Saturday Meanderings

A hot and humid Connecticut sunset

It is SO nice to be home and able to write a Saturday Meanderings again. Sorry for being absent the last few weeks, but it’s been a bit frenetic. So grab a cup of coffee and let’s catch up with all new and exciting things that are happening.

Trip Back East

As I have mentioned before, I am flying back and forth to Connecticut to settle up my aunt’s affairs. The good news is that upon arrival, the hydrangeas are starting to bloom. The bad news is the excessive high temperatures and equally high humidity are unbearable in my aunt’s home ~which is not air conditioned. Plus there is no internet. Groan.

Donating furniture and bulk trash

But with only a few minor injuries and very sore muscles from moving furniture, I did get a lot accomplished. When the long flight back to Phoenix landed late at night, I was just SO HAPPY TO BE HOME. My sweet husband picked me up at the airport and on the way home this happened….

While we are waiting on the exit ramp for the light to change, an out of control white pickup truck traveling at excessive speeds comes out of nowhere and lands perpendicular on the front of our car, A nasty 5 car pile up and fortunately no one is injured~which is almost hard to believe. Since this is an open investigation I can’t share much more, but 3 hours later, we are finally able to go home, stunned, shaken and glad to be alive.

Another Watermelon Recipe

Watermelon Frosé

If you missed the blog post last week about my favorite watermelon recipes you can find it here. We are consuming so much of this delicious fruit, which is a delightful on our hot days. Here is another recipe adapted from Ambitious Kitchen. I cut corners and make this Watermelon Frosé a bit easier and it is equally delicious.

Freeze 4 cups of watermelon (cut into 1″ cubes). I froze mine on a cookie sheet. In a blender (I use my Vitamix), add the watermelon cubes, 1 bottle of chilled Rose wine and a squirt of agave syrup (optional) and blend until slushy. You may need to stir it up a bit as you go. Serve with a fresh mint sprig. Yum.Yum.

Frozen Dog Treats

Frozen dog ice cream

You can buy frozen dog treats in the freezer section of your grocery store (like Frosty Paws). However, if I cannot recognize an ingredient or if there are more chemicals than actual food, I don’t buy the item for us (or our dogs).

A piece of Greenie for an added surprise

It is easy to make your own dog ice cream using plain yogurt and peanut (or another nut) butter. Mix the yogurt and peanut butter (use whatever quantities you like) until well blended. Place in small containers. As an added bonus I put in a cut up Greenie (or similar dog treat) in the middle. Place in freezer.

Cooper loving his frozen treat

I really need to purchase some paper cups in lieu of plastic ones. The dogs do chew up the cups and I do not want them to swallow any plastic. There appears to be a good selection here.

Did You Know?

Our Hen house

We have several chickens in our hen house, and those gals are still laying quite a few eggs even during the heat of the summer. When the hen lays the egg, it comes out with a wet coating that dries instantly. This coating is called the “bloom”.

Fresh eggs

The bloom is the first line of defense in keeping air and bacteria out of the porous egg shell. If an egg is washed, the natural barrier is removed, which accelerates decay of the egg.

Unfortunately, commercial egg growers wash their eggs before sending them to market. If you buy eggs at the farmers market or other places other than your local grocery store, you may want to ask if the eggs still have their bloom.

Since we do sell our eggs to friends, I recently had these cute tags made up that I place on the top of each carton. The tag explains that we do not wash our eggs here at Bella Terra, because the bloom keeps the egg fresher longer.

Bloom info

Prior to using the egg, if you wish, you can wash them. Though you don’t need to refrigerate unwashed eggs, we refrigerate our eggs regardless. If you have ever been to other country, you will notice that they do not refrigerate their eggs, but stack them up for sale. I’m guessing that’s because they leave the bloom on.

These cute tags are designed by Jen Gregory from Simple Modest Mom and printed by Impact Printing Services here in Phoenix.

New on the Internet

Hester & Cook vinyl floor mat

Hester & Cook have new vinyl floor mats that I am considering. My sweet friend, B.J. owns a few of these (purchased from another source) and she loves them.

Currently my small rugs by the doors by Dash and Albert are looking a bit sad, so maybe this would be a good alternative. Does anyone own a vinyl rug? Thoughts?

Fall decorating ideas by Stone Gable

When it is 113 degrees, it is very difficult to think ahead to Fall. But we are starting to see more autumn posts and inspiration, as Back to School is right around the corner. Yvonne from Stone Gable just shared a lovely post full of fall decorating ideas. Her photos are stunning and you can see it here.

Tomatoes from McClendon’s Select

A few posts ago I stated my desire to have a care free summer. Well, that certainly hasn’t been the case. In addition to being absolutely swamped with absorbing an entire household from my aunt, I spend countless volunteer hours on our neighborhood association board. It’s been a bit stressful and I am praying for it all to settle down soon. My therapy is being in the kitchen and with 60 lbs. of Roma tomatoes and a sink filled with fresh basil, it’s apron time for me this weekend.

If you missed any of my posts this week, you can find them here:

Dividing Irises (and see my friends’ gardens too!) and Room by Room ( a tour of our front hall)

Have a happy one, my friends. And stay safe out there.

If you enjoy this post, please feel free to share on Pinterest. And you can follow me too @lifeatbellaterra.

Ways to Look and Feel Younger

Gardening is therapeutic

Let’s face it. We all get older. But don’t you find it interesting that there are people in their 70s that have more energy and joie de vivre than some people in their 40s? What is the secret to living life to its fullest and looking good in the meantime. I certainly don’t have all the answers but here are some ways I try to look and feel younger. Making an effort to improve your health, attitude, appearance and spiritual connections will enhance your life.

Posture and Shrinking

Working on your posture is W.O.R.K. However, if you do not, you will eventually be stooped over, look shorter and older.

There are several reasons why a person may lose some height as they age: osteoporosis, flattening of the feet, dehydration (which can cause our spinal discs to compress), stooped posture due to loss of core muscle strength.

The good news is that you can improve your posture and slow down shrinkage by exercising and eating right. Calcium and Vitamin D are key to building strong and healthy bones – but vitamin C and vitamin K also play an important role in bone health.  Strength exercises are a must, whether lifting weights, playing tennis, running or jogging, as they all contribute to bone health.

Bad habits. Photo from 123RF

Bad habits that contribute to shrinking include slouching, a lack of physical activity, smoking, drinking alcohol or caffeine excessively, extreme dieting, taking steroids and poor nutrition.

Two years ago I had my first bone scan and I was surprised to find out that I have some bone density loss. Actually, it made me mad because at that time I was working out 6 days per week. So I consulted with my chiropractor, started using bone building supplements and changed my workout routine. The latest bone density scan test results show a big improvement~much to the surprise of my doctor.

Please check with your doctor before taking any supplements. I take one Strontium every morning and 2 Bone Builder Forte at night.

Sitting is the New Smoking

Photo from Posturite.co.uk

Get up and move. I try to limit the time I spend at my computer writing this blog, and I am always trying to practice good sitting posture. When I walk, I squeeze my shoulders together and engage my gluts, while holding in my abdomen. This very hard task isn’t something I am yet to retain throughout my walk, but I keep trying!

My Pilates instructor, Heather at Maximum Pilates

I cannot say enough about Pilates as I take a one hour class twice a week. This gets me to move in ways I typically wouldn’t and it is part of my weekly exercise program. Pilates keeps your core very strong which also helps with your posture. And it’s a wonderful community of like-minded women, who are trying to age the best way we can.

Keep Hydrated

Pretty ways to help me drink more water

Dehydration negatively affects the body in several ways. It is the main cause of heat exhaustion. It also leads to a loss of strength and stamina. Chronic dehydration will lead to kidney problems. For some reason, I have not been drinking enough water. Please join me in trying to drink half your body weight in ounces every day. There is a quick way to tell if you are not drinking enough. Check your urine. It should be a light straw color. And being hydrated plumps out the wrinkles!

Care for your skin and hair

Petting dogs lowers your blood pressure

Dry skin and dull hair just makes you looks older. There are so many products available at all different price points. Invest in a good haircut. Keep yourself groomed. It only takes a few minutes to tidy yourself up if your are going out in public. You will feel better and as a result, look better too. To see my skin care rituals, click here. Haircut by Roscoe at Pucci Salon.

Are you Happy?

We all look much better if we are smiling. Are you happy? If not, what can you do to add happiness to your life. Though life can certainly throw you curve balls, happiness is a choice.

My friend, Chloe recently sent me this quote from Pavana Reddy. “Your soul is attracted to people the same way flowers are attracted to the sun. Surround yourself only with those who want to see you grow”.

Quite honestly, dump those people in your life that are energy vampires. Life is too short to be robbed of your spiritual essence. Be happy. Keep smiling. To see my post about the Importance of Smiling, click here.

Limit your Media time

Photo from TMS Center, Lehigh, PA

I no longer watch the news. It is the best thing I have done this year to promote positivity in my life. And I don’t care if I am not informed. So much of the news isn’t really news, but opinions and if something is monumental, I will hear about it. The benefits are enormous as I am no longer spending a few hours a day watching television and getting frustrated. Now, if I do watch television at the end of the day, it’s something happy before I head to bed.

Getting off of my smartphone is another goal of mine. There are some benefits with checking in a few times a day but if you find yourself spending hours watching other people’s lives, then it may be time to put the phone down and use that time for yourself. Studies show a correlation between social media and depression. For more information on this, click here.

Care for Others

Photo from Benchmark One

If you focus your efforts on helping others, it’s amazing how good you will feel. Pick up the phone and call a friend. Help a neighbor or an animal. Get involved in your community. So many people need a helping hand and doing so will take your mind off your own problems and give you a sense of well being.

There are so many things we can do to increase our happiness and health. One of my top blog posts of all time, 10 Tips on Aging Well is full of even more information. See it here.

I am constantly trying to be a better, kinder, and more interesting person. My goal is to be active and as healthy as I can be until the day I die. Please share any tips you have on staying young at heart. We need to keep motivating each other!

Happy Wednesday, sweet friends!

If you enjoy this post, please share on Pinterest.

Saturday Meanderings

I hope everyone enjoyed the nice, long holiday weekend. Each year we head to the mountains where the July 4th holiday is extra special. Everyone’s cabin and golf cart is adorned in red, white and blue and there is a strong sentiment of patriotism and love for our country. And, I do feel like I got some relaxing in! Welcome to this week’s Saturday Meanderings, where we just chat about all good things.

Patriotic Bear

I am always amazed at the energy and creativity residents put into decorating their homes and participating in the parade. From highly decorated trucks and trailers to innovate dance routines, the Bull Frog Loop parade doesn’t disappoint. And I think this year’s parade is extra special after a year of lockdowns.

Hosting a Brunch

Fruit/croissant board

Since our cabin is on the parade route, we always host a pre-parade brunch. With about 30 guests, I did rely on the same menu that I do every year. My egg casserole (here) and a blueberry coffee cake (here). Since we have a large rectangular wooden surface, I made this fruit/croissant board. Mimosas and bloody Mary’s add to the festivities.

Bringing the Dogs


This trip we did bring Cooper and Sox up to the mountains, and of course, it takes a few days for them to adjust to all the activity. But as you can see, it didn’t take Cooper long to dominate the sofa.


Our pocket beagle, Sox did celebrate his 14th birthday. Our sweet old guy can’t hear as well and his eyes are getting cloudy with cataracts, but he still has puppy moments.

New Baby Birds

Bird nest before

Last Saturday, I did share this picture of a nest found in one of the large geranium planters. It’s been hard not to peek but I just couldn’t resist and yes, the birds have arrived!

Bird nest after

Each morning, I sit on the front deck with my coffee and watch the parent birds fly back and forth with food for their babies. The marvels of nature.

Using Puff Pastry

Tomato Tart

Pepperidge Farm puff pastry is a staple in my freezer as there are so many easy recipes you can whip up at the last minute. This week I did try a tomato tart from Twigg Studio. With caramelized onions, goat cheese, thyme and lots of lovely tomatoes in a puff pastry, isn’t this tart beautiful? Click here for the recipe.

Using up the apricots

Having an additional puff pastry sheet, I did use up the rest of the goat cheese, sweetened with honey, and ripe apricots for this tart. Drizzle a bit of honey on the top and bake. Since I did this on the fly, I didn’t measure anything but in retrospect, I would add more honey as the apricots are a bit tart. 400 degrees for 30 minutes (but note: this is high altitude cooking here).

Personal Gourmet

Individual servings of protein

For many years I use the services of Personal Gourmet. Locally, Chef Jimmy Watters delivers restaurant grade protein to our home. This service has been a life saver with being able to have chicken, salmon, steaks, fish, meatballs, shrimp and similar proteins always on hand. Individually shrink wrapped and stored in the freezer, I cook up what we need and only have to make a salad or provide a vegetable side dish for a complete meal.

Personal Gourmet

This is such a convenient service, especially with our growing family or even now, just for the two of us. Before leaving for the cabin, I placed a large order with Jimmy and now I have both freezers filled with things to eat. Since I prefer to cook at home vs. going out to eat, I know we are getting high quality choices for lunch and dinner.

It appears that Personal Gourmet may be located in Californa, Texas and North Carolina, in addition to Arizona. For more information about this convenient and delicious service, contact Chef Watters at 602 -339-2059.

Finally Painting again

Vase of flowers

I haven’t picked up a paintbrush since my Christmas painting of our cat, Donovan. Yikes. For something that I enjoy doing, I cannot seem to be disciplined enough to make time for it. But, being at our cabin with a more relaxed schedule, I am able to start a new painting! This painting’s inspiration is actually an arrangement of wisteria and lilacs done by my friend, Barbara from Mantel and Table.

It is not done yet, but it does feel good to put brush to canvas.

Watercolor Tutorial

Finding Silver Pennies tutorial

Danielle from Finding Silver Pennies is a talented artist and designer. In one of her latest blog posts, she has a tutorial on painting mini watercolor seascapes. The video is 6 minutes long, and it is a fun way to experiment with watercolor paints.

My attempt at mini-seascapes

With limited supplies, I did Danielle’s video this week. I do not use watercolors very often but practicing with her guidance is a good start! See Danielle’s post and video here. Danielle and her son (a young and inspiring artist) sell their artwork and various items on the Finding Silver Pennies website. Check it out here.

If you are in need of a watercolor set, there is a nice selection here. It helps to paint on watercolor paper. And don’t forget watercolor paint brushes here. Happy painting!

Laughter Therapy

Image from The Return of the Modern Philosopher

It’s fun to share a good laugh, but did you know it can actually improve your health? After a very long and challenging year, it’s more important than ever to laugh and be happy.

It is true: laughter is strong medicine. It draws people together in ways that trigger healthy physical and emotional changes in the body. Laughter strengthens your immune system, boosts mood, diminishes pain, and protects you from the damaging effects of stress. Nothing works faster or more dependably to bring your mind and body back into balance than a good laugh. Humor lightens your burdens, inspires hope, connects you to others, and keeps you grounded, focused, and alert. It also helps you release anger and forgive sooner.

Image from Quartz

As children, we used to laugh hundreds of times a day, but as adults, life tends to be more serious and laughter more infrequent. But by seeking out more opportunities for humor and laughter, you can improve your emotional health, strengthen your relationships, find greater happiness—and even add years to your life.

So go out there and laugh! It will make your face look younger too!

Beautiful view at White Mountain Country Club

Cheers to you from the White Mountains of Arizona! Have a wonderful rest of the weekend.

If you missed my blog posts this week, see them below.

Gathering Seeds
Refinishing Outdoor Furniture

Saturday Meanderings

My patriotic charcuterie tray

As I am writing this I am in the mountains of Arizona and out of the insufferable Phoenix heat. The only downside to owning a second home is there is always some maintenance problem to tackle. But I’m not complaining, as it is cool, green and gorgeous here. So let’s get started on our chat about all good things this past week. Thank you for joining me for Saturday Meanderings on this July 4th holiday weekend.

Speaking of home maintenance..

Dead A/C and dead lawn

Upon our return from our 10 day trip to Nantucket, the air-conditioning unit servicing the kitchen, mud room, and library died. Fortunately, our HVAC person is able to quickly respond and get us a new one. OMG! When did the price of air conditioners skyrocket? But after a full day of installation, the kitchen is now nice and cool.

Painting the deck railing

Our cabin has decks made of wood. One of these days, I know we should go to the expense to replace them with a composite material, like Trex. But that too is expensive and anything to do with construction materials is difficult to get right now. Well, I just couldn’t stand the blistering surface of the top of the deck railing by the front door. So a couple of quick passes with a belt sander and a few coats of Behr’s Weatherproofing All-in-One stain and sealer, and it’s a temporary fix for now.

Isn’t Nature Interesting?

As you may recall, we bring our big pots of geraniums up to the mountains for the summer. They LOVE the cooler weather and occasional rains. One of the first things I do when I get to our cabin, is dead head the plants and water them.

However, yesterday, a bird did not appear happy that I was near the plant. It was chattering at me looking quite disturbed. Sure enough, look at the beautiful nest I found buried in all the foliage. But why 3 blue eggs and a speckled one?

Why is a cowbird egg in someone else’s nest?

Cowbirds are brood parasites, which means females lay their eggs in the nests of other birds and let the other mother bird do all of the rearing.

The cowbird will wait for a resident bird to leave her nest and then will usually damage or remove one or more eggs and replace that one or more eggs with her own.

The foster parents unknowingly raise the young cowbirds. Who knew? Thanks to my son, Benjamin for sending me this information.

Update on Furniture damage

Thanks to many of you who shared their remedies for repairing the damage to the dining room table. I did try mayonnaise, but to no avail.

Once we return home, I may try a few more times, but in the meantime, are also seeking knowledgeable furniture repair specialists.


It’s that time of year for lots of barbecuing and I cannot recommend these grill mats enough. Not only do they minimize clean up, but the grill marks still occur and the food tastes the same. Recently, we did grilled peaches and they were perfect!

I like the fact that you don’t have a messy grill when you are finished cooking. The mats clean up easily and are reusable. You can find them here.

My Garden

Pedilanthus macrocarpus, Lady Slipper. Image Green Meadow Growers

The high summer heat does fry many of the plants in the garden. Surprisingly some plants are actually blooming, like the Lady Slipper, a succulent that looks a bit prehistoric to me. The thin, lime green, leafless stems, create wavy, straight or arched clustered growth.

Lady Slipper in bloom

Right now, they are flowering with delicate pink blossoms that look like a lady’s slipper. Sorry the photo is a bit blurry.

Pumpkins in July? I just picked two pumpkins from the garden. One of these years, I am going to get the timing right. Last time I grew Fairytale pumpkins they were done by mid-June. But aren’t the stems wonderful?

Beautiful Pillows

Pillow sham from My Stylish French Box

One of the beautiful items I received in the May box from My Stylish French Box, is this gorgeous pillow sham. The colors are perfect for our master bedroom (see the master bedroom here). Not only is the quality very good, but I am able to order another one through the website. The second pillow sham arrived and don’t they look fabulous on our bed? Here is the link to the pillow sham.


Apparently the theme for the August box will be Un Weekend à Saint-Tropez. To learn more about this box, click here. These boxes make perfect gifts too.

Happy Independence Day!

Patriotic table

Wishing you all an enjoyable, safe and happy holiday. Remember to celebrate the true meaning of July 4th~our freedom and the signing of the Declaration of Independence.

Thank you again for following me and sharing all your stories, inspirations, and recipes. I am so grateful to all of you!

If you missed any of my posts this week, you can find them below.

DIY Patriotic Wreath
A Trip to Nantucket

Saturday Meanderings

Pretty photo of the week. Bracelet from Holland and Birch

We are already at the second week in June. Not sure I remember where March, April and May went, but they certainly flew by. Welcome to another Saturday Meanderings, where we discuss all the fun and good things happening around us this week.

Flag Day on June 14

Betsy Ross showing the United States flag to George Washington

Growing up, I remember celebrating Flag Day. Does anyone do that anymore? If not, I vote that we should. We have such a beautiful flag which is so symbolic of our country’s freedom.

So what is Flag Day? It is the celebration of the adoption of the American Flag on June 14, 1777. In the midst of the Revolutionary War, the first American flag was designed to represent the 13 colonies with 13 white stars on a blue field and 13 alternating red and white stripes.

in 1782, the Congress of the Articles of Confederation chose the colors for the Great Seal of the United States with these meanings:

  • white for purity and innocence
  • red for valor and hardiness
  • blue for vigilance, perseverance, and justice

Personally, regardless of political differences, our flag always deserve respect and honor. If you need flags for Flag Day or July 4th, there is a good selection here. Happy Flag Day!

Vacation Dreams

Beach Hut, Corwall, England

Even though I love living here in Phoenix, I long for a vacation (or vacation home) by the water. There is just something calming about staring out over an ocean, an inlet or a large lake. Literally for years I have been dreaming about the perfect beach home. And then I saw this….

Beach Hut and 40 acres

For sale in Cornwall, England is this tiny historical cottage on 40 acres and 1. 4 linear miles of coastline. If I only had a mere 1.75 million pounds laying around.

Beach Hut in the Spring

Called the Beach Hut, it is a vacation rental currently. In the 1920s it was a tea room as this is one of Britain’s top 10 geological sites. Once it is sold, who knows what will happen to it. Below is a picture of the interior. The cottage is one room with an open kitchen and wet bath.

View to kitchen

How charming is this! I do love how the current owners decorate the space.

Stone fireplace

In looking up the rental schedule and it is not available for several months. It also comes with a boat house.

the boat house

The Beach Hut is used for photoshoots, TV commercials and for film locations.   It’s also a popular stop for surfing champions. If you saw the Demi Moore 2006 movie, Half Light, this location is the star of the show. To read more about this cottage, Cote de Texas does an extensive review of its history and rental information. Click here.

A girl can dream, right?


I do not know if there is a correlation between the COVID lockdown and the increased population of bugs. In addition to the pests in the garden, I now seem to have an increased moth problem in the master closet. In a previous post I featured the Cashmere Protection Pouch I found on Amazon to protect my sweaters. You can see that here.

But I did want to take a more active role in reducing any future infestation of these pesky critters. BugMD Clothes Moth Boss traps use pheromone-infused glue to capture closet and cabinet dwelling moths that chew holes through your clothing and linens.

Using a nontoxic and pesticide-free method, insects are trapped in this cardboard tent for reliable, mess free control. Folded design keeps the pheromones from sticking to surface garments, shoes, or people.

The Moth Boss comes with a hanger so you can easily place them inside your closet near clothing. Add to linen cabinets, laundry rooms, and other areas where you suspect a moth infestation or if you want to prevent one.

These traps last 12 weeks and I’ve had them up for about 4 weeks. So far they seem to be working. I hope to order more for our cabin where I know we have lots of moths. You can order them here.


Peter Thomas Roth Water Drench

I seem to struggle with finding the RIGHT skin care products. Personally, I wish there was a resource who knew all the products available, could assess my skin type, and then prescribe the right lotions, cleansers, masks, etc. When I go to a department store, I know the employees are incentivized to sell certain products and often, find they are just not right for me.

A recent American Express offer put a $50.00 credit toward a Peter Thomas Roth product. Needing a moisturizer for our hot summers, and being practically free, I did order the Water Drench Hydrating Moisturizer. This concentrated 30% Hyaluronic Acid Complex cream provides up to 72 hours of hydration—even after cleansing. 

I have been using it for a week now and I must say, I am so pleased. It is as if I can hear my skin gulping it up. The product is so hydrating and its description of being a “cloud cream” is spot on. Will keep you posted on this, but I can honestly see and feel a difference. If you are interested in this product, you can find it here.

Does anyone use Peter Thomas Roth products? If so, please let me know if I need to purchase others.


Apricot tart with almond crust and Amaretto custard

Typically this is the time of year I would be harvesting LOTS of apricots. But after a significant whacking off of the branches in the late winter, we had minimal fruit this year. The trees look healthy but I’m sure reducing them by 50% is a shock to their system. However, the few I harvested are delicious.

Apricots are in season and this recipe is one of my favorites. It is a Martha Stewart one and the combination of the almond crust, Amaretto flavored custard and sweet, juicy apricots is a winner. Made two of these tarts this week. See the recipe here.

Another very simple use for apricots is a rustic tart using pie crust. If you don’t want to make your pie crust from scratch, I love Trader’s Joes frozen pie crust as it is the next best thing. Just toss the fresh apricots with some sugar and a pinch of salt. Place in the center of the crust.

Pinch the pie crust up and over the edge of the apricots and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 45 minutes or until it looks like this.

Serve warm or cold with whipped cream or ice cream or a drizzle of Amaretto! So easy, simple and delicious.


Patrolling over the 6′ perimeter wall

Our sweet and very large dog, Cooper is recovering from an injured paw. His right pad is raw and tender. Of course, excessive licking hasn’t helped either. We tried cleaning it out, but all 120 pounds of Cooper did not enjoy that. Currently, we have ointment and a gauze pad wrapping the area. Trying to keep him from removing it with a white athletic sock. He is not happy about any of this. Cooper is the all white version of the Anatolian Shepherd, called an Akbash.

Cooper and his boo-boo

This week Cooper ran to our south wall to see his dog friend next door. When he was out of sight, I heard this loud body slamming noise. I ran to see what happened and Cooper looked disoriented, dazed and kept shaking his head. I don’t know what happened, but we are keeping an eye on him. Wonder if he flipped over and hit his head? He does seem much better but dogs are like children, you constantly worry about them.

This Week’s Posts

If you missed any posts this week, here they are:

How to Make a Garden Obelisk here

Father’s Day Gift Guide here

Have a wonderful weekend. We are enjoying lovely morning and evening weather here. However the prediction is that our true summer heat will be making an appearance next week. Summer is upon us!

If you enjoy this post, please feel free to share on Pinterest.

Saturday Meanderings

Heirloom roses from the garden

Welcome to Saturday Meanderings where we just chat about anything and everything! Grab a cup of Joe or tea and I am so happy you are joining me today!

My buddy Cooper

Today is my birthday. I am 65 years old. How the heck did that happen? Quite honestly, I feel 25 on the inside, yet the outside is definitely showing some wear and tear. So here is what 65 years old looks like. Granted, this is after a hair cut and some make-up, but I still feel quite young and vibrant.

Needless to say, we are off celebrating this weekend and I’m very excited! Our destination is Castle Hot Springs, a 1,100 acre ranch secluded in an Arizona canyon with natural hot springs.

Castle Hot Springs

We may not celebrate my birthday in style every year, but my husband gets kudos for planning this. Click here to see the surprise trip to Blackberry Farm for my 60th birthday.

An Unexpected Trip

Earlier this week, we drove to see my cousins in Victorville, CA. Unfortunately, my sweet cousin, John recently received a challenging diagnosis and we hope our visit provided some fun and laughter. Since we grew up in opposite ends of the country, it is wonderful to hear family stories from their perspective.

image by Jeff Adkins

I have never been to Victorville or Apple Valley and it is a delightful place in the high desert of the state. Listed as one of the top 100 places to live, I can certainly see why. Warm during the day, the temperature drops at night for the perfect sleeping weather. They live in a wonderful, patriotic community with a view out to the snow covered San Bernadino mountains.

Books on Tape

I guess the books really aren’t on “tape” but during the roundtrip 11 hour car drive to California, we listen to Audible books. In my opinion, the success of an audible book is the narrator. Murder at the Dolphin Hotel by Helena Dixon and beautifully narrated by Alex Tregear, is 8 hours and 7 minutes long and is considered a cozy historical mystery. We did enjoy it and it seems to make the drive go by faster.

What’s Blooming

April is the month where I believe our property is at its all-time best. Here is a snapshot of what’s blooming now.

The iris are in the middle of showing their delicate petals.

After whacking back the rose bushes in January, they always make a gorgeous comeback.

The photo at the top of the post is a bouquet of the heirloom roses (Quatre Saisons) that have been on the property for decades. I tried propagating them last spring (to no avail), but if you want to try rose propagation, I have a great tutorial on it here.

Every time I see a snapdragon I remember showing the children how to make them open and close like a mouth. Even the petals look like they have teeth, right? For some reason, the snapdragons are huge and abundant this spring.

And those hollyhocks are taking over the property. They are EVERYWHERE! I still have many seeds that I am happy to share (just email me at marycrz@cox.net).

San Miguel de Allende

Photo by Fodor’s

This destination is on my bucket list. Has anyone ever been there? San Miguel de Allende, a colonial-era city in Mexico’s central highlands, is known for its baroque Spanish architecture, thriving arts scene and cultural festivals.

Getting there isn’t fast or inexpensive. However, I do dream about going there someday. In my saved files, I am keeping this Belmont hotel, Casa de Sierra Nevada, as a possible future accommodation.

One Bedroom suite

Doesn’t this look just amazing?

Belmond also does the Venice Simplon-Orient Express train~another bucket list destination. Maybe when I become a famous blogger, they will treat me to a trip!

Well, that’s it for Saturday Meanderings. Wishing you all a wonderful weekend. I cannot wait to share our adventures at Castle Hot Springs!

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Photographs of me done by Cozy Clicks

Hair done by Roscoe Nichols at Pucci Salon

Makeup done by Kayla Spencer