Making Easter Nests

In setting the table for Easter Sunday dinner, I needed something to make it feel more spring-like. I love birds’ nests and have a few, but didn’t think it was very sanitary to actually place them at the dinner table.

The Royal Worcester dishes I am using for the place settings have a lovely small 4″ creamed soup bowl with plate that I want to place on the dinner platter. Now the challenge is making a nest that will sit inside the bowl. I’ve got this!

Getting Started

After some pondering, and not wanting to go to the hobby store, I searched the house for materials. Leftover bottles of Mod Podge and shredded paper from the shredder sparked me into action.

In order to form the depression in the middle of the nest, I made a ball out of aluminum foil and covered it with plastic wrap. I have not used Mod Podge in years and I couldn’t recall if it would adhere to foil, hence the protective plastic wrap.

Knowing this would be a bit messy, I put down a piece of parchment paper, gathered my supplies of latex gloves, shredded paper, 4-5″ styrofoam bowls, plastic wrap and glue. If you don’t have Mod Podge I would imagine any glue diluted with a bit of water would work.

The Process

Line one bowl with plastic wrap. In another bowl, mix the shredded paper and Mod Podge. Use enough so the paper follows your hand around the bowl. If you use more, the drying time will increase.

Pat the glue/paper mixture around your center ball until you get the size nest you want. Do not cover the ball.

Let dry. I put mine in the sun since it was late afternoon. I removed my ball to make sure my depression was deep enough and clearly defined.

After approximately 1 hour, the nest is consolidated enough but not completely dry. I re-shaped the nests to have more of a rounded base vs. the shape of the plastic bowl.

Like most projects, the more you practice the better you get. The first nest I made, had more glue than the others. However, it did require a bit more drying time. The Mod Podge is very sticky and the shredded paper stayed together.

The Finishing Touches

While the nests are drying, choose your paint colors. Using old cans of spray paint, I selected 3 colors that would resemble a real nest.

Matching spray paint colors to a real bird’s nest

For protection, lay down a drop cloth or plastic, and spray your nests to the color of your choice. Think of all the possibilities! I even used a bit of gold on top.

I let the nests dry overnight. They are nice and sturdy.

The next morning, I added bits of different color moss for additional texture. You can add twigs, feathers or really any yard debris for a more natural look.

Using a glue gun, drip the glue over the nest. Push the moss onto the glue. I placed darker moss on the inside and a lighter one on the top.

Trim any excess if necessary.

Fill the nests with faux eggs or candied eggs ones for color. The nests fit perfectly into the soup bowls.

This project was completely unexpected! It was fun for me to search the house for supplies to make it. Now I am thinking of all the things I can make out of glue and shredded paper. My own version of paper mâché!

This project took approximately 2 hours. If I used less glue, they would have dried faster. You may need to let them completely set overnight. Today, I will leave them in the sun to get rid of the spray paint smell. I like the fact that I can use these year to year too!

I can’t wait to show you how adorable these look on my Easter table ~~that will be Saturday’s blog post!

Happy Wednesday! What are you up to day?

Ways to Navigate Life Now

With every dark cloud, there is a silver lining. But in times of crisis you really need to look for it. Lately, I have found that when I pay attention to the small things I have missed in the past, I am in a state of rediscovery. Before I was always running to meetings or on conference calls and as a result, overlooked so much. Come to find out, these little gifts have been there all the time.

Gifts of Nature

When is the last time you really looked inside an iris? See the beards? Isn’t the color amazing?

Now with more time at home, and needing just the basics (good health, food and family), beauty seems to be emerging in nature everywhere. Not to be cliche, but I am experiencing “stop and smell the roses” moments ALL the time. Is anyone else finding this to be true? Naturally it helps to have roses blooming right now!

Yesterday I stopped to face the sun and listen to the birds. Such a simple act but with tremendous benefits. Breathing more is a necessity lately but filling my lungs with the sweet spring air is so restorative.

I’ve never noticed how beautiful the delicate flowers are on my scented geranium plant. And those curly filaments on the stigma! Take time to notice the changes Spring brings. The earth is coming back to life after winter and doesn’t it feel like we are on that same path? Bloom wherever you are!

Necessity is the mother of invention

This is also a time to get creative! With regular all-purpose and bread flour on shortages, I am using the almond and coconut flours that have been in my freezer. Dusting off old recipes and rediscovering them all over again is inspiring. In 2018, I posted this recipe for Paleo Lemon Blueberry bread and I hadn’t made it in a long time. Plus it’s healthy! Click here to read the post.

Even milk has been challenging to find in some places. But consider the alternatives and ones you can make, nut or grain milk. I don’t think there is a pressing need for almonds and it is SO easy to make your own. Click here for my previous post and the simple recipe.

Click here for the link for oat milk.

5 Minute Homemade Oat Milk Recipe - DelishKnowledge

Keep Moving

I really miss exercising at the gym. For some reason, while I’m there I push myself harder and work up a good sweat. Taking brisk afternoon walks isn’t quite the same, but there is joy in seeing so many people out walking and children biking. Right across the street from our home is the historic Murphy Bridle Path. It is the only linear public park in Arizona and such an important recreational resource for our City.

Another positive to walking is checking out all the houses in the area. Who doesn’t like house snooping?!

If I don’t exercise I’ll be auditioning for My 600-lb. life after all this is over. Tomorrow I am going to try online work outs to see if I can kick things up a notch. We have a stationery bike and a rowing machine ~ I only hope I can motivate myself to get on them and work hard. What are you doing to move?

Be proactive on managing your stress

There are times I can feel the fingers of fear creeping into my optimism. I suppose that is natural but it’s not my personality to allow it. My first line of defense is to BREATHE. There are so many meditation tools available to us, but my two favorite are Headspace and Calm. Headspace recently created a free support section called Weathering the Storm. It includes meditations, sleep, and movement exercises to help you out, however you’re feeling. This is Headspace’s small way of helping you find some space and kindness for yourself and those around you.

The Cornish Riviera Express thumbnail
Calm Sleep Story: Narrator Andrew Martin

Every night I listen to Sleep Stories on the Calm app. I’ve yet to hear the end of a story because I am lulled to sleep by the wonderful soothing voice of the narrator. I do pay an annual fee, but I truly use it every night. There are other meditation exercises and resources on the app as well.

There is something soothing about an afternoon cup of tea. The chamomile is just starting to bloom in the garden. This herb also helps to calm things down. I’ve also read that valerian tea, green tea and if you aren’t a tea drinker, cherry juice works too. To see the chamomile growing in the garden, click here.

Start a new project!

Cooper helping me wash windows

It feels SO good to cross things off the To Do list. There’s a sense of forward movement when you accomplish goals and finish projects. I am in the middle of washing all the windows in the house. My husband is doing a deep clean on the outside barbecue area. Touch-up painting comes next. Not only is it good to move, but at the end of all of this, your home may look its best ever. If you missed my last post, here is a project update.

Try something new

Who remembers Paint by Numbers? We did this as children (many moons ago) but have you seen some of the paintings they now offer? Not only is this a fun family project, but a chance to focus your energies in an artistic way.

Rose in a Bottle - DIY Painting By Numbers Kit
Rose in a Bottle – $14.99
Artsy Green Plant - DIY Painting By Numbers Kit

You can even create your own painting from a photo or start on a holiday painting now. Check out their website to see all the possibilities.

Create Your Own Paint By Number

There are other creative outlets~~all available online. Want to tour the White House or The Louvre from the comfort of your own home? Or hear a concert? All of these are now at your fingertips online by just searching the internet.

Being Strong for Others

So many people have had to make significant adjustments in their lives. Many are on the front line while we are safe at home. Some are physically compromised.

As parents, we need to be good role models and create teachable moments so our children understand how to deal with inconvenience or hardship. Be the voice that lifts, not scares. Be informative but optimistic.

When Certainty is Lost only Faith Remains

Whatever faith means to you, it is important to have it now. I find solace in watching our church’s online services on Sunday. I am surrounded by the dogs and cats and I can have my coffee too. But sometimes just turning life’s challenges over to a higher being gives us strength to move forward. Whether your “church” is nature, a friend, a pet or a religion, be connected. Reach out to someone you have not spoken to in a while. Write a letter. Watch a sunset and know you’ve made it through another day.

Please let me know how you are doing. Now more than ever, we need each other. Whatever you have planned for today, I am sending virtual hugs and wishing you happiness.

Orange “Gingersnap” roses recently purchased from Whitfill Nursery

The Projects Have Begun!

View from the Family Room to the bulb and rose garden

It has been such a busy week. The Corona Virus Honey Do List is slowly getting accomplished. Seriously, I don’t do well with idle time and keeping myself busy is a good thing! First task on the list is washing the windows.

It’s a bit treacherous with some of the outdoor planting. I think I only stuck myself on this agave a half a dozen times.

I seem to have pretty good luck with this Sprayway Glass Cleaner from Costco. You can also get it at Target, Walmart and Home Depot. It is a foam cleanser which doesn’t run off the glass. I use a two cloth system. I clean with one cloth and follow up with a microfiber cloth to remove any streaks.

I’ve been at it a few days now and only have the first floor windows of the main house done. I envy people who have big glass panes without all the mullions. To give you an idea of how tedious this is, the family room has 168 individual panes of glass…..a real P.A.I.N and that is just counting cleaning one side of the glass!

These windows hand crank open and honestly, it has been years since we’ve opened them. Cooper is even enjoying the beautiful day!

However, the room is now so bright and cheerful. Also, did some spring cleaning by moving the furniture, vacuuming in all those remote corners, and washing the slipcovers and dog blankets.

As you may recall, I am not completely fond of my family room’s decor. The room is quite long and narrow and was, at one point in time, an outside porch. But the windows are wonderful and the scored concrete floor is decades old. To read a previous post about my struggles with this room, click here.

I picked up a hand-painted chest recently at a yard sale and thought it would go nicely in the family room. Here is the before picture of the area. The existing black piece of furniture has served as our liquor cabinet, as it has a lock on it. My husband has a collection of contemporary art that we have tried to integrate in our historic home.


But I think I like this cabinet better as it is a warmer look. It is lower and still serves as a liquor cabinet. What do you think?


The artwork is very special as it was done by my mother’s art teacher that she had in high school back in the 1940s. Charlotte Eastman would teach high school art during the school year and then travel to Europe to paint during her summers. My mother was one of her favorite students. I love her use of color and really feel grateful to have gotten these after my parents passed away.

I am still playing around with the accessories on top, which will take a few weeks of moving things around from other parts of the house.

Another project we are working on is really cleaning out the barbecue area. My husband is tackling that one! The backsplash gets so dirty from all the cooking. We’ve decided to tile the backsplash and I am excited about selecting tile and getting this done.

It’s not all work and no play around here. We’ve established Wine at the Wall Wednesdays, where we meet our neighbors to the south. We respect physical distancing but encourage socializing. This week, we provided the wine. Everyone brought their own glass. The goal was to say hello, check in with each other, and watch the sunset. One of our neighbors is in law enforcement and provided the latex gloves. The laughter and camaraderie was exactly what we needed.

I imagine I will be washing windows for several days, but the effort is worth it. The weather can’t be beat~~a glorious 65 degrees with a nice breeze. Perfect for drying clothes on the line and spring cleaning!

Hope this Saturday finds you healthy and happy. Beautiful gifts (or a very clean house) will come out of this time of challenge. Keep the faith!

Spring and Easter Inspiration

Generally right after St. Patrick’s Day, I am full steam ahead on Easter. But I feel like the last week has been a blur and it’s hard to stay focused with so much going on around us. The purpose of this post is to tune out all the noise, and enjoy Spring and remember that Easter is 2 1/2 weeks away. Really.

* Daffodils in my tulipieres

A small treat for you today, is a link to this adorable Spring printable. Lucy, from Craftberry Bush is SO talented and generous in sharing her happy artwork. Makes me want to take watercolor classes. The printable comes with or without different messages. Click here for the download. So easy to print!

The evolution of the bulb garden is a source of constant joy and amazement. The sweat equity of planting of over 400 bulbs is now paying off. The hyacinths are past their prime, but the tulips! That red! Nothing beats the colors of nature.

Here is a before picture of the non-existent bulb garden last September…..

And now today! You can see the bearded irises just starting to show their blooms.

It dawned on me that Spring is happening all around us. I am very behind in my decorating for Easter. I pulled out boxes today and found some items that I cherish and bought many years ago. It was enough of a lift to get me at least thinking about the Easter holiday.

In order to help get you into the spirit of Spring and Easter, here are some photos from some of my favorite bloggers.

Yvonne, from Stone Gable, never disappoints. Her photos are fabulous and her blog is so informative.

Stone Gable

Plus if you want to make these Chinoiserie eggs, click here. Aren’t they beautiful? I am definitely going to try this.

I just discovered Ann at Dabbling and Decorating. She has a home in Vermont and Maine and a fresh, light look to her decor.

My friend, Kristin, from White Arrows Home is part of an Easter Tablescape and Bunny Hop tour. Kristin lives in the Northwoods of Wisconsin in a big log cabin and I had the good fortune to meet her last October. Isn’t this a whimsical and fun table?

White Arrows Home

Another new discovery is Rachel from The Pond’s Farmhouse, who sold everything, built a home and moved to the country! I like her “nest” chargers.

Barbara from Mantel and Table has a Tuesday teacup series and everytime I see her post, I am inspired to make a cup of tea in a pretty cup. I think we all deserve some pampering now and again.

Royal Albert Moonlight Rose Teacup
Mantel and Table

Courtney from French Country Cottage is a professional photographer and has the most beautiful pictures. Her photos have encouraged me to focus on improving my own photos. To read a previous post about attending her book signing at Patina Farm, click here.

French Country Cottage

Isn’t this tablescape so serene and peaceful? Karen from Sanctuary Home Decor has stunning taste and wonderful ideas on how she changes her home from season to season.

Sanctuary Home

Even though I’ve never met many of my Instagram or blogging friends, I feel like we would be kindred spirits if we lived next door. The internet has provided an opportunity for us to get to know others while respecting the physical distancing requests that have been made of our country.

On a separate note, I wanted to share this last photo to show you our new norm. My daughter, Elisabeth, had to move out of her dorm and back home. She is completing her freshman year by taking online courses here at home. She has found the perfect spot to listen to her Criminal Justice class.

Inspiration can come from many sources. Do you have any Easter or Spring inspiration you want to share? Let’s keep each other’s spirits up!

Have a fabulous Wednesday and stay healthy!

*The tulipieres in the first picture are from The Enchanted Home. Daffodils are a great price at Safeway right now at 3 bunches for $5.00 (while tulips were $1 each). They are closed up but within 24 hours are showing their pretty yellow blossoms. To see a post about these tulipieres, click here.

The Restoration Chronicles~Chapter 3

So much has happened in the last month since I wrote Chapter 2 of the Restoration Chronicles. To see previous posts, click here for Chapter 1 and here for Chapter 2. On this Saturday morning, I hope you will enjoy the latest installment of the renovation journey of Bella Terra.

As you may recall, the addition of a new kitchen and back terrace, started the domino effect in the rest of the house. On Chapter 2 we left off with the new fireplace chimney being constructed with two fireplaces. Since we were adding the large outdoor terrace on the first floor, we expanded the much needed new master bath and bedroom on the 2nd floor.

The pool equipment was moved to a more discreet location. Really, who thought it was a good idea to put it poolside?

As you may recall from the last chapter, nearly all the windows in the house had to be replaced with brand new, custom-made Marvin windows. However, the windows in the family room were beautiful, hand-cranked ones with the original wavy glass. I made the nostalgic decision to keep them. As you can see from the photo below, some of the windows were cut to accommodate window air conditioning units. These had to be re-made.

Hindsight is always 20/20. In keeping the original single paned family room windows, the room is hotter in the summer and quite cold in the winter. A few years ago we installed exterior Sunbrella rolling shades which are controlled with a remote. What a significant difference especially in the summer when we can keep the direct sun off the windows.

Here you can see the progress in the first and story additions. The plaster and stucco work is so messy.

This is the south view. Originally the upstairs terrace was very large. We expanded the footprint of the second story to leave a partial terrace which resulted in a better flowing master suite. As a result, we had to build a new roof.

The upstairs terrace is still a good size. This is the view of both the master bedroom and office French doors. If you can believe it, originally there was no railing at all.

The expanded second story addition also includes the master bath and closet.

I probably should have taken my clothes line down for the picture! Notice that the pool fence is no longer there. We had built a very substantial wrought iron fence around the pool.

One day I found the children shimmying up the pillars and sitting on the top. They could easily scale the 6 foot barrier. They were monkeys, not children. Instead, we taught them, at a very early age, how to swim. Many years later, we took down the fence as our whole perimeter of our property is secured, which meets city code on pool safety.

In this photo you can see the laying of the Ludowici roof tiles and the preparation on the exterior walls for the stucco finish. In the background is the new 3 car garage and workshop. We also had to remove one large palm tree due to its proximity to the house.

The round window with the eyebrow is in the master shower. The rain chain slows down the water from the roof during torrential rains.

Here is a different angle of the new addition. We tried to make the new parts look like they have always been here~~using the same architectural details as the original house.

I really do use that clothesline often!

Life at this time was hectic with 2 children and being very pregnant. Naturally, we wanted to make everything as normal as possible for them. But they didn’t know that living in the middle of this massive construction site was a bit unusual. Home is all about loving where you are, not matter what.

I almost wish I had a huge project like this as a distraction right now. But we’re trying to stay positive while keeping everyone in our thoughts and prayers.

Dining Room Update

As you may recall, last January (2019) I had a group of friends over for lunch and asked for their critical feedback on some of the rooms of my home. See luncheon post here. Their recommendations for the dining room was to “lighten it up”.

The larger wall of this room is facing east and gets the gorgeous morning sun, but due to the front porch and overhang, the lighting is mostly indirect. The “bay” of windows faces north and has the porte Cochere right outside. Again no direct sunlight.

The first thing I did was paint the walls all white. I was very fond of the soft gray/blue that was above the wainscoting, but all the women agreed it had to go. My favorite painter, John, came to the rescue.

The next change I made was to replace the Mr. and Mrs. chairs with upholstered camelback ones from Ballard Designs. I waited for the best sale and then placed the order, but not before I had them send me swatches as there are many different fabrics to choose from.

I wanted the fabric to blend in with the walls and trim, which are painted a creamy white, not a stark white. Dunn Edwards Cottage White SP113. Fabric is Pique Salt Sumbrella.

The chairs arrived and I was so delighted with the quality. The fabric feels rich and the workmanship did not disappoint.

For the balance of the year, the dining room was fine, but still felt heavy due to all the dark wood ~~table, chairs and buffet.

The holidays came and went and with decorations and tablecloths, the room was satisfactory. And I was still pondering what else I could do with this room.

Thanksgiving 2019

Then an opportunity presented itself last month. My dear neighbor was moving and had a yard sale. I scored 4 upholstered Parsons chairs for $50.00! I was so excited I bought them immediately. However, the fabric, though lovely, would not go with anything in the dining room. Plus they were stained and worn.

I contacted Ballard Designs, hoping their Parson chair slipcovers would fit (who knew Parson chairs would be different dimensions). I ordered one as a trial. Long story short, after experimenting with different white slipcovers, I finally purchased 4 of them~~ at $44.25 each!

Ballard Designs did offer the ability to have custom slipcovers made out of the Pique Salt Sumbrella, however, the cost would have been over $200 per slipcover. My total investment for the 4 chairs and stock slipcovers is $227.00

I still need to steam them to get the packing wrinkles out, but I am so happy with how they look. Though the fabrics are different, I believe the shades of white are similar. Slipcovers are Super White Twill.

I still need to properly accessorize this room. The painting above the fireplace is okay, but just not quite right. My friend, Janie, recommended a softer looking painting. I am confident I will stumble upon something that will be perfect. Also, any other suggestions from all you talented designers out there, would be GREATLY appreciated.

So here is the before and after. What do you think?


As always, I am so grateful for your kind comments and feedback. I am off to steaming these slipcovers so I can move onto a different project!

As we all settle into our new “norm”, I am sending the best wishes for your health and happiness.