good magazine and just taking 20 minutes to myself with magazine distraction is an easy balm for the soul.

Exercise. I’ve decided that I would be a very grumpy person if I didn’t exercise. It doesn’t have to be to a fancy gym or with a trainer. A brisk walk, a long bike ride, a hike, or stretching are easy, non-costly things that pay big dividends.

Watch a sunset or sunrise. Taking the time to mark the beginning or ending of a day, may help your realize that the sun will be up again tomorrow.

Turn off your technology and get outside. A trip to my garden/hen house magically erases anything that is weighing heavily on my mind. Not sure why that is, but I seem to forget the woes and concentrate on what’s blooming, who’s eating my strawberries or time to pull that weed.

Baking. I tend to do this when I’m a bit aggravated. I throw on my apron, turn on the music and bake. The only danger is that it may be a dessert or something decadent.

Run a bubble bath and light some candles. Easing into warm water with bath salts can provide a well-deserved “Calgon take me away” moment.

My children are such sources of joy. If they are not nearby to hug, I play my many years of memories in my mind and remind myself how lucky I am. I pick up the phone and call them, or send them a funny text. Their quick responses are a reminder of how loved I am. They always put life in perspective!

Love on the dogs/cats. Did you know that petting an animal actually lowers your blood pressure? Our pets love us unconditionally and will provide the love and attention we need when we are feeling our lowest.

Do something creative-for me it is finishing or tweaking a painting.

Do something nice for yourself. Buy flowers. Get a haircut. Taking the time to acknowledge you need some pampering is a good thing.

When all else fails, turn it over to a higher being. Sometimes you just need to let it go and trust that it will all be okay.

What do you do to relieve stress? Wishing you a relaxing Tuesday!

10 Tips to Stay Healthy

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Fortunately I am not a person who gets common winter illnesses. In the last 24 years, I can only recall being very sick with a cold or flu only twice. Living a healthy life should be an important focus as we age. Here are my top 10 tips for staying healthy!

I DO pay attention to how my body feels. When I’m stressed, tired, cranky and run down, I stop and take note. Then I apply all my remedies that so I can get back on track. There are several challenges we all have to keeping healthy~~lack of sleep, not eating properly, traveling, being around sick people and the list goes on and on.

Have a Strong Immune System

First and foremost, BUILD your immune system. There are so many germs and viruses out there and a weakened immunity system is a magnet to the nasty things in our environment. Eat a diet full of fruits and vegetables. Here is the link to some immune boosters you may want to investigate.

A Healthy Gut is a Must

2. Have a healthy gut. A healthy gut = a strong immune system. Keep away from high sugar, processed foods. With the holidays it’s easy to consume lots of sweets and alcohol. It is okay to do that occasionally but make sure you eat a healthy and balanced diet in between.

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I’ve not read this book but it is highly rated

3. Do you take a probiotic? If not, you may want to do your research on probiotics as they may affect you differently. Here is the probiotic (Metagenics UltraFlora Control) I take daily (click here). Other selections of probiotics are available on Amazon as well. Research which one may be the best for you.

Part of having a healthy gut and a strong immune system is getting enough Vitamin C and E and eating a high fiber diet. I take Emergen-C Vitamin C supplement in a glass of water when I’m under the weather and always when I travel (link here).

Wash Your Hands

4. Wash your hands. I have trained myself that the minute I get home, the first thing I do is head for the kitchen sink and wash my hands.

Nearby is a tube of hand cream and Thayer’s Witch Hazel. Witch hazel is a natural astringent, which means it can help tighten skin and slow down signs of aging such as discoloration, redness, and dryness. So I wash my hands, apply some witch hazel and then hand cream….and repeat often.

Use a Hankie or Elbow

Sniffles, sneezing and cough? How to tell if it's a simple allergy rather  than The Virus

If you have to sneeze, do so into a hankie, Kleenex or your elbow. Do not sneeze into your hands. I remember going into a business meeting and the client sneezed into his hand and then wanted to shake mine. I was so grossed out and just wanted to bathe myself in hand sanitizer. To see my attempt on bringing back hankies, click here. Do carry hand sanitizer. I order mine from Grove Collaborative and love the Blood Orange scent (click here) or get a similar one from Amazon here.

Do Not Touch Your Face

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Don’t want the flu? Stop touching your face!

5. Don’t touch your face! My mother would always reprimand us if we touched our faces. “Use the back of your hand!”, she would say. If you nose itches, use the back of your hand. Has your hair fallen in your face? Push it away with the back of your hand. The front of your hands are receptacles for bacteria.

Wipe Frequently Used Surfaces

6. Wipe down your frequently touched items. How often do you sanitize the steering wheel to your car? Your front door knob? Your computer keyboard? The surface of your cell phone?

Think of all the things you touch during the course of the day. If someone in our house is sick or has been sick, I wipe everything down with Clorox Disinfecting Wipes. I even take a small bag of them when I travel and wipe off the airplane seatbelt clasp and tray table.

My Personal Remedies

7. This works for me. The MINUTE I feel stuffy, off, or run down, I take Oil of Oregano. Oil of oregano is an antioxidant, it kills bacteria and has many other remedies. Not all Oil of Oregano is the same. It is extremely important that you make sure you take oil of oregano and not essential oil of oregano. Read the dosage carefully and get a high quality one.

Gaia was rated one of the best on the market (click here) and I am also trying Mortar and Pestle (lesser dosage and cheaper). Oil of oregano does comes in both capsules or a liquid with a dropper. I prefer the capsules because taking the liquid version straight (under the tongue and hold it there for as long as possible) is a bit brutal, but highly effective.

Stay Hydrated

8. Stay hydrated. I am never very far away from a bottle or glass of water. It is a bit harder to keep hydrated during the winter vs. the summer, but make sure you get your fair share of H2O in daily. It really helps to flush things along. I start each day with a big glass of water. It helps to fill a pitcher of water and add cucumber, lemons or strawberries to make it a little more exciting. At the end of the day, the pitcher should be empty.

Keep Moving

9. Exercise. You don’t have to be a gym rat but keep moving. The human body is the only machine, that if not used, will break down. Even if you aren’t feeling well, attempt some stretches and walks. Being sedentary is the new smoking. Personally, I take Pilates 2x a week and try to get to the gym 3 days a week. Weekends are for walks or bike rides. I put it on my calendar like a very important appointment that I try never to cancel.

Get Your Zzzzs

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10. Get a good night’s sleep. I have a reminder on my phone when it is time for me to go to bed. Generally it goes off about an hour before I want to be asleep. Having a night time ritual helps me a great deal. Listening to a Calm bedtime story before bed puts me to sleep immediately. I also take Dr. Pierpaoli’s MZS melatonin (click here) just before I go to bed (generally between 10:00 p.m. and 11:00 p.m.). This melatonin doesn’t make me feel groggy at all and has helped with my sleep cycles.

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Lastly, these recommendations are just that…..recommendations. You should always do your own research and/or consult with your physician. I do not have any underlying medical issues that interfere with any of the products mentioned above. But we are all different so please proceed carefully in taking any kind of supplement, herb or medication.

And of course there is always the debate on flu shot or no flu shot. Personally I have never had a flu shot because I work so hard to keep my immune system strong.

What do you do to keep healthy during the change of seasons? If everyone sends me their suggestions and remedies, then perhaps I can compile a list that we can all share.

Stay healthy, my friends! Happy Saturday!

If you click on some of the product links, I may get a small stipend for those at no cost to you. Thank you!

My Afternoon Walkabout

When the children were small, we would walk the entire property every afternoon. My son and I would have “who can pick the largest kumquat” contests in the orchard. I miss those days 🙁

My daily walkabout is not only a chance to get outside, but a way to free myself from technology, projects and other stress related items. I thought you might like to join me in seeing different parts of the property.

The weather has been so beautiful~blue skies, warmth from the sun but fall is definitely in the air. Our winter grass is in and it is green, green, green! The light this time of year is soft and golden.

View from the guest cottage to the orchard

Fall vegetables are taking off in the garden~~salad greens, bok choy, kale, Swiss chard, broccoli, cauliflower, snap peas, squashes, potatoes, peppers, tomatoes and herbs.

Having the garden located next to the hen house, allows ample feedings of garden scraps to the chickens.

The orchard is abundant with citrus~~we will still need to wait a few months but I can’t wait to pick fresh oranges, grapefruit, lemons, limes and kumquats.

We have plenty of pomegranates but they aren’t edible. Not sure why.

Flowers, flowers everywhere! This is the beginning of our colorful time which will last until next summer.

An original heirloom rosebush

How can these ornamental cabbages be so beautiful?

The guest cottage is hidden in the back northwest corner of the property and I love how it just appears out of nowhere. Feels a bit magical to me.

As much as I love the purple orchid trees, my favorite part is when the flowers drop and the ground becomes a sea of pink/purple.

The autumn sun provides some interesting shadowing on the well tower.

By the end of my walk, I feel rejuvenated. There’s something to be said for connecting with nature, feeling the ground beneath your feet and noticing all that changes with the season. What do you do daily to de-stress? Have a lovely Tuesday.

Hiking in Sedona, Arizona

On late Saturday afternoon, my daughter, Elisabeth, suggested we go hiking the next day……in Sedona, Arizona (a mere 2.5 hour drive).  Of course, I jumped at the chance to spend time with her and her best friend, Ella.

We left the house at 6:00 a.m. with an anticipated arrival time of 8:30 a.m.~ 30 minutes before the limited parking area opened.  Well, after stopping for gas and snacks, we arrived at the lot at 9:06 a.m. to find it completely FULL.  The attendant said that parking opened at 8:00 a.m. and the website was incorrect.  Sigh. The closest parking was 1/2 mile away.

West Fork Trail is touted to be one of the best trails in Arizona and one of the top 10 trails in the United States.    The trail is approximately 6.5 miles round trip and is rated easy.  Although, there are a few areas where short uphill stepping stones are used.

It was a little disconcerting to see the sign about the possible rabid fox.

Even though it was rather early in the morning, the sun was up and shining!

If you aren’t familiar with Sedona, it is a beautiful destination filled with red-rock buttes, steep canyon walls and pine forests. The town of Sedona is a popular tourist destination with several art galleries, shops, restaurants and hotels.

At the beginning of the trail, you pass through the ruins of the original Mayhew Lodge, which was operational from 1925 t0 1968.  Some of its famous guests include President Herbert Hoover, Clarke Gable, Jimmy Stewart, and Walt Disney. The family who owned it sold it to The Forest Service in 1968. Unfortunately, it burned down in 1980 and the Forest Service was unable to rehabilitate it for $200,000. You can explore some of the remains….seems a bit sad since this is such an incredible location.

The trail wasn’t challenging from an elevation perspective, but the path was soft and sand-like. There are also numerous stream crossings (at least 13) which are done with stepping stones and logs.

The nice part of having two teenage girls on this hike is that they LOVED posing for pictures! Both wore bathing suits and were able to cool off in the chilly waters of Oak Creek. The stream flows gently, and the hike is very pleasant and relaxing – only occasional sunlight reaches the canyon floor so the trip is ideal for the hot summer months.

There were abundant gifts from nature along the way.

The West Fork trail is 3.3 miles one way. However, it is possible to continue through to the upper end of the creek, and meet with dirt roads in the Coconino National Forest. This is a 14 mile trip, and may involve some swimming of deep pools.  We got turned around a bit because we weren’t paying attention to the trail markers, which are about every 1/2 mile.  My guess is that our 6.6 mile trip turned into 9 miles as we may have gone beyond the end of the trail. Fortunately, we weren’t the only ones hiking and got directions from a couple who obviously knew where they were going.

By the time we hiked back to the car, we had completed a good 4 hours of hiking (including stops for swimming and picture-taking).  With hot feet and hungry stomachs, we stopped at The Indian Gardens Market and Cafe in Oak Creek.  The sandwiches were delicious and sitting for the 2.5 hour drive home was welcomed. I LOVED spending the day with my daughter and her friend, who feels like a daughter.  I am a lucky person.

Key Points:

  1. Arrive as early as possible.  Even though the park’s parking lot states online they open at 9:00 a.m., they really open at 8:00 a.m.  Finding any parking in the area is challenging.
  2. Bring lots of water.  In spite of the plentiful shade, stay hydrated.
  3. Prepare to cross water, so wear water shoes, or ones you don’t mind getting wet.
  4. Sunscreen always
  5. Fire Danger is high~Stage 3 when we were there.  Surprisingly we saw someone smoking on the trail (really?).  Please be aware of fire restrictions.
  6. The trail is squishy and sandy and my hip felt it the next day.
  7. Wearing a bathing suit was a plus for the girls-they loved cooling off in the creek
  8. Pay attention to the trail markers, especially if you continue beyond the marked trail.
  9. We didn’t have any issues with insects
  10. It’s $10.00 to park at the trailhead.  If you walk in, it’s $2.00 per person.

For more information on the West Fork Trail, click here.

Happy Hiking!























Craving Greens

After a lovely Thanksgiving week of carbs and more carbs, I am craving anything green and vegetable-like.  My body seems so out of balance~~I’m sluggish and feeling a bit pudgy.

Last night, I scoured the garden picking lettuce, kale and arugula and made a huge salad topped with leftover turkey.

Today, I decided to focus on cleaning out the toxins.  After an hour of Pilates, I stopped at the grocery store and purchased lots of this.

I then made my favorite green shakes from Vani Hari, a food blogger that has literally changed how some large food giants do business. For example she was able to influence Kraft Foods to remove the harmful dyes from their Mac ‘n Cheese.  Her website is a plethora of information on food choices and loaded with fabulous recipes. Nicknamed the Food Babe, her story is here.

When I was caring for my dad and running to the hospital each day, this green shake kept me going and kept me healthy.  There are 6 simple ingredients:  Kale or spinach, celery, cucumber, grapefruit, frozen pineapple and water. I substituted frozen mango and pineapple, as I was unable to find plain, frozen pineapple.

In a blender, combine the celery, cucumber and grapefruit with 6 oz. of water.

Then add the greens and the frozen pineapple.

I’m hoping that by being thoughtful in my eating and exercising this week, that the brain fog will lift and I will restore my energy.



Here is the recipe for Food Babe’s Pineapple Grapefruit Hari Shake:
