Wine Tasting and Historical Tour

The theme is Italian

Each year we support the Scottsdale Artist School. Over time, the School has evolved into one of America’s foremost independent art institutions, offering a robust slate of art programs for adults; and a youth academy for teens and children. Last November, during their annual event (which was virtual), we offered to host a wine tasting and historical tour for 20 at our home.

Of course, at the time we were all in the midst of COVID. An event where one can be outside, social distance and taste wine, sounds like a good contribution. We have never done a wine tasting here before, so I did need to think through the details of hosting this event.

Determining Location and Time

My garden

Our property looks its best in April. Nearly everything is in bloom and the weather is perfect. Months earlier the auction recipient and I determine a date. Two hours of wine tasting seems the right amount of time and 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. is selected.

Welcoming the attendees at the front of the house makes the front porch the ideal location to start. From there my husband and I walk the yard and designate 3 other parts of the property. Areas of interest, a shady spot under a tree, and other factors point us to the right locations for a total of 4 tasting stations.

Food and Beverage

Caprese skewers, brushetta, tomato & olive polenta bites

I feel very fortunate to have someone who caters for us frequently, knows my kitchen and is a talented and creative chef. Julie Greder designs an innovative menu with multiple options. After some discussion, we decide on an Italian theme with heavy hors d’oeuvres and food that will complement the wine.

Third wine

This is the first time we engage a sommelier, who is highly recommended to us by our local Safeway liquor manager. We contact Mardi Keckeis and we are instantly good friends. Mardi walks the property and hears our ideas on how we want to the evening to progress, while making wine recommendations.

I put Mardi in touch with Julie and they work on the perfect food/wine pairings.

Renting Glasses

Glasses from Party People Rentals

Since I refuse to have a wine tasting with plastic glasses, I rent flutes and both white and red wine glasses from Party People Rentals. This truly is the easiest option. The cost is minimal and the good news is, that you don’t have to wash the glasses before returning them. Who wants to clean 100 glasses?

Fortunately I have 100 glass plates in my garage, so we use those instead of paper ones.

The Day of the Event

Tablecloth by Days with Darviny

With the help of our healthy, young houseguests, tables are placed around the yard. We decide to add some chairs at the 3rd tasting location as an option for sitting.

My 20+year old dress!

With a start time of 5:30 p.m., at 4:00 p.m. I place tablecloths and flowers on the tables. By 4:30 p.m. I am in the shower and getting ready for our guests. The caterer and sommelier are here so I can now focus on just getting cleaned up.

And So It Begins..

Our sommelier, Mardi

Our guests arrive and we are delighted that it is an entire family. They haven’t gotten together since before COVID and you can see they are happy to gather and share time together.

First wine

The first tasting is Belstar Prosecco D.O.C. with Lemon Basil Ricotta Brushetta and Shrimp Scampi.

While on the front terrace, my husband explains the history of the property.

Gathering on the front porch

The next wine station is near the well tower, guest cottage and gardens. Here we feature a white wine and a classic Brushetta, Caprese Skewers and Tomato and Olive topped Polenta bites. We talk about the well and how we water our property. The hen house is a big hit!

Second wine

Since it is nearing golden hour, it is the perfect time to take a family photo for our guests.

In the orchard

Next we head to the orchard. A delicious red wine, Massolino Barbera d’Alba, is the perfect accompaniment to Stuffed Mushrooms and Risotto. Nasturtiums from the garden add color to the plate.

Risotto and stuffed mushrooms

The final stop is dessert bites on the back terrace with a sparkling sweeter wine, Rosa Regale. Chocolate Cannoli Tarts and Lemon Raspberry Zabaglione round out the event.

All in all, I believe the evening and tasting went well. And to raise money for such a wonderful organization is an added bonus. I’m still on my Fast Metabolism diet so I didn’t get to taste any wines, but they certainly did smell good!

Happy Tuesday! It’s the last week in April. Our houseguests all leave today so the house will feel empty and quiet.

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Saturday Meanderings

Do you ever have one of those days where you are just pooped and resting is the only option? Well, that was me last Saturday with the exception of a long work out at the gym. The day was overcast and must be a drop in barometric pressure, as I didn’t feel like doing anything! So I apologize for not posting last Saturday and look forward to catching up today!

Love this concourse at O’Hara airport

Recent travels

My recent trip to Washington, DC and Old Town Alexandria, Virgina was such fun. Traveling is a breeze (and very clean) and super affordable. The only downside is having to wear a mask. But as with most things in life, we adjust, don’t we?

Cole and Brooklyn’s wedding at the War Memorial

Many weddings this year are postponed until 2021, but many couples are having a small civil ceremony instead. My son officiated this lovely one which was held outside at the Washington DC War Memorial. With an early morning start time, it was a breezy and chilly day with clear blue skies. So proud of the outstanding job done by Benjamin! And congratulations to Cole and Brooklyn!

We stayed at The Alexandrian hotel in Old Town Alexandria and the location is perfectly close to shops and restaurants. The history is abundant and of course, I loved looking at all the homes, shops and the amazing Halloween/autumn decorations.

Delightful Decorations

Our Nation’s Capitol

Washington, DC is such a beautiful city, for the most part. Unfortunately the rioting this summer has left areas looking like a 3rd world country. It is heartbreaking to see and this destructive behavior is something I just don’t understand.

View from my son’s apartment complex

We also visited the Martin Luther King and Franklin Delano Roosevelt Memorial too. Not very many people present so we felt like we had the whole place to ourselves.

Technology and its downside

When I returned I felt a bit like a pretzel after sitting on the long plane ride and sleeping in another bed. Happily I have a chiropractor I love and he does wonders for my alignment. While in his office, I spotted this sign:

Dr. David Welch states he is seeing more 30 year olds with headaches and neck pain. What was shocking to hear is that he is actually witnessing wedge-shaped vertebra as a result of texting. Think about that for a minute.

So just a reminder if you are texting or on your phone a lot, change your posture. I personally find this information horrifying. My neck was gravely injured in a car accident many years ago and trust me, you don’t want neck pain.

The Back Staircase Project

I swear, this is the longest project, but I am making good progress. Here are some sample runners I just received in the mail from Dash and Albert. We have decided on the blue/white stripe one. The goal is to get this project finished this week. However, the rug make take several weeks to arrive.

Charitable Event at Scottsdale Artist School

I am excited to see the painting I donated on the promotional piece for Beaux Arts 2020. Beaux Arts is a fundraising event held every year by the Scottsdale Artist School. This year the event will be virtual so everyone will have a chance to participate! There are so many wonderful pieces of art available for bidding (including my painting above!). If you would like to participate (it costs nothing to register), click here. My painting is under the category 2020 Fresh Paint Gallery among so many fabulous entries(see here). Online bidding will begin on November 7 – 14th.

As much as I love to travel, there is something comforting about being home. The weather is definitely cooler here and we are so excited to turn off the air conditioning and throw open all the windows.

Wishing you a wonderful weekend and Happy Halloween! It’s hard to believe it is the end of October already! Any fun plans for the weekend?

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Life at Bella Terra’s Greatest Hits

Garden entrance

Thank you for visiting my blog on Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday! I am so grateful to my faithful readers and all the new people who are joining us every week. Your comments and questions make my day. Since many of you are new, I thought it might be fun to share some oldies but goodies. Let’s call it Life at Bella Terra’s greatest hits!

Here at our home, we have the good fortunate of space where we enjoy everything from gardening to outdoor entertaining. Here are a few areas of interest.

Gardening and Chickens

My blog post Gardening 101 stemmed from the question, “does gardening take a great deal of time”? After the initial garden plan, the actual work to plant, harvest and maintain a garden is minimal and seasonal. And the benefits are enormous! To see this detailed post, click here.

Composting 101

Another popular post is about Composting 101, which is an ideal project to start during COVID. Being home and creating more waste, composting is the answer to having great soil for your garden. If you could recycle 30% of your trash to make rich fertilizer, why not? See that post, here.

Before and Afters

Our home BEFORE

Don’t you love to look at other people’s homes? I certainly do! And it is a bonus if there are good Before and After pictures. I actually have a file where I keep renovation photos of other projects as inspiration.


Our historic home is always going through a constant renovation. However, the initial restoration was the most significant. In an attempt to capture that journey, I am writing The Restoration Chronicles. So far there are 5 chapters and if you haven’t read our story, click here for Chapter 1.



COVID has definitely put a monkey wrench into our socializing and entertaining. We feel blessed to be the stewards of this unique historical property and share it often to host everything from charitable events to proms. The orchard is one of the areas of the property we use for large sit-down meals. For more details about one of our dinners in the orchard, click here.

I long for the day when we can open up our home and our arms and welcome guests again. If you are dreaming of when we can all reconnect, here is an autumn entertaining post.

Cooking, Baking and Making

The summers do put a cramp in my cooking, as it is almost painful to turn on the oven in the triple-digit heat. However, the minute there is a touch of autumn in the air, I am back to baking. This past year, I learned how to bake sourdough bread from scratch, using starter that I carried home on a plane from Washington, D.C.

My sourdough starters~Hope and Bubbles

If you need a new project while we are all stuck at home, baking bread using a natural yeast, is so rewarding. I just recently shared more sourdough starter with someone who reached out to me and now I have a new friend. Bake bread. Make friends. Check out my post, Sourdough Starter Basics here.

Of course, there are all sorts of recipes in the files of Bella Terra. But here are a few favorites. Key Lime Pie post

Farfalle pasta with Lemon Chicken and Herb Salad

Together we made Preserved Lemons (see recipe here) and then we used them in some fabulous recipes, like the one above. This delicious chicken pasta salad is ideal for the summer~as it can be eaten warm or cold. Check out the recipe here.

DIY and Home Improvement

I am not much of a crafter, but I do like to tackle projects myself, sometimes moaning along the way.

The most recent is a hand stenciled tile bathroom floor in our pool house. If you missed that post you can see it here.

To see the post on the Mailbox/Exterior Light on Guest Cottage, click here

We have accomplished quite a few projects this year, and several with your helpful comments. From the great advice on the vintage mailbox above, to helping select a front door color, your feedback is gold! See that post, here.


Staying organized is such a challenge, but I am inspired to be better at it when I see others accomplishing these tasks. This year, getting the master closet organized was a big win. To see the embarrassing before pictures and the fabulous after shots, click here.

Keeping heavily used spaces like the pantry is always a challenge. But it looks so nice when it is neat and tidy. See the improvements here.


Cooper~loves to sit

For those of you who have pets, you know how important they are to family life. Our two dogs, two cats and numerous chickens are all part of our daily existence here. The Best Kind of Friend is a blog post about the bond we have with our pets, how they shadow us daily and love us unconditionally. Read it here.

Tippy and Donovan

Thank you for all your kind words during Sox’s recent back injury and Tippy’s current failing health. We share in the joy of their presence and the grief of their loss.

Just Getting Through Life

The Importance of Good Friends

You have provided loving ears to some of my life’s challenges as we enter new phases of maturity. It was only a year ago, when I was struggling with empty nesting (see post here). But with the pandemic, nearly everyone is home again! Now, next week I will do a repeat performance as we move our daughter out of the house to start her sophomore year in college. Ah, the ups and downs!

Image result for images of babies smiling

We have talked about Kindness (see post here) and how important it is to Smile (see post here) and how to age well (see post here). Even though we cannot get together physically, we have such a supportive community right here on this blog. The goal with each and every blog post is to provide you with something interesting and important. And I’ve learned so much from all of you along the way.

Sharing my painting journey

Again, I cannot express how delighted I am that you have been with me from the beginning and I extend a warm welcome to new readers. In a world that seems to be filled with division and anger, it is my hope that Life at Bella Terra will be a bright spot in your day.

Happy Tuesday, my friends! If you ever want to see more content on any topic~gardening, recipes, home improvement, decorating, seasonal, whatever it is, please let me know! Thank you.

This post shared with Tuesday Turn About #61

A Royal Novel Surprise

My very first blog post in September 2016 was about a charitable English tea we had here at Bella Terra with New York Times, Wall Street Journal and USA Today best-selling author, Rhys Bowen.

Not only was the event a wonderful fundraiser for Family to Family, (they provides scholarships to students in rural El Salvador) but it wasn’t your typical tedious fundraising event. Everyone got into the spirit of the English tea by wearing fabulous hats and dresses. The caterer, Julie Greder, outdid herself by providing beautiful sandwiches and scones.

As a result, we had a subsequent English tea fundraiser in April 2018. See blog post here. What made both events extra special was the main speaker. Rhys Bowen, with her lovely British accent recounted her hilarious stories about her characters, the details of her extensive research and her book writing experience. Surprisingly, Rhys writes two books a year!

Rhys Bowen

During the event, there are charitable items you can bid on……one being the ability to be a character in one of author’s next books. My sweet husband purchased that item two years ago and quite frankly, I completely forgot about it.

A few weeks ago, I received a call from Rhys asking if I would like to attend a book event at The Poisoned Pen in Scottsdale, where she would be discussing her new book. It was at that time she told me that I was a character in her latest novel, Above the Bay of Angels. What? Wait? Weren’t we supposed to discuss this beforehand?

Since the book hadn’t been released yet, I didn’t know if I was a villain, a tramp, or a pathetic historical character. I don’t know where I got the idea that this famous author would consult with me on what role I would play in her book. Delusions of grandeur?

A must see bookstore in the Old Town, Scottsdale
This fabulous bookstore has an extensive collection of mysteries and thrillers

We drove to the book event which was very well attended. I was excited to hear about the book, while discovering what character was I going to be.

Rhys and book store founder, Barbara Peters

Known for her historical research and her attention to those details in her novels, Above the Bay of Angels is based in London and Nice in 1896, during Queen Victoria’s reign.

Scones, British biscuits and champagne served

Naturally, I was anxious to get my hands on one of her “not yet released” books. I surprisingly found this lovely dedication in the front.

Rhys made me a delightful character! I am in my 40s, married to a Marquis and live in a villa in Nice, France. What I love about Rhys’ books is not only are they a joyful read, but there’s a history lesson in each. Above the Bay of Angels has it all~~oppression, opportunity, crime, adventure and romance.

They say that everyone has their 5 minutes of fame….I’m guessing this is mine! I haven’t finished the book yet, but am in the last few chapters and truly enjoying it. Rhys has a gift of keeping the answer to “whodunnit?” to the very end.

That’s my exciting news for the day! If you love to read and want an author to follow, I highly recommend Rhys Bowen. Her series include the Molly Murphy Mysteries, Constable Evans Mysteries, Royal Spyness Mysteries and currently she has 5 stand alone books. Click here for her Amazon link.

It’s hard to believe it is already Wednesday! Enjoy your day!

Reflecting on 2018

The time between Christmas and the New Year is an interesting one.  I love having less cars on the road, a fluid schedule, and more time with my family. The house is a bit messy but I don’t really care. As this year closes and a new one is ready to begin, it is a good time to reflect on the last 12 months. I am guilty of sometimes thinking ahead, and not spending that necessary time to ponder on what has been.

Here are some of the highlights of 2018:


Most of what we do for entertaining is simple, spontaneous, come on over for drinks and nibbles.  But having scheduled, more formal events forces us to clean a bit deeper, tackle the projects we’ve postponed, and step things up a notch.

It is always such an honor to host a charitable event, where people have a wonderful time for a good cause.  In March, we had our second Afternoon Tea with New York Times Bestselling Author Rhys Bowen. We get to play dress up with our hats and nibble on civilized food, gather with friends all while helping others.

In the spring, our property is at its best.  Flowers are blooming, the trees have their spring buds and the weather is generally perfect.  Hosting Junior Prom for my daughter and her 20 friends, was as much fun for me as it was for them.

Perhaps one of my most favorite events is Valentine’s Day.  We are at an age where we don’t do much as a couple, but having a small group of good friends for a lovely sit-down dinner is just perfect. I tried something different with the table setting and the effect was magical.


I tried some new recipes this year ~~ Key Lime Pie, Lemon Pots de Creme, Madeleines and a gingerbread house.

Before and After

As some of you requested, I posted more Before and After pictures of Bella Terra, including the master bedroom, wine cellar, kitchen, library, mudroom, my girls’ bedrooms and the exterior renovation.

New Vintage Style Kitchen | Kitchen Inspo

Organization Projects

Each year I try and reorganize some cluttered area of the house (there are MANY), and was able to improve both the Butler’s Pantry, the kitchen pantry, and the mud/laundry room.

Personal Achievements

Yes, there were a few milestones this year~~our son’s graduation from college and the beginning of his professional career.

However, I do not miss assembling Ikea furniture at his apartment in Washington, D.C.!

My Willetta house restoration finally sold and the family kindly invited us to their holiday open house. It is such a gift to know this family loves all the hardwork and attention to detail we put into restoring this grand old dame.

All in all, 2018 was a good one for us.  Some years aren’t so gentle, but we are basking in the glow of this one.

Personally, I couldn’t have continued writing this blog without you, my subscribers.  Just when I am feeling discouraged, someone has a generous compliment or comments about a recent post.  I know in this busy world it is difficult to find time to sit down and read about life around here, but I so dearly appreciate it when you do.

As always, I look forward to your comments and criticisms.  With feedback I can only get better. As the year comes to a close, I send you my biggest hugs and lots of quiet, loving moments for your and your family. Thank you for your continuing support and friendship!



P.S. I didn’t provide links to the various blog posts mentioned above, but if you are interested in any topic you can enter it in the search bar.




The Concept of Home

Since my visit last weekend to Patina Farm for the book signing by French Country Cottage, I’ve been pondering the concept of home. Brooke and Steve Giannetti spent countless hours planning and designing their home, making it unique and special to them. Courtney Allison’s home is filled with romance in the French country style.

It’s hard not to return to Phoenix and look at our home with a more critical eye. What does home mean to you? I posted a part of this on Instagram earlier this week.

Home ~~For me, it is a soft place for our children to land. Where they can be themselves under any and all circumstances.  Where their friends are always welcomed. Where they know they are unconditionally loved.

A home that is filled with animals that wag their tails and greet you happily at the door.

Where warm and wonderful smells pour out of the kitchen.

A place you can wear decades old sweat pants with holes and no one is judging.  (No picture here, folks!)

A creative outlet for expressing my own style, collecting cherished items and finding comfort in the every day routine.


Where tears are wiped and boo-boos are kissed.

Where I can find solitude when I need it…..

and the company of family and friends at all other times.

Home is where things grow and change, sometimes successfully and sometimes not. Where learning and living is one big experiment.

Is our home perfect? No.

Is it magazine ready? Definitely no!

But life here is genuine and real with a goal to find the sunny side of life.

A sanctuary from the madness in the world.  Where simple, lovely, sincere, and elegant feed my soul.

Life at Bella Terra is our treasure chest of memories~~a place we call Home.  

What about your home? How is it special and unique to you?