Adding Autumn to the Dining Room Mantel

Both the dining room and living room have ideal mantels in which to decorate for the holidays and seasons. Typically in October, the dining room mantel is filled with Halloween themed items. But this year is so different than all others. Between the pandemic and the fact that we no longer have small children that get excited over Halloween, my heart just isn’t in to pulling out all the spooky items. It is just a strange year overall. So instead, I am adding a bit of Autumn to the dining room mantel.

Here is the Before of the mantel. To see more of my dining room, click here.

Start with a Blank Slate

I remove all the items and leave the painting, as I hope it will work.

Add Layers

On the mantel, faux fall leaves and cotton branches create a base of fall color and texture. Amazon has a great selection of fall leaves here.

And Height

To add some height, I add two wheat sheaths. I found these lighter colored sheaths of wheat on Amazon and I actually think I like them better. Click here to see them.

Books are always a good tool to use to provide some anchoring or to use as a pedestal for another item. This “set” of books is really a French faux book form cordial set. However, you can use something like this, faux books or real tomes.

Unique Pieces

One of my cherished pieces is this antique carved Virgin Mary and Jesus on an oval pedestal with a glass dome. Adding some faux orange berries really enhances her blue and white gown. This statue is placed on top of the old books.

Seasonal Artwork

I remove the existing painting and bring out an original by California plein air artist, Lynn Winans (1897-1982). With the colors of autumn and known for his landscapes, this painting reminds me of the rolling hills in California. What it needs is a proper frame, but in the interim, I set it on a pedestal.

And then fill in

Using some of my fabric pumpkins, I fill in the empty spaces with their plump shapes and colors. To see how to make these, click here.

A set of brass candlesticks on the left side adds a bit of brightness and height.

The nail that holds the larger previous painting is noticeable. I try to disguise the nail with faux leaves. Do you think the “falling leaves” are goofy looking? Not sure how I will mask that~maybe just some touch up paint and it will disappear. Maybe a mirror layered behind it? Please share your suggestions!

Slowly, ever so slowly, I am decorating the house. It is cool enough here in the mornings to turn off the air-conditioning and open the windows. I am baking more too, but it still feels like summer during the day. Strange weather, strange year.

Enjoy your Wednesday and let me know what you are doing to add fall to your home.

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This post shared with Between Naps on the Porch Metamorphosis Monday #611